Transmissions Of Light

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Channeled Messages From The Beings Of Absolute Light, April 12, 2022.

From St Germain -

Hello dear Beloveds,

What exciting Times in your Realms - and what a privilege it is to be part of this Ascension Process with you and to be able to provide Support to your Earth Realms At This Time.

There is so much love and care in my Heart for all of you and I am so happy to see many of you moving beyond that which has held you back for so long.

The Crystalline GAIA REALMS are starting to be Grounded into your Reality Now - there is much coming up for Release.

Let it All Go.

It will only Weigh you Down if you try to Hold Onto it.

Continue to Call On the Violet Flame And Also the Platinum Flame - for they will Greatly Support you in your Release of all that is not Serving You.

You have shown great Courage and great Strength.

The path before you is still long - and yet it is less of a distance to traverse than that which you have already successfully walked.

Know this in your moments of difficulty and continue to Trust in Your Soul to Guide Your Way.

With love for each of you in the Situation you Find YourSelf In.

It Is I, St Germain Of Absolute Light.

From The Holy Spirit -

Dear beautiful Light-Filled Beloveds of the Divine,

I am honored to be in your presence and to share my Light with you today.

Know that you are Receiving a Great Activation of Light as you read this Message which will Support you in Elevating into a Higher Vibrational Frequency of Love.

It Is Your Time To Evolve.

It Is Your Time To Know YourSelves in the Higher Truth which you came at this Time to Discover About YourSelves.

It is a continuous Unfolding into more of the Love and the Light You Are.

You are much more Powerful than you know.

I wish you to Remember this - and to Create from this place.

You have the Power of the Divine Within You that is Supporting you at this time in Aligning with the Highest Energies Coming Into the Planet.

Be in a State of Peace and Joy that you may Transmute the Lower Densities and Come Into a Greater Fulfillment of Your Divine Potential.

It Is I, The Holy Spirit.

From Yeshua -

It is with love in my Heart for Humanity that I connect with you At This Time.

You are on the cusp of great change that has never been seen on such a large scale in the human heart and psyche.

The Plasma and Photonic Light coming into your Planet have Upgraded the Human Vessel to such an extent that you are Ready to move into a new Expression of your Being.

It is with great joy in the Higher Dimensions that we observe the speed with which you are making the transition into Bodies that are more Crystalline.

Your bodies are adjusting well, and it will not take long now for the Collective Consciousness to start to Shift and Change.

Dear Ones, you are the Leaders of this Shift and we Honor all you are doing to bring about the Birth of the New Earth.

With love in our Hearts we are sending you a wave of Plasma Light to Support your Ascension Process Now.

It Is I, Yeshua Of Absolute Light.

From The Ascended Crystals Of The Ascended NEW EARTH -

We love you, we salute you, we celebrate with you The Birth Of The New Earth.

The Crystalline Frequencies are now Permeating your Planet to a degree that has never been seen before and they will continue to do so over the next 20 - 30 years to Support the Human Race in her Ascension into her next Level of Being.

You will be changing so much that you will hardly know yourselves.

Not only those of you who have been referred to as the Indigos, Crystals and Rainbows, we wish you to know that all of you are now the Crystalline Children of The Ascended New Earth.

This is your Divine Heritage.

This is Who You Came Here To Know YourSelves As.

It Is Now Time for you to Create Your Realities - Both Individual And Collective - Anew In Alignment with the Energy of the CRYSTALLINE NEW EARTH FREQUENCIES.

This is more possible now than it has been to this point because of the Huge Gateways Through Which You Have Passed in the first few months of this, the year 2022.

Much has fallen away that was holding you back - and the Path Before you is Freer of obstacles than it has been to this point.

Keep your focus on what you want to Create and Allow the Divine Essence Within you to Flow Through You and Bless the World.

We thank you and honor you for being here At This Very Important Pivotal Time In These Realms We Too Love So Much.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Ascended Crystals Of The Ascended NEW EARTH.