Transmissions Of Light

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Channeled Transmission from Jupiter & Saturn, Dec 22, 2020.

Dear Beautiful Beloveds In The Earth Plane -

We are Delighted at the Closeness with which You HuMans Perceive Us At This Time - & the Interest You Take in Events Unfolding in the Galaxy Beyond Your Own Beautiful Mother Earth - Our Planetary Sister.

We wish to Welcome You on Planet Earth Into The GALACTIC FOLD At This Time - For This Is What You Are Upgrading Into at This Very Precious & Important Time - Not Only For You As the Inhabitants of Earth - But Also For The Entirety Of The MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNI-VERSE -

An InterDimensional Awareness Of Who You Really Are - MultiDimensional Souls Incarnated On Earth At This Time In Order To Assist In The Elevating Of Her Vibrational Frequency - So That You May Transcend Your United - or should we say Collective - Past - of Limitation & Density & Judgment & Separation - & Start To Embody The TRUE CHRISTED DIVINE LIGHT That Is Who You Are & Who You Be.

As an Adjunct to this Message, We Ask That You Each Take Better Care Of Our Sister & Each Other ie your Fellow HU-Mans.

This Will Be Still More Necessary In The Days Going Forth From This Point In Your TimeLIne.

We wish to finish by Communicating To You That You Are Glorious In Your ASCENSION PROCESS - We Clap Our Planetary Body Hands In DELIGHT As We Observe YOU Ascending Into Levels Of LOVELIGHT Never Before Seen In The Earth Realm.

Your Ascension Process Is So Much More Accelerated Than You Know Or Understand - or even than had been Forecast by any within the WHOLE MultiDIMESIONAL UNIVerse.-

And Now - As You Read This Message - We Share with You An INFUSION OF LIGHT That Will Lodge In the Cells & DNA Structures Of Each Of You To The Degree That Is Welcomed By Your HIGHEST SOUL TIMELINE As An Individual + As A COLLECTIVE - To Support GAIA - Our Beloved Sister - & Her BEAUTIFUL INHABITANTS - By which we mean You - For We See the GREAT BEAUTY in YOU That You Have Not Yet Been Able To See In YourSelves - This Great Beauty Of the Expansive Potential That You Are Constantly Growing Into The Embodiment Of - in Coming Powerfully Into The Next Highest Embodiment Of Your Collective LIGHT.

Dear Ones - we last wish to Ask of You - When You LOOK into the Sky to Send Love to the Stars - for The Star Beings Have So Much LOVE FOR YOU In The Earth Realm In This MONUMENTAL Now Moment.

And we wish you to know that the More You Do This, The More You Will Open To The Receiving Of The Days That You Lived In Those Other Star Systems & On Other Planets In Other Galaxies & Other DIMENSIONS As Memories That Your HU-MAN SELF CAN ACCESS To Support You In Assisting The Highest TimeLine Of The EARTH PLANE'S ASCENSION PROCESS - Always, of course, in the Ways That Your UNIQUE SOUL Came Here To Do So.


In Light. In Truth. In Beauty. In UNI-TY.


The Beings Of Absolute Light add that we are Receiving a lot of Powerful Upgrades & Energetic Alignments Through & Beyond The 12:21 Gateway Opening To Higher Levels 0f Light In The EARTH REALMS.

They Ask Us to Rest & Let the PHOTONIC LIGHTCODES Integrate to Prepare Us for What Is To Come in 2021.