Higher Self & Guide Team Channeled Message


Higher Self & Guide Team Channeled Message


15 MINS.
Zoom Session / Pre-recorded.

During your Session you will Receive Various Channeled Messages, Guidance & Activations from Your Higher Self & Guide Team, in Communication with Julia’s Higher Self through the Infinite Oneness of the Quantum Field.

You will have the opportunity to state one life area (Abundance; Relationships; Etc.) around which you wish to Receive Guidance or ask a specific Question (limited to 1 per Session).

(You will be informed directly after purchase if your question is one that your Higher Self & Guide Team are not currently at liberty to answer, and have the option to either ask another question or have your order refunded).

Your question can be an open question; or, if you desire, you may ask, for example, how much a particular course of study/potential relationship/area to move to/etc./etc. is a match (expressed as a percentage) for you. The Answer you Receive will contain not only the percentage, but also some additional information concerning it.

If you prefer, you can opt to simply open to receive the Messages your Higher Self wishes to Communicate to you for your Highest Good & to Support You in Expressing As Your Highest Potential.

The Messages from Your Higher Self are intended to Support and Guide you, but are not definitive nor a substitute for professional advice.

It should be understood from the outset that the Sovereignty of Decision always rests with you.

This is a service for which a recording is provided.

(The provision of the recording is a complementary service provided for you. If the Session should fail to record due to technical problems, we ask for your understanding ).

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Client Experiences


I went into a Higher Self Channeled Message session feeling a little nervous, as I have never done anything like it before. Julia's light and energy put me immediately at ease and allowed me to be open to receiving the messages and the energies that were sent my way. The messages I received resonated well with me and my inner truth, and I even had additional clarifications come to me in a dream the same day my message was channeled through Julia. My higher self also cleared some energy blockages and opened me up to receive more messages as part of the session. I loved being energetically connected and bathing in the light of Julia! Thank you for all that you do.

Nili, California, Marketing.

My session with Julia and the Beings of Absolute Light was super Insightful, easy to understand and very Empowering. I had both a question and a request for my session. But I received so much more, extremely powerful guidance , healing and  LOVE from the Masters. This session has placed me back on track with more focus on my purpose in this life. For me, Julia is without a doubt a Divine Light Being and a Master in channelling that I know here on planet earth. Her beingness is so Pure, Humble and full of the Divine's grace to share and be of service. Bless your life with reading sessions or any of her services. I guarantee you that your Soul will thank you.

Immense Gratitude to you my Dear Sister Julia in Love and Light.

Asha V. NY.