Written Channeled Answer To Your Question From An Archangel Of Absolute Light


Written Channeled Answer To Your Question From An Archangel Of Absolute Light


Submit a question about something on which you desire to Receive Guidance from The Archangels Of Absolute Light. You may request an answer from a specific Archangel, or ask The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light to specify which of The Archangels is Highest Aligned to Answer your Question.

There are no specifications about the kind of question you may ask, but the offer is limited to one question per purchase. In addition to your main Question, you can add 1-3 ’sub-questions’ as long as they all relate to the initial question.

(If The Archangel who is Answering your Question perceives a sub-question to be unrelated to the main Question - or beyond the scope of the Answer in any other way - you may be asked to rephrase it, or notified that you will not Receive an Answer to that part of your inquiry).

The Channeled Answer you receive from The Archangels Of Absolute Light will be sent to you as an email attachment within 5 working days of receiving your question.

As well as Guidance of the Highest Order and Aligned with Absolute Love, Absolute Light and Absolute Joy; the Channeled Answer is Activated to Support you in coming into Alignment with your Highest Timeline in the area of your life to which the question pertains, and to Support you in easily and gracefully coming into a Higher Embodiment of the Absolute Love That You Are in relation to it.

The Channeled Answer will Activate and Awaken in you the Perception of Source Light and the Higher Realms concerning not only your question but also at the deepest level, allowing you to have access to a similar breadth and depth of perception about the particular situation your Question concerns going forward.

(Although it is very rare for them to do so, The Archangels Of Absolute Light retain the Right to choose not to Answer your Question if to do so is determined to eb detrimental in any way to what your Soul chose to Expereince in this LifeTime. This decision will be made taking into Account the Highest TimeLine of your OverSoul & in Connection with your Highest Self.

In the case that The Archangels do not Answer your Question, you will receive a full refund).

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