Higher Self Guidance Activated Mediation Journey


Higher Self Guidance Activated Mediation Journey

Sale Price:$88.00 Original Price:$111.00

40 - 45 MINS.
Zoom Session / In-person.

During Your Higher Self Guidance Activated Meditation Journey Session, you are Led In an Activated Meditation to Connect You To The ENERGY, WISDOM & GUIDANCE Of Your Higher Self.

You are taken on an Activated Shamanic Journey with prompts that afford you the opportunity to Receive Guidance from Your Higher Self concerning either a specified area of your life or a particular situation that you wish to Receive Guidance on.

The Activation Amplifies your Connection to your Higher Self, enabling You to Receive Clear and True Guidance in the area of your choice / regarding the specific situation you bring to the Session.

At the end of your Session you will Receive Additional Guidance from Your Higher Self - which may or may not be related to the content of the Session - in the form of 2-3 short Messages from Your Higher Self as channeled through Julia.

If instead of following prompts in a Guided Meditation to Receive Higher Self Wisdom you prefer to ask specific questions to your Higher Self & Receive very specific answers to the questions you have, please purchase the “'Ask Your Higher Self' Activated Meditation Journey & Channeled Messages From Your Higher Self” Offer.

The Messages from Your Higher Self are intended to Support and Guide you, but are not definitive nor a substitute for professional advice.

It should be understood from the outset that the Sovereignty of Decision always rests with you.

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