Transmissions Of Light

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From Archangel Metatron, July 10, 2018.

Beloved ones,

It is our joy to greet you here.

We have been longing to let you know that we in the angelic realms are with you at all times.

We surround you with our love, and our protection is with you whenever you request it.

These things encircle you. Even when you feel like you are alone and there is no one who can help you; we are with you at all times.

You are never alone.

Do not despair. We are with you at all times. You can never be alone.

When you feel stranded, alone, and like the world is too much, we ask you to turn to us; deepen into your connection with us.

Call on us, for we are there to assist you. Ask us to give you clear signs and reassurances that we are with you. Ask to be surrounded by and feel the depth of our Love.

Do not think that you are not worthy of this, or that you cannot - or do not know how - to ask.

All one needs do is say the words:

Archangels, I ask that you surround me in your Love, Light and Protection now.

Before long you will feel yourself held and supported, cradled in the arms of Love.

Do not doubt this feeling, dismiss it, or undermine its significance. All healing emanates from this feeling of peace in the heart space.

Allow yourself to be held by us and deepen into this feeling of a deep and abiding peace in your heart center. Notice how it spreads and permeates each part of your body, bringing replenishment to each of your cells.

Expand this feeling by breathing into it.

Breathe in the Love that we have for you. On your out-breath, breathe this feeling of peace and safety into every part of you.

Do this three times and Know that we are with you.

Remember this at all times, for you can never be alone.

We trust that this message will bring you peace and calm in these times when there is much turmoil on Earth.

With much Love and Respect for the Being of Light you are and for the Light you hold and share in the world,

It is I, the Archangel Metatron.