Mini Higher Self & Guide Team Channeled Guidance

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Mini Higher Self & Guide Team Channeled Guidance


Your Higher Self & Guide Team want to communicate with you. They desire to tell you what you most need to know at this time, and at the stage of your Awakening Journey where you currently find yourself.

Receive their Guidance as they channel their personal Messages for you through my Guide Team.

You have the choice to Receive either -

  • 3 short pieces of Channeled Guidance that they have for you, or

  • a Channeled Answer (of similar length) to a question you have for them. (Limited to 1 question per purchase).
    (You will be informed directly after purchase if your question is one that your Higher Self & Guide Team are not currently at liberty to answer, and have the option to either ask another question or have your order refunded).

Your question may, if you so desire, ask how much a particular course of study/potential relationship/area to move to/etc./etc. is a match (expressed as a percentage) for you.

The Guidance will be delivered to you as a pre-recorded audio sent to your email.

In order to make this offer an accessible price point, no Activations are Embedded in the Channeled Material. (Please see this Offering if you prefer to Receive a Higher Self & Guide Team Channeled Message with various Activations).

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Client Experiences


When I was at an important crossroads in my life, and the choices involved a dizzying multiplicity of factors, I was fortunate to be able to turn to a consultation with Julia Greef to help me clarify the correct choice to make. I implicitly trust Julia's ability to be a supremely gifted Channel for the Best and Highest for the person making the inquiry, and value the care with which she imparts her channeling. In this particular instance, in which the choice had many factors and several other people involved, it was especially helpful to be the beneficiary of Julia's work with percentages, which offer a clear and conclusive snapshot of the overall advisability of one particular course of action over another. It's like having all the resources of a massive input of highly complex sets of data in some virtual computer in the sky, which is then asked to churn out a simple, accessible, and - I know this from experience - correct answer. Who wouldn't want that?

Reba Linker, Lightworker & Coach, US.