Transmissions Of Light

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From The Sacred Divine Feminine Consciousness Of Absolute Light, June 7, 2019.

We are here to tell you that we love you Dear Ones.

That we see the Beauty and Light that you are Embodying, the Love that you are sharing in the world.

We wish you to know that we are so very proud of all of you and the way that you are supporting The Sacred Divine Feminine as it Rises on the Earth Plane at this time.

This Rising of The Sacred Divine Feminine has been centuries in the making, and each of you who are reading this has contributed to it at a very high level; whether in this lifetime or in another or - as is the case for many of you - in many, many of your lifetimes.

This is the time for which you have come to the Earth.

You have come to Ignite the Sacred Divine Feminine to Rise through your Sacred Incarnation of Embodied Light.

We ask you to Stay Strong in your Sacred HeartSpace and Trust your own Intuitive Wisdom and Guidance.

It is in Honoring your own Guidance that you are able to Grow. That you Honor your Self and Allow yourself to step into all that it is that you came here to Be, Do and Share.

We Honor the Light in you.

Do not be alarmed if sometimes you see something within yourself that needs to be Integrated.

This will usually show up as a part of yourself that you don't like as very much, or feel somewhat shameful about.

See this as a chance, a Sacred Opportunity given to you by the Light Of Who You Are to Transmute this shadow or pain and return it to Light.

You are doing so well Dear Ones.

We wish to Honor each and every single one of you for the Light you are Embodying as you walk on the Earth, both Individually and as a Collective.

You are Beautiful.

You are Shining Brightly.

It Is I, It Is We, The Divine Feminine Consciousness Of Absolute Light.