CrystallineDiamond Plasma
Light-Encoded Channeled Messages &
LightBody Activations


The Beings Of Absolute Light,
The Mountains Of Higher Dimensional EARTH as led by
Mount SHASTA, Fuji & Kilimanjaro,
& The CREATION CODES Of Absolute Light

Once Monthly Full Moon Release Ceremony
& Ancestral & InterDimensional Clearings


The Sacred Consciousness Of Central Sun
The Sacred Consciousness Of The Moon
& The Dragons Of The 21st Dimension & Above


We meet three times a month on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Thursday at 9pm JST -
(45 mins)
(When the Full Moon falls in the third week of the month, the Circle schedule shifts to the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Thursdays).


Are you a LightWorker or WayShower who is Ready to take your Service Work & Embodiment of Light to the Next Level? Are you one of the Rainbow Tribe here to Transform the World & Create a NEW EARTH?

Do you have a passionate desire in your heart to Align with your Highest Service Work & your Divine Destiny in Powerful ways that allow you to be a Transformative Presence in the World?

Invite in the Support of the Higher Dimensions and Align with the Higher Dimensional Frequencies of the Ascending Earth; Receiving Sacred Guidance, Insights, Tools, Activations & Multi-Generational & Inter-Dimensional Clearings from Various of the Beings Of Absolute Light To Support You On YOUR HIGHEST-ALIGNED PATH as a Member of this Circle.

Align with your Highest Soul Role & Step Into your Full Embodiment of your Greatness. Your Time Is Now.

Feel yourself held & Supported by The Beings Of Absolute Light during the first two Circles of the month as we Receive Channeled Messages, Activations & Sacred Attunements to Align us with the Energy of the Higher Realms and Support us in Integrating the Crystalline Diamond Golden & Rainbow LightBodies.

During the third monthly Circle, bathe in the Energies of the Full Moon Release Ceremony - (held the week of the Full Moon) - as the Dragons, The Moon & Central Sun Support you in Clearing & Releasing lower Vibrational Energies which have keep you Stuck in Limiting Patterns 0f Thought & Emotion, and Hindered you from Creating Forward Movement on your Soul-Aligned Path.

As a special bonus for Members of this Circle, Receive ongoing Support from the Dragons & The Beings Of Absolute Light throughout the month: Supporting you in Clearing & Releasing that which No Longer Serves You, Is Not Aligned With the Highest Vibration Of Your Soul and is Standing Between You and Your Highest-Aligned Path.

We invite you to step into the Sacred Space of Circle & open to Receive the Support of The Beings Of Absolute Light on your Highest-Aligned Soul Path.


What you Receive as a Member of the Channeled Messages & LightBody Activations Circle:

  • 3 Live Calls each month.

  • Channeled Messages Embedded with Plasma Rainbow Crystalline-Diamond Light.

  • Support Integrating the Crystalline Diamond Golden & Rainbow LightBodies.

  • Sacred DNA Activations from Various of The Beings Of Absolute Light & the Dragons of the 201st Dimension And Above & The Dragon Eggs Of New Earth.

  • One Activation each month from The Mountains Of The World - as led by Mt SHASTA, FUJI & KILIMANJARO - Supporting You In Aligning With The Higher Dimensional Frequency Of NEW EARTH.

  • Attunements to the Energy of the Higher Realms as the Messages and Activations work on you on a Cellular and Energetic Level.

  • One Powerful Clearing & Release Full Moon Ceremony Circle a month; Activated by The Sacred Consciousness Of The Moon & Central Sun & The Dragons Of The 201st Dimension And Above for Inter-Generational Healing & MultiDimensional Release of Fear, Past Trauma and Various Other Low Vibrational Energies from the Physical Body and Cells & the Auric Field.

  • Ongoing Support from the Dragons & The Beings Of Absolute Light throughout the month.

  • Access to Replays throughout the month.


Quarterly Membership -


Monthly Membership -



Discounted Membership for Full-Paying Members Of Circles/Subscriptions Offered Through This Website* -



* This discount is available to Full-Paying Members of -

- The Divine Feminine Path Of Embodiment Circle Of Light

- The Visions Of New Earth Circle

- Any of the Energetic Infusions Subscriptions