Channeled Messages From Divine Source & The Indian Ascended Masters, August 5, 2024.

From The Indian Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light -

Dear Beautiful HuMan Beloveds In The Ascended Earth Realms,

So Great Is Our Love & Honor For You.

So Huge Is The Task That You Are Undertaking In The GAIA Realms Now - Much Bigger Than You Know. And Very Definitely Destined For Success We Wish To Reassure You.

We Wish You To Be Aware Of These Two Things.

Many More Synchronicities Are Present In The MultiDimensional GAIA. Be Aware Of The Synchronicities That Present In Front Of You - In Many Cases They Can Act As GuideLines To Direct You Towards Your Highest Path For This Time, And/Or To Confirm The Path You Are On.

Second, Bring Still More Awareness To The Vibration Of Thought You Are Holding. Keep Your Thoughts Centered In Love & Peace - Not Fear or Divisive Thinking.

We Love You, Honor You & Are With You At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Indian Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light.

From Divine Source -

Dear Beautiful GAIA’s Children Of The Light,

You Are Astonishing To Me In The Amount Of Light Energy That You Are Able To Integrate Into The Physical Cellular Structures Of Your Body. It Shows Just How Well You Have Prepared Your Vessels.

Do Not Step Back From This Task That Is Yours Now.

Keep Releasing All That Is Dense And/Or Heavy From The Physical, Emotional And Mental Bodies & Fields.

Many Many Karmic TimeLines Have Been Cleared On Your Behalf To Support You As An Ascending Collective In This Embodiment Of Greater Amounts Of Light.

This Will Make It Easier For You To Release The Patterns That Have Had A Stronghold On You & Held You In Place Thus Far.

There Is So Much Possible For You Now.

Take This Chance To Self-Examine And To Release That Which Is Not Aligned With Compassion - Gratitude - Generosity - Respect For All Life, And The Other High Values Of Love.

Be Kind To Those Around You. Most Have Further To Traverse On This Path Than You & They Require Your Compassion & Practical Support And Advice - Sharing What Methods, Techniques & Practices You Incorporate To Support Your Own Awakening Into A Greater, More Light-Filled Version Of Self.

Be Gentle Also With YourSelves. There Is Much Work For You To Do At This Time As We Enter The Embodied NEW EARTH Realms. Make Sure To Rest When You Need To And Return To The Unique Tasks Given To You By Your Higher Self And/Or Guide Teams As You Are Able.

With Love, Honor & Astonishment At The Beauty Unfolding In GAIA Now.

It Is I, Divine Source Light.