

“I have never experienced anything like it in meditation ever.”

Wow Julia, that was amazing. I am so in gratitude to you and the angel team who channels through you to bring these meditations.

I have never experienced anything like it in meditation ever.

— Margaret Ellen Woodward, Scotland, UK.

“I can't describe the power of it.”

Thank you so much, Julia, for tonight's Circle.

It was fantastic. I can't describe the power of it.

Thank you for sharing your amazing gift.

— Kirsten Waldron - psychic card reader, jewelry designer and artist, Ohio, USA.


“Freaking amazing.”

I try to make sure that all of my monthly subscriptions are no-brainers.

Like impossible to live without because they’re so freaking amazing. Which the Circle Of Light is.

— Becky Augustine - coach, USA.

“Julia's Circle of Light consistently provides some of the profoundest and most moving healing experiences of my life.”

Julia's Circle of Light consistently provides some of the profoundest and most moving healing experiences of my life.

I am so grateful for her work and for the messages she brings forth from The Archangels Of Absolute Light month after month.

— Reba Linker - Healer, coach, Spiritual Teacher & Author, NY, USA.

“So very special.”

Tuesday night’s circle was so very special.

It was kind, sincere and touched me on many levels. Thank you!

Linda Brown - administrative, Florida, USA.


Private Sessions


“I received messages and answers that deeply resonated with me.”

The Ascension Timeline support session with Julia, Gaia and the Divine Feminine consciousness was truly amazing!!!

I felt I was guided in the most loving and peaceful way in alignment with the guidance from my Higher Self. I received messages and answers that deeply resonated with me. Now six days later I feel more grounded, self confident, wise and joyful in my own being.

I can warmly recommend Julia and the divine support from the Beings of Absolute Light.

I look forward to doing another session in the near future. Much love and light to you.

— Edina de Jong Hodzic, Amsterdam, Founder of DiversFYI.
Ascension TimeLine Support 1)


When I was at an important crossroads in my life, and the choices involved a dizzying multiplicity of factors, I was fortunate to be able to turn to a consultation with Julia Greef to help me clarify the correct choice to make.

I implicitly trust Julia's ability to be a supremely gifted Channel for the Best and Highest for the person making the inquiry, and value the care with which she imparts her channeling.

In this particular instance, in which the choice had many factors and several other people involved, it was especially helpful to be the beneficiary of Julia's work with percentages, which offer a clear and conclusive snapshot of the overall advisability of one particular course of action over another.

It's like having all the resources of a massive input of highly complex sets of data in some virtual computer in the sky, which is then asked to churn out a simple, accessible, and - I know this from experience - correct answer. Who wouldn't want that?

— Reba Linker, Lightworker & Coach, US.
(Mini Higher Self & Guide Team Channeled Guidance).

“Extremely powerful guidance, healing and LOVE from the Masters.”

My session with Julia and the Beings of Absolute Light was super Insightful, easy to understand and very Empowering.

I had both a question and a request for my session. but I received so much more - extremely powerful guidance, healing and LOVE from the Masters. This session has placed me back on track with more focus on my purpose in this life.

For me, Julia is without a doubt a Divine Light Being and a Master in channelling that I know here on planet earth. Her beingness is so Pure, Humble and full of the Divine's grace to share and be of service.

Bless your life with reading sessions or any of her services. I guarantee you that your Soul will thank you.

Immense Gratitude to you my Dear Sister Julia in Love and Light.

Asha V. NY.
(Higher Self & Guide Team Channeled Message).


I implicitly trust Julia’s ability to be a supremely gifted Channel for the Best and Highest for the person making the inquiry, and value the care with which she imparts her channeling.


Channeled Messages


“Real deal.”

Real deal. It was so beautiful. And the energy!

Thank you so much Julia, it was so, so gently specific to my needs right now, and I am so moved and thankful.

All my love to you beautiful woman,

— Seanin Banrion, Brighton, UK.


Thank you Julia for this gift you share and the humility and compassion with which you offer this beautiful service to us.

— With Love, Rebecca Foster, Renwick, New Zealand.



“Blessed to have received such an incredible gift.”

Sometimes the path to your own spirituality can be challenging, especially when you’re at the beginning and learning to trust yourself.

I have spent a couple of years developing my relationship with Metatron, and whilst I feel the connection strongly for myself, I’d never had a confirmation from Source... until I had my reading from Julia.

Within that message were things that no one else could possibly have known for I have never spoken them aloud. I’m honoured and blessed to be able to have received such an incredible gift.

Thank you Julia!

— Cate McMurray, West Midlands, UK.


“The change in my life has been significant.”

I had the great fortune of receiving a profound message from Archangel Metatron through the gifted Julia Greef.

This message resonated so deeply with me it brought me to tears. In the days that followed I noticed a feeling of lightness.

Since that message habits and darker feelings (from past hurts) have lifted or started to fall away. The change in my life has been significant.

The Archangels are willing and ready to lovingly assist us in shining our light for the betterment of ourselves and the world!

Thank you, Julia, from the bottom of my heart for the work you are doing! You are a shining light in this world!!!

With much love and gratitude,

— Jeannette Smith Wesolowski, northeastern Pennsylvania.


That was the most powerful Activation I've had for two or three years. I felt Energy moving all through my body.

— Becky Augustine - coach, USA.



“I experienced ‘goosebumps’ & my intuitive abilities increased.”


I received a channeled message from Julia a while ago and it totally resounded with me. It was beautiful and exactly what I needed to hear - and at the perfect time! I actually experienced 'goosebumps' as I received it.

In the weeks immediately following the message, I continued to experience a number of breakthroughs - not only did things seem to fall into place perfectly, but my Reiki treatments also moved to a new level as my intuitive abilities increased.
(I am quite amazed by the feedback from my clients.)

Thank you, Julia!

— Sarah Knight -

Reiki Practitioner, West Sussex, UK.


Chakra & Light Activations


“Thank you Julia, I just know we will work together again.”

I became aware of Julia and her work via the Freedom Network and Seanin Banrion.

I was immediately drawn into the conversation about Absolute LIGHT and the sheer simplicity, openness and honest love that beamed out. The absolute integrity with which Julia expresses herself resonated with me and I knew I had to connect with her and the energetic light beings with whom she works. So I did, and she was guided by Archangel Metatron to do an Activation to Clear my Chakras and Align them with a Higher Dimension.

The session itself was such a beautiful experience. The light energy was tangible, pearlescent pinks, greens and silver. I felt the connection very strongly, messages and images came through which later made perfect sense to me. I felt my heart open like the petals of a large pale pink rose. So uplifting! I feel my vibration has been raised and a path cleared for my own connection and channeling work.

Thank you Julia, I just know we will work together again.

— Andrea Brook, UK.”


“I felt like pain/trauma was being literally pulled/zapped out from me.”

I always listen on Replay and it is always just as powerful as attending Live. From the beginning of the Transmission, I physically felt the pain being lifted off my heart chakra in layers. It made me emotional in gratitude that I received help Releasing that which I needed to.

I was breathing slowly and just stayed with the feeling. By the time Julia started the actual chakra meditation, I could literally feel the discomfort being released. I felt like pain/trauma was being literally pulled/zapped out from me. Immediately I felt the difference, and days after still today there’s a big difference.

From my quest on my spiritual journey I have learnt - and now know and accept - that my Evolution and Ascension is very much dependent on my chakras being clear, and in releasing lifetimes of trauma. I encourage everyone to please please give your Divine Vehicle of Consciousness, “your human body” a chance to heal in this Lifetime. That’s the reason we Incarnate.

- Sally Vasquez, New York.


Oracle Card Readings


“I'm really, really grateful for every word of wisdom, every word of support and every word of love and light that's been shared.”

I would just like to express my deepest gratitude for everything that has been shared because the Masters and the Guides and The Beings Of Absolute Light have through these cards answered many of the questions that I've had and many doubts in which I've been spinning, and I'm really, really grateful for every word of wisdom, every word of support and every word of love and light that's been shared through you Julia.

The reading that took place on Thursday has brought me such a profound healing that I have been searching for a very long time. It also mirrored back to me that Inner Knowing that I sometimes do not trust, but have been holding within.

I remain Deeply Grateful to You for All that You Are and Do in Service of Light, for Your Courage, Your Willing and Open Heart. Without you I would definitely not be where I am.

— SV, Wales.


Channeled Answers To Questions


“It feels like my inner development has sped up and years of spiritual work and study are being integrated with power and ease.”

The message you channeled for me from Archangel Metatron is having a deeply transformative and healing action on me.

There are indeed Light Activations of the Highest Order coming through what you channel.

It feels like my inner development has sped up and years of spiritual work and study are being integrated with power and ease.


— Z.T. - Healer, Nagano, Japan.


“Spot on Guidance.”

Thank you. This is amazing. Thank you.

Spot on guidance which I will treasure and hold close to my heart.

There are no words to express my gratitude to you and to Archangel Metatron for this loving Guidance when I needed it most.

— Reba Linker - Healer, Coach, Spiritual Teacher & Author, NY, USA.

This is perfect. It brings tears to my eyes.

I thank you again and again for this message of validation and clarity.

— Sally Vasquez, NY, USA.

“Deep gratitude.”

I would like to share my feedback about the answers to my questions you Channeled.

They were so very helpful for me and I want to express my deep gratitude to you and the Archangels.

As a result, a great healing has taken place in my life and - through me - in my ancestral line.

I am so grateful to have this resolved.

— Dorte Heidecker, musician, Germany.


Online Events


“Exceptional Energy”

Just wonderful. There's a lot to absorb & process. Loved the crystal bowls at the end, too. Thank you so very much to the Beings of Absolute Light & to you Julia as the Magnificent channel of this Exceptional Energy.

— Lea M. Musician. N.Z. (- Lion’s Gate Portal Event, 2023).