Transmissions Of Light

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From Archangel Metatron, September 23, 2018.

Beloved ones,

Thank you for taking time in your busy lives to pause and reflect; to be still. To be with the wisdom in your heart space.

This is a skill that few of your kind see the value of. And yet it is your greatest strength - to be able to connect to the wisdom of the Divine through your conscious connection to your heart space.

I ask that you continue to make this time each day. Setting time aside to be in silence. To be with your breath.

Allowing your thoughts to still for a while; coming into a place of Sacred quiet and stillness where you can hear what your heart wants to share.

Honor this as a Sacred act.

There are none more Sacred.

When you do this, you connect with the wisdom of your Soul.

From this place spring forth your truest and purest Soul desires.

Allow yourself to take this time for you.

Do not feel guilty.

This time in Sacred connection with your Self is important.

It is what allows you to be a blessing to all.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light.