Transmissions Of Light

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From Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light, Oct 17, 2018.

Beloved ones,

A belated introduction to the energy of October. As you have been discovering for yourself, the energy of this month is faster-flowing than any you have yet known. It is wise to take advantage of this.

This is not the time to sit on your heels, waiting for things to come to you.

There is great potential available now. Align with it in your actions so that you can fuel your Soul's desires. This window is not to last long.

Because of the alignment of the stars and the energy permeating the planet from Central Sun, there is a great deal of energy available to you now. Be sure to take action in the direction of your Soul's desires to avail yourself of it.

It is time to align with your Highest Timeline.

Put your time and energy to use in constructive ways, in order that you are able to receive the full benefit of this energy to support you as you align with your Soul Purpose.

Now is the time to move forward.

No more hesitation, or telling yourself the story that you're not enough.

No more listening to the ego's stories.

Instead tune your ears into the voice of your Highest Self.

You are here with a Sacred purpose to fulfill.

Ask to be guided each day in what steps you need to take to fully align with your Soul Purpose.

It is time for action. Harness the energy of the last 2 weeks of this month.

A period of rest and integration will follow this.

Now is time to hone your gifts to prepare yourself for your Sacred work in the world.

You are to be a brilliant Light in the world.

You are now ready to step into everything your Soul came here with the Intention to Be.

It is your time.

You are more ready than you know.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light.