Transmissions Of Light

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From The Goddess Green Tara Of Absolute Light, June 12, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones, It Is I The Goddess Green Tara Of Absolute Light,

I am here to welcome you into this Sacred Space today. I thank you for your time and your dedication in following the path of your Soul’s Highest Calling.

It has not escaped my attention the great degree of earnestness you bring to your Service Work.

While this greatly pleases me and the other Embodiments of The Divine Feminine Of Absolute Light, we ask you not to forget yourself in your great desire to be of Service to the Whole and in the world.

True Service can only be Enacted from a space of Love, which only occurs when you are Filled Up and Radiant with The Light Of Your Own Being.

Take time to be in nature. Take time to rest and play. These are the largest requests I have of you at this time.

Spend time with the ones you love and who make you feel the Lightness Of Your Own Being.

Spend time with those who Acknowledge the Light In You and See You for Who You Are.

You have no idea how much the world is going to speed up once the Summer Solstice is past.

Take time to relax and Nurture Yourself now.

It Is I, The Goddess Green Tara Of Absolute Light.