GoldenDiamond Light Reiki To Enhance And Upgrade The Functioning Of The 7 Main Chakras With The Indian Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light.

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GoldenDiamond Light Reiki To Enhance And Upgrade The Functioning Of The 7 Main Chakras With The Indian Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light.

Sale Price:$122.00 Original Price:$155.00

45 - 55 MINS.
Zoom Session / Remote Session.

In this Session the 7 Main Chakras are Upgraded with GoldenDiamond Light Reiki to Enhance their Functioning, Allowing for a Higher & More Authentic Expression of the One True Self That Resides In You And In All Beings.

The Assorted India Masters Of Absolute Light - prominent among them Yoganada, Lahiri Mahasaya, Babaji, Ghandi & Sri Yukteswar Giri - Enact the Activation on Your Behalf.

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