Experience The Energy Of A Higher Dimensional Being In Your Chakras


Experience The Energy Of A Higher Dimensional Being In Your Chakras

Sale Price:$333.00 Original Price:$444.00

20 - 30 MINS.
Online Session / Remote.

Align with a Higher Dimensional Self-Aspect & start to Integrate this Energy into your Energetic Structure in this powerful Session in which the Energy of a specified Higher Dimensional Being is introduced into your Chakras for the duration of the Session.

The introduction of the Energy of the specified Higher Dimensional Being into the Chakras Upgrades the Chakra System in Alignment with Your Highest Ascension TimeLine, & Prepares You for Full Entry into the Golden Age of GAIA & the Physical Embodiment of the Various Crystalline LightBody Structures.

Please select a first & second choice Higher Dimensional Being on purchase. You can choose from -

  • Metatron

  • Melchizedek

  • Babaji

  • Yeshua

  • The Lemurian Priests & Priestesses

  • The Atlantean Priests & Priestesses

  • Kuthumi

  • Hilarion

  • The Pleiadians

  • The Sirians

  • The Arcturians

  • The Andromedans

As well as the particular Being or Group Of Beings you choose, The Dragons Of The 66th Dimensionl & Above will Work With You - Clearing & Purifying Your Chakras To Prepare Them For The Introduction Of This High Dimensional Energy.

Note - for this Session, it is required that the Being whom you specify that you wish the Session to be conducted with gives their permission to the channel Julia Greef before the Session can go ahead.

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