Transmissions Of Light

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Energy Forecast & White Tara Transmission, July 3, 2023.

Energy Forecast From The Beings Of Absolute Light - Into The Latter Half Of The Transformational Year 2023:

The Quickening Is Upon You To An Extent Like Never Before.

Allow YourSelf To FLOW With The Energy That Presents To You - Whether That Is Things That Are To Be Released & Cleared Or Great Joy & Excitement Coming Through.

Work On Your Divinely-Given Projects.

There Is Much Forward & Action-Driven Energy Available To You Now.

It Is Not Enough To Sit Back & Let Others UpLift GAIA.

You Know Your Part.

Do Not Turn Away From What Is Being Asked Of You For Fear Of Lack Of Ability To Enact It.

There Are So Many Here That Need Your LOVING PRESENCE Here Now.

We Love You. We Are Proud Of You. More Proud Than You Could Possibly Imagine.

And Yet, We Are Here Asking You To Step It Up & Take It To The Next Level - THAT Is What The ENERGY Of This Year In Its Latter Months Is All About.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Beings Of Absolute Light.

It Is I Goddess White Tara Here To Communicate With You All Today.

First, I wish you to know that you are Perfect Already As You Are - whatever Stage of your Journey you Currently Find YourSelf On.

Second, the LIGHT That You Are Now Is Nothing Compared To The Light You Are To Become.

Third, The Entire Cosmos Is Supporting You In Your Ascension & Upgrading Process Now.

Fourth, there is nothing so beautiful as the Heart Open to a Deeper Embodiment of the LOVE THAT ALL IS.

Fifth, it is important that you Seek Out Fellowship with those You Resonate With.

Sixth, Take Time To Be With Those You Care For. Many Are Suffering At This Time. Their Experience Of Suffering Is Very Real To Them. You Can Give Much Comfort By Bringing Your Loving Presence.

Seventh, let yourself do More of What You Love.

Eighth, the Person You Are Seeking To Become Is Also Seeking To Become You. Do Not Be Afraid To Step Out In Alignment With Your Visions And The Guidance Your Receive.

Ninth, Let The LOVE That You Are FLOW Through You In All That You Say & Do.

It Is I, The Goddess White Tara Of Absolute Light.