Transmissions Of Light

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Channeled Message & Energy Transmission From The Divine Sophia Energy, August 20, 2023.

Beautiful Shining Ones,

You Are So Light-Filled, So Beautiful In Your Embodiment Of The LoveLight Energy Of The Ascending New Earth.

I Have Several Requests To Make Of You At This Time To Support Beloved GAIA As She Supports Beloved Humanity In The Ascension Process -

1) Be Extremely Patient With YourSelves As You Move Through This Stage Of The Ascension Process. Much Is Coming Up To Be Released & It Is Important That You Are Kind, Loving & Compassionate To Self.

2) Be Still More Patient, Kind, Compassionate & Loving With Those Around You. From The Second Week Of September The Energy Is Going To Become Very Intense For Those Not Choosing Their Highest TimeLine At This Time.

3) Let Go Of All Fear Or Anxiety For Your Future & Trust In The Divine Plan, Simply Taking One Step Forward At A Time As Your Guidance Asks You To.

4) Let Go To All Attachment Of Needing Things To Be A Certain Way.

5) Put Your Focus On Manifesting The Life You Want To Live.

6) Allow YourSelf To Take It Slow When You Need To - But Keep Moving In The Direction Of The Divine Destiny You Know To Be Yours.

7) Uplift Those Around You By Being Your Joy & Light-Filled Self.

These Are The Precepts I Would Have You Put Your Focus On At This Time.

With Astounding Love For You & The Journey You Are On As Individuals & As An Ascending Collective,

It Is I, The Divine Sophia Energy.