Transmissions Of Light

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Channeled Message From Krishna Of Absolute Light, Nov 30, 2023.

Dear Beautiful Beings Who Are Grounding So Much Of The Energies Of Love, Light Frequency, Presence, Peace, & Release Of Guilt, Shame & Blame Into The Earth;

How marvellous is the Work that you do on Behalf of the Whole of Humanity as you Undergo this Process.

It is with so much love in my Heart for you that I Observe your Realms and all that you Hold, Have Held and that is Now Coming Up for You To Release so that You can truly Liberate YourSelves & Be The Shining Example Of LoveLight Radiating for the Whole.

The World Needs You To Be Strong Now - for there are many that will feel lost, confused, broken, torn apart in the weeks and the months and perhaps even the years to come.

It all depends on you Dear Ones - not in the sense of the smaller you that is the LightWorker Community; but in the sense of the Wider You of the Human Collective.

What will you Choose?

Will you continue to choose the lower Activities & Vibrations of Dislike, Fear, War, Hatred, Intolerance, Prejudice, Ridicule of Others, Dishonoring of Self and what you Know to be True in your Heart?

Or will you Elevate your Consciousness and Allow this to Transform you so Completely that you are Made Anew?

You may think you are not ready for this, or perhaps that you cannot do it - it is too much of a big task that we set before you.

But all you need to do is to Surrender each of these lower vibration Emotions or Thought-Processes to The Divine as it Arises and then let the Rest be done for you.

For the tremendous news is that The Divine is so deeply Honored & in Awe to See the LightWorker & WayShower Community Truly Holding the Light on Behalf of the Planet in spite of Great Personal Strain & Pain in some cases, that The Divine has decided to Pour Still More Influxes of Exceptionally High-Vibrational Light into the Entire Collective throughout the months of December through August 2024.

More & more will start to feel this as a sense of disconnection to their previous self; or perhaps as a great tiredness in the Body; or perhaps as a loss of hope, as a Dark Night of the Soul Arises for them to take them from where they are now to where they need to be to truly Surrender to The Divine Plan for Humanity At This Time.

You are to be the Strength, the Holding Space for them -

You are already Embodying this Energy Dear Ones, so do not think you cannot do it - but it is essential that you clear your schedules of too many commitments and too much busyness so that you may be there and be present for those around you as and when they need you to be so.

We have great faith in you Dear Ones - you have Proven YourSelf Time & Time Again.

You Are True Light In These Realms & There Is So Much Gratitude For You From All The Light Beings Supporting The Earth In Her Ascension At This Time.

Allow Yourself to Rest As Needed.

It Is Important That You Are Built-Up in this way that you may Serve Those You Are Here To.

In Love, In Honor, In Deep Deep Respect,

It Is I, Krishna Of Absolute Light.