- The Circle Of Light -


The Archangels Of Absolute Light
The Indian Ascended Master Of Absolute Light


Yogananda, Lahiri Mahasaya, Ghandi & Babaji

$26/month. We meet on Zoom the third Tuesday of each month, 7:30 - 8:30pm ET.

- Hosted by AtoZ Healing Space -


Energetic LightCodes,
Sacred Light Transmissions & Crystalline Diamond Light Activations.

The Circle Of Light is the name given to this Circle because the Crystalline and Diamond Light-Encoded Transmissions, Activations and Channeled Meditation and Messages that The Archangels Of Absolute Light and The Indian Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light share support Circle Members on their Highest Ascension Path; in the Physical Embodiment of Light Process; and in beginning to Integrate the Crstyalline and Crystalline Diamond LightBodies.

Each month Circle Members receive an Activated Meditation and Message Channeled specifically for the group from one or more of The Archangels & Indian Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light, containing Crystalline Diamond LightCodes that are Integrated over the course of 3 days.

Circle Members experience profound Shifts and Transformations that support them in making swift progress on their Path of Awakening and Ascension, and are supported by The Beings Of Absolute Light in Integrating these Timelines and the Higher Dimensions with greater Ease and Grace.

The Archangels Of Absolute Light further provide Energetic Support to each Circle Member between Circles, visiting you intermittently throughout the month to support you in BEing More LightFilled.

Replays are available for two months after the Live Circle. You do not need to attend live to receive the Sacred Activations and Crystalline Diamond Light-Encoded Transmissions.

Circle Of Light Members also have access to the AtoZ Member’s Forum where they can receive a short Personal Channeled Message from one of The Archangels Of Absolute Light each month, as well as enjoy this community of like-hearted souls.

To reserve your place in The Circle Of Light, visit AtoZ Healing Space.

