Welcome To This Page All Who Find Themselves Here.

We are living in a time of Great Change.

It is a New Era: The Era Of Light.

Lightworkers, Wayshowers, StarSeeds - Creating NEW EARTH. Channeled Messages & Ascension Lightcodes. www.transmissionsoflight.net

We, the StarSeeds, LightWorkers and WayShowers, are the Sacred Holders and Custodians of Light.


It is our Sacred Soul Purpose to be Incarnated on Earth at this time to Anchor Light into the Crystalline Gridwork of the Earth and support Humanity in her Evolution into more of the Diamond Crystalline Light That Is Who We Are in Our Sacred Soul Essence, in doing so offering support to the Earth during the Planetary Ascension Process.



When we chose to come here and Incarnate in a Physical Body, we each of us chose to come as a Living Embodiment of Pure Crystalline Light.

This Light That We Are - that is The Absolute Highest Truth that We Can Express and Embody during our Physical Incarnation - has been forgotten by us as we have lived in the Physical World.

Now more and more StarSeeds, LightWorkers and WayShowers are being Awakened to our Truth; Supported by the Higher Dimensional Light coming into the planet and Multiple Beings of the Absolute Highest Light to Awaken and Ascend so that we may be the Frontwave of Humanity’s Ascension Process.

The Essence of our Soul’s Journey through life is to Re-Member, Activate and Embody this the Essential Truth of Who We Are:

Embodied Divine Light.

Originating Source Consciousness Incarnated in Physical Bodies.

Each of us an Individuated Aspect of the Absolute Oneness of Absolute Light.


This is the Sacred Knowing being Activated Within and Re-Membered by each of us as we Align with Our Ascension TimeLine.



As a Human Collective we are being called into the Next Phase of our Embodiment Process: the Knowing of the Sacred Truth of our Inherent Divinity In And Through the Human Experience; the Divinity of Self Known and Experienced In us; Through us; As us; as an Actualized State of Beingness that we Embody as we walk in the World.

As Incarnate Beings in the EarthPlane we are Condensed Divine Light in Physical Form - our Physical Body a Sacred Vessel that Allows Us to Experience and Express the Unique Aspect of Divine Source Light That Is Our Highest Truth As we Exist in the Physical World.

It is time for us to Know OurSelf Experientially as The Eternal Divine LoveLight That We Are; to BE the Embodiment of the Light That We Are in Our Soul Essence as we Walk in the World.

It is time for us to come into the Embodiment of The Divine Self: - Lived And Experienced In Us, Through Us, As Us as we put our Intention and Attention on Consciously Shifting from old ways of being into New Earth Ways of Being Grounded in Higher Consciousness, Love, Integrity, Purity, Presence, Joy, Knowingness and the Conscious Honoring of our Truth; as we Integrate our MultiDimensional Aspects - Connecting with our Star and Galactic Families and LightTeams and Integrating Soul Aspects and the Awareness of Self as a Divine Being of Infinite Light; and through the Physical Ascension - ‘Decension’ - Process of Higher Self and LightBody Embodiment, and our Embodiment of the Zero-Point Energy Field.

Through this Amplification of our Energetic Alignment with the Infinite LoveLight That We Are At Our Core, We in the EarthPlane become the Living Embodiment of New Earth; our Collective Embodiment of Light as LightWorkers Acting as a Catalyst for the Human Collective to Ascend.


Embody The Divinity Within.

BE The Light That You Are In Your Sacred Soul Essence.



As LightWorkers, WayShowers and Ascension Guides it is our Intention as Individuals and as a Collective to Share of the Unique Light That We Embody in ways that are of Support to Others in coming into a Higher Expression of the Divine LoveLight and Joy That They Are At Their Core.

Unified in our Commitment to Embody Our Unique Soul Light and to Actively BE the Embodiment of our Highest Self Aspect, living in Alignment with our Soul’s Highest And Most Authentic Truth as Revealed to us in Each Moment of Now; we Consecrate our Intention as we Ask that that which we Share - whether that be our Journeys, out Gifts, or our State of Beingness - is of the Highest Service to Humanity in coming into a Higher Embodiment of Her Light, and that in all our Creations we may be a Vessel for The Unique Aspect Of Divine Source Light That We Are to Flow Through: Living Bridges joining the Earth Plane and the Higher Dimensions.

As Sacred Vessels for Divine Source Light we are Living Bridges between the Earth Plane and the Higher Dimensions.


Wherever we are on our Journey, each of us has Important and Sacred Roles to Fulfill.

We each Bring Forth and Embody Unique Gifts and Skills Shared With Us and Through Us by The Divine for the Highest Good Of The Whole.

This Website and the Channeled Messages and Sacred Offerings on it are the Light of the Divine Flowing through me in ways that enable me to Embody my Unique Soul Light in Service to the Whole. May they Bless You on Your Soul’s Journey.



We are Divine Beings of Eternal LoveLight on an Ever-Expanding Journey of Self-Realization and Self-Actualization, Re-Membering Our Sacred Truth As Unique Expressions of Divine Source Light.



May we Know ourSelf in our Truth.

May we Know ourSelf in our Highest Expression.

May we live Connected To the Sacred Truth of Who We Are: Infinite Beings of Divine Love; Infinite Beings of Diamond Crystalline Light.

May We BE The Living Embodiment Of The Love That We Are.

May We BE The Living Embodiment Of The Light That We Are.

May we Know our Self to be a Unique Expression of Divine Source Light;
Embody the Unique Aspect of Divinity that We Came Here To Share.

