Private Sessions With The Beings Of Absolute Light

Choose from a variety of Sessions below -

Each Session is channeled from The Beings Of Absolute Light & Divine Source Light working together with your Higher Self and your Light Team to bring forth that which Serves your Highest Good & Your Highest Ascension TimeLine as a Soul.

Your Session is CrystallineDiamond Golden Light-Encoded & Activates you on a cellular level to Support your Highest Healing & Ascension TimeLine, regardless of which Session you choose.

The Sessions are loosely grouped into categories below. Popular Sessions include Channeled Messages & Higher Self Guidance Sessions, both found here.

If you should encounter difficulty in choosing a Session, please reach out. The Beings Of Absolute Light will assess the degree to which a particular Session you are thinking of is a match for You and Your Highest TimeLine, and may even create a unique Session to meet your individual needs if you provide details about the area in which you feel you need support.

Before purchasing your Session, please ensure you have read and understood the cancellation and refund policy; the scope of what a Session with The Beings Of Absolute Light is and isn’t and that you accept personal responsibility for any choices you may make following your Session. (See Terms of Service here).

Channeled Message Private Sessions

Channeled Messages & Guidance

Ascension Support

Chakra Clearings, Attunements & Activations

Channeled Oracle Card Readings.
Release Sessions.

Channeled Oracle Card Readings

Release Sessions

Healing Sessions

Channeled Sessions With Divine Source Light

Channeled Sessions With Divine Source Light

Channeled Sessions With The Archangels Of Absolute Light

Channeled Sessions With The Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light


Channeled Sessions With The Indian Ascended Masters, Gods & Goddesses Of Absolute Light

Channeled Sessions With The Galactics Of Absolute Light

Channeled Sessions With The Lemurian Priests & Priestesses Of Absolute Light


Channeled Sessions With The Rocks, Crystals & Totem Animals Of The Ascended New Earth