Deleting and Unprogramming Unhelpful Beliefs and Thoughts with Yogananda and Lahiri Mahasaya


Deleting and Unprogramming Unhelpful Beliefs and Thoughts with Yogananda and Lahiri Mahasaya

Sale Price:$75.00 Original Price:$111.00

You may choose one Core Belief to work with per purchase. Yogananda, Lahiri Mahasaya and others of the Indian Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light will conduct the Unprogramming of the chosen Belief / Thought Program Remotely. The process also targets some interrelated Core Beliefs and Core Patterns of Thought that Emerge from this Core Belief.

You may either select which Belief you want to work with by yourself, or receive Guidance from The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light as to which of your Core Beliefs it would serve your Highest Timeline to work with at this time.

Please specify a time (in your own time zone) for The Beings Of Absolute Light to work in your Energetic Field for 3 consecutive days beginning on the day of your purchase at checkout.

You may experience the Energetic Effects of the Limiting Thought Program being Released for up to 14 days - related symptoms could include an intensification of the particular Thought Program being worked with - and others related to it - during the first week, as well as deep Emotional Release.

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It was a good idea to ask for higher guidance (from Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light) about the image/belief to work with in this healing. The image pointed out to me: “I am unworthy of being One with The Divine” was a blind spot for me, however, when pointed out, I realized that this was a core false belief deeply rooted in me on a soul level. It felt like Julia’s Guide was seeing through me on a soul level.

Prior to receiving the healing work from Julia for unprogramming this core belief from my system, I had been feeling very tired, physically, mentally and emotionally. After receiving the first evening transmission during the 3 day process, I started noticing changes on the next day. At first, the tiredness seemed to peak on the morning after the first healing transmission. I was so tired that I started crying while doing my morning chores. Having extensive experience with emotional clearing during personal process, I realized that I was going through a catharsis. I let myself cry and then did a procedure to let go of negative energy from my field. I was letting go of vast amounts of negative energy which was previously held in place by my “image”, and as this “image” was being released, so was the old, stagnated negative energy from my field. After that, my state of being started improving and the tiredness also disappeared, the same first day.

After the second transmission, I started feeling rejuvenated. I started feeling healthy within. I experienced a shift in the direction of a normal, healthy state of being- physically, emotionally and mentally. It felt like a huge burden had been lifted from me, and I realized that was the burden of my inner distortion which was the true cause of my tiredness. The healing shift was most obvious after the second day of the 3-day process, and the 3rd day was may be the consolidation of the change.

I was most surprised by the speed with which the inner change unfolded, and with its depth – it felt like Julia’s work was touching at the most basic part of my inner landscape, silently and invisibly fixing the main operating button in my life. I remember that at Barbara Brennan’s School of Healing, work with the inner image which holds us prisoners was considered one of the most important parts of healing, and I knew that in theory, and had done some inner work and contemplation in that direction, however it was Julia’s healing work which gave me the opportunity to not only realize but also release the main image eating away at my life – in the matter of 3 days.

- Z.T. Healer, Nagano, Japan.