Transmissions Of Light

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From Mt FUJI & Mt SHASTA, March 13, 2020.

From Mount FUJI:
My Dearly BELOVED ONES Who Walk On The Back Of The EARTH And Call Themselves Her People, how BEAUTiFuL & BeLoved You Are - Loved By The Stars, The Oceans, The Sun & The GREAT CENTRAL SUN That Shines Upon You At All Times & Is Now - For The Next 24 Hours & The 24 Hours Previous - Raining Huge Amounts Of CELESTIAL LIGHT On You That Is Supporting Those Of You Who Are On This Path In Aligning With & Expressing The Next Highest Expression 0f The BEINGNESS That You Came Here To EmBODY.

From Mount SHASTA:

Work With These Numbers - Every Hour If Possible - Speaking Them Aloud Once To ALLOW US TO SUPPORT YOU Through This Process:

2-2-2 2 2 212 2-1-2.

(The Numbers Are Effective Until The End Of March 13 In The Time Zone You Are In & About 2am Of The Next Day - 3/14.)