Transmissions Of Light

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From Mt Fuji & Mt Shasta, August 20, 2021.

Dear Beloved Earth Ones,

We Are Here Holding You In Love Through This Next Important Phase Of Your Transition In Consciousness Into The Vibrational Frequency Of The New Earth.

The New Earth Grid Is Now Firmly Integrated Into The Physicality Of The Planet & Vast Amounts Of Plasma Light Are Flooding In To Support You On This Highest TimeLine That Has Been Decreed To Unfold.

You May Experience Physical Tiredness And/Or Symptoms.

Many Of Your Latent Gifts Will Be Opening Up.

It Is Not A Time To Be ‘Busy’ - rather Let YourSelf INTEGRATE All That Is Coming Through To Support You At This Critical Time.

Be impeccable in your vibrational frequency - examining anywhere you are out of Alignment with the Consciousness of the New Earth.

We Love You.

We Are Here Supporting You At All Times With Our Energetic GridWork On Behalf Of The Planet.

We share these Number Codes that will Support You in the Integration of the Incoming Energies.

Please read them aloud - 1 - 3 times daily - for Maximum Benefit & Support over the course of the next 10 days:

6 5 3 3 1

It Is We, It Is Us, The Mountains SHASTA & FUJI.