Read more about how I have progressively deepened into my Intuitive and other Spiritual Gifts, grown into a Higher Embodiment of My Light, and begun to interact with life from a space of more Purity, Presence, Integrity, Wholeness, Joy, Openness and Expansion since my initial Awakening in 2013-14, as well as my ongoing Ascension journey and the Transformations that have taken place in my life since I began Co-creating from my Sacred HeartSpace in Partnership with the Sacred Divine and The Beings Of Absolute Light. ↓


Embody Light.

Be The Gift To The World You Came Here To Be.


Give the World the Gift of Being the Highest Embodiment of the Unique Expression of Divine Source Light That You Are In Your Unique Soul Essence.




I had my initial Awakening experience in 2013/14 after encountering a sudden and unexpected ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ manifesting as depression and anxiety following the December 2012 Gateway.

The Higher Vibrational Light coming into the planet to Support StarSeeds in Aligning with our Highest Path and Highest Timeline at this time acted as a Sacred Catalyst Propelling me into a new Timeline.

Embarking on a journey of Healing and Self-Discovery, I found myself immersed in a Sacred Rite of Passage that was to Transform the landscape of my life entirely.

By the Synchronicity of Divine Intervention the perfect people, practitioners and programs were placed on my path.

Uncovering a profound resonance with various Spiritual Practices, Energetic Healing Practices and deep Inner Work, I began to lean into Sacred Connection with my Soul, Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Nature.

This was the first stage of my Embodiment Process - a stage in which I started to claim back my Power and to live life more Consciously; to ask for and Act Upon the Guidance of my Higher Self; to Centre In and Live From my HeartSpace; and to step into the role of Conscious Creator of my life: making Choices that Honored Me, Upheld my WellBeing, and Aligned with my Own Unique Ever-Evolving Exploration of Expansion & Joy.

I was ReIntegrating Aspects of Self and coming into Soul-Alignment; learning to live life from the space of a Heart Open to Beauty, Awe and Magic; re-discovering myself as an Energetic Being and beginning to Embody a more Centred and Grounded place Within.


All True Healing is a Return To Wholeness - a ReIntegration of the Human Aspect and the Soul.

— Julia Greef


Undergoing profound shifts in Perception, as my journey progressed my entire concept of SelfHood changed.

This first stage of my Awakening journey was a Sacred Initiation, helping to Prepare Me for a Higher Embodiment of my Soul Truth and Purpose.

Moving beyond the matrix of Separation and beginning to Embrace our True Nature as Infinite Beings of Divine Light, I sought to Know and Experience MySelf as One With Source.

This was a time of ReUnification.

A Sacred Portal, Awakening and Activating in me the Seeds of Knowing of Who I Am - We Are - In Our Most Absolute Highest Truth.

Innately Whole, Divinely Perfect -


Divine Source Light Incarnated in Human Form.

Each Of Us An Individuated Aspect of the Creator Consciousness of Divine Source Light.




It Is Our Time.

It is Time for Us to BE Light.



I was filled with a Sense of Knowing that my Journey was happening for a reason and that the Transformations I was undergoing were Connected to my larger Soul Purpose.

I began a blog sharing about my Awakening journey; asking each day to be Divinely Guided to my Soul’s Highest Path and the Unique Way The Divine Wished to Express Through me in ways that were of the Highest Service to the Whole.

Leaning into Surrender and Trust that my Path would be Revealed when the time was right, I asked each day for Clear Guidance.

Following a Synchronous encounter with the Ritual of Hosting The Archangels in 2016 my Ascension Timeline was greatly Accelerated. I realized I was being prepared for Active Service in the World.

I was clearly Guided to Host The Archangels on specific dates which coincided with times when vast amounts of Energy and Photonic Light were coming into Planet Earth from Central Sun. During these times, my LightBody and Crystalline DNA were Activated by The Archangels and I was Supported in Integrating the Higher Dimensions and my MultiDimensional Aspects.


Support is available to us from the Higher Dimensions Helping us to Embody a Higher Frequency of Light.


As I began to open into a Higher Embodiment of my Gifts, gain more mastery over my Energy Field and tap into the Zeropoint Energy of Beingness, more ways opened for me to serve.

Early in 2017 I Received a Sacred Initiation to work with The Archangel Metatron, Channeling his Messages and Energetic Ascension LightCodes.

Reba Linker of the online Healing Community AtoZ Healing Space came across the Channeled Messages and asked me to lead a monthly online Circle. The Circle Of Light - the first of many Sacred Offerings Co-created with The Beings Of Absolute Light - was born.

In October and November of 2018 I underwent an intensive Detoxification and Cleansing process and undertook Purification Rites under the Guidance and Instruction of The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light, The Archangel Michael Of Absolute Light and The Archangel Raphael Of Absolute Light.

This was a very significant period on my Timeline, akin to a Rebirth.

The Archangels Of Absolute Light were with me as a constant Energetic Presence for five weeks as I went through this Sacred Passage; training me in Sacred Rituals and Energetic Healing Techniques and Supporting me in Embodying my own Sacred I AM Presence of Light.

This was a time of Sacred Ritual And Renewal in which I received Sacred Activations Upgrading me to Embody the Higher Dimensions and Hold a Higher Frequency of Light, enabling me to work with many more Beings Of Absolute Light from the Highest Realms Of Light.

My Accelerated Ascension Path continued throughout 2019 as The Beings Of Absolute Light Enacted ongoing Activations, Upgrading me to work at a much Higher level. I began the Integration Process of my Galactic and Cosmic Aspects, and also started working with The Dragons, Unicorns and Pegasi Of Absolute Light.

During the 2019 11:11 and 12:12 Gateways I received a series of further Activations and Upgrades which Opened a Portal Within Me to the Higher Dimensions so that I may Act as a StarGate and Portal to the Higher Dimension for others, and do the Sacred GridWork of The Earth Cleansing and Purifying Physical Locations on The Earth. I began to Receive Messages and Communications from the Higher Selfs of the people I work with, supporting me in being of the Highest Service to them.

It was at this time that the physical process of De-Ascension began to occur as my Physical Body was Upgraded so that it could begin to Convert Photonic Light Energy into Crystalline Light, enabling me to Embody the Frequency of Source Light & the Crystalline Diamond Light and Rainbow Frequencies and Activate them in the people I Serve.



The Work that arises from my Sacred Partnership with The Beings Of Absolute Light and my own Sacred I AM Presence of Light continues to open-endedly Expand in Heart-Aligned and Exciting ways. It is an Honor & a Joy for me to do this Work in response to the Intention that lives in the Deepest and Purest part of myself to be of the Most Absolute Highest Service to those whom I am Divinely Appointed to Serve, and in doing so be of the Highest Service to the Whole.

From My Heart To Yours: May Each Of You who visits this page be Blessed by the Channeled Messages and Offerings Shared.


Trusting in the Perfection of My Unique Soul Journey and With Love & Deep Deep Respect to Each Of You on Yours,


If you would like to read more about my Journey with channeling and my induction into working with The Beings Of Absolute Light, my story is included in Margaret Ellen Woodward’s book The Journey Continues.