Transmissions Of Light

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From Archangel Metatron, September 4, 2018.

Beloved ones,

I am happy to greet you in this space.

I wish to congratulate you again on how well you are managing to ride the intense waves of energy coming into the planet.

Much of the energy has brought up uncomfortable feelings and old patterns for release.

You have been able to deal with these with a great deal of Consciousness and grace; and in doing so to release yourself from yet another layer of the grip they have had on you.

While there will always be more growth, more expansion while you are living in the Earth plane; you have brought yourself to a point where the growth and expansion will be easier for you going forwards.

You are now able to learn and absorb many of your lessons by anticipation of what might happen if you play out a particular Timeline.

In your conscious choice of another Timeline - one that is aligned with a Higher vibration and Higher Consciousness - you are able to avoid the pain of the pattern playing out, and simultaneously dissolve it and release it from your field.

For more stubborn patterns you can ask us, the Archangels, to release things for you using this simple phrase:

I call now on the Archangels of the Highest Light, asking that everything that is not aligned with my Highest Timeline is now released from my physical, emotional, and mental fields. With gratitude for this and so much more. So Be It And So It Is. Thank You.

When you are faced with an uncomfortable situation or some kind of conflict, ask yourself:
How can I bring this into the Highest Timeline for me and everyone else involved?

Then listen to the whispers of wisdom that your Higher Self speaks to you.

By doing this, you will quickly be able to bring your thoughts, words and actions into alignment with the Higher Dimensions and a Higher Timeline. This is what is desirable and needed now.

I ask that you integrate this practice. Observe the changes it brings in your life; the changes it brings in your relationship with yourself and others.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light