Transmissions Of Light

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From METATRON & Mt SHASTA, May 15, 2020.

This is an Exceptionally Important Weekend in terms of the Higher TimeLine that is now Being INTEGRATED Into The CRYSTALLINE CORE That is at the CENTER Of The EARTH Of The HIGHER DIMENSIONS.

This is an URGENT CALL For The LightWorkers, WayShowers, Ascension Catalysts & Ascension Guides: PLEASE go Within This Weekend as much as possible; Connecting to the S0URCE Of LIGHT Within & To the GREATER SOURCE LIGHT Without To Support The EARTH At This Crucial Time In Her ASCENSION TIMELINE.


While The EARTH Has Fully GROUNDED In The ENERGY Of The 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th DIMENSIONS, It Is Now TIME For Her To Ground In The ENERGY Of The 9-11th DIMENSIONS.

You - The BEINGS 0F LIGHT In HUMAN FORM - Can Help The PLANET You Are Currently Incarnated On At This Time By GROUNDING DEEPLY INTO THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE - Over The Next 48 HOURS Especially - & Beyond That Through The First Half Of Next Week. (Week Starting Monday MAY 18).