Transmissions Of Light

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Channeled Message From The Planetary Consciousness Of Ascending Gaia, Sept 12, 2023.

Dear Beautiful Beloveds Who Walk On My Back,

It Is I, The Planetary Consciousness Of Ascending GAIA.

I wish to Connect with You today more than anything to let you know of the Changes that you can Expect to See Going Forward from this point.

First, there will be a lot more Love Consciousness on the Planet. This will start in small ways, with Individuals becoming Kinder To, More Patient With, More Loving To Both ThemSelves & the People directly Around Them.

Gradually it will Expand to include also Those not in their Immediate Circle.

This will be the Start of the Evolving Human Consciousness that is to take part for the Collective - they will quickly be Brought Into a Higher Place of Alignment with the Love That They Are.

Over time - though it may take a few years - the World will become a Kinder, a Safer, a more Enjoyable place to live as a result.

Second, there will be a redistribution of Abundance that will aim to Support Those Working on Behalf of the Light.

This is so that the important Messages they Share, whether Channeled or Spoken From Their Own Consciousness, can Reach More & Support More In ReMembering Their Truth - YOUR Truth As Planetary Beings Who Came To My Surface At This Time To ReDiscover YourSelves As The LOVE That You Are & That All Is.

Third, there will be much Upheaval - with people Moving, new Relationships & Connections being formed, new Job situations and much more. This is not to be seen as overly negative - more a time to Come Into the Quiet of Your Heart & Ask YourSelf what it is that you Deeply Want to Do - and to Allow YourSelf to Do More Of That.

Until Now Many Of You Have Identified YourSelves By The Work You Do - this is to End at this Time, as you will come into a Deeper Understanding of the Full MultiDimensional Nature Of Your Being & begin to Express More Aspects of That.

It Is A Magnificent Time.

A Magnificent Time To Be Alive And On This Planet.

We - the Various Consciousnesses of the Ascending GAIA - Honor & Thank Each One Of You Who Is Here At This Time.

Each Of You Is Playing Your Unique Part - Each Of You Is Essential To The Evolution Of The Whole, & We Thank You For The Great Service You Give.

In Love & Honor,

It Is I, The Planetary Consciousness Of Ascending GAIA.