The Divine Feminine Path of Embodiment Circle Of Light


The Divine Feminine Of Absolute Light
Divine Mother
The SOPHIA Energy
The Goddess Energy Of The Earth

We meet 3 Fridays a month at 9pm JST.
(60/ 60 / 60-90 mins)


This Circle is for You if you have a Deep Longing in your Heart to Deepen further into Your Unique & Embodied Journey of Healing, Expansion, Awakening and Ascension
Connect in the Intimate Space of Sacred Sisterhood.

Divine Feminine Circle - Register Here

- As a Member of this Circle -

  • Connect to the Guidance of Your Soul & the Divinity Within

  • Embody Your Sacred Soul Truth

  • Receive Deep Mental & Emotional Healing for YourSelf & Your Ancestral Line

  • Transmute your Wounded Feminine Self into Divine Feminine Empowered Selfhood

  • Receive channeled Messages, Clearings, Activations & Support from The Divine Feminine Representatives in the Higher Realms

  • Embody More Love, Honor & Respect for Self

  • Come Into the Embodiment of the Wholeness That You Are

  • Accelerate Your Unique Awakening & Ascension Path

  • Walk in the World as an Embodiment of The Divine Feminine

  • Share in Divine Feminine Sacred Sisterhood


A deeper look inside The Divine Feminine Path Of Embodiment Circle Of Light:

The Divine Feminine Of Absolute Light asked me to start this Circle
so that they can help us - the Embodiments of the Divine Feminine Walking in the World - Empower our Embodiment Process of the Absolute Love, Absolute Light & Absolute Joy That We Are In Our Essence in the World through the Sacred Gifts they Share.

As we come together in Circle, we are Held by Sophia, Divine Mother & The Goddess Energy of The Earth - Supported in Healing the Wounds of the Individual and Collective Feminine Energy on the Planet.

This is a Space in which we can Transmute our Collective Shadow and Walk United into a Higher Embodiment of the Love and the Light That Is Who We Are.

We are Supported in Integrating the Love And Light That We Are in Our Sacred Soul Essence in ways that Honor Us and our Sacred Feminine Nature at the same time as Honoring Those Around Us, Helping us to Embody The Love We Are in Relationship with OurSelf and Others.

Once a month, we come together in Sacred Sisterhood to Uphold, Encourage & Inspire Each Other - joining together with love in our hearts - Bringing Forth our Deeply Held Wisdom - supporting each other in being Our Highest Vision of OurSelf.

The Divine Feminine Sisterhood is a space of Deep Connection to our Own Sacred Wisdom where we Empower OurSelf and One Another to be more Openly and Authentically ‘Us’ than we have given OurSelves Permission to be before.

In the first Circle of each month, we receive a Channeled LightCode-Activated Meditation / Shamanic Vision Quest Connecting us with the Divine Feminine Sacred Wisdom of our Body and Sacred HeartSpace and Supporting us in our Highest Healing & Self-Embodiment.

In the second Circle of each month we receive Light-Encoded Channeled Messages for the Group & a Sacred Empowerment and Embodiment Process / Sacred Technology to Connect us More Deeply to the Fullness of Who We Are.

The third Circle of each month is a Sisterhood Circle - a time set aside for Sacred Connection when we come together to enjoy deep HeartCentered Sharing, Letting Go of Any & All Restrictions on who we Give OurSelf Permission To Be.

We Celebrate and Honor our Truth & our Accomplishments as Individuals and as a Sisterhood; Explore where we are being Called into Greater Expansion; Invite in the Support we desire.

This Sacred Time shared together at the end of each month is a chance to let yourself be Witnessed in all your Radiance by your Sisters; in your Expression of your Unique Soul Truth.

Circle Members also Receive a personal Channeled Word or Phrase from one of The Divine Feminine Embodiments Of Absolute Light in the Private Facebook Group, offering Guidance from the Sophia Energies.

The private Facebook Group is a Sacred space where we can share of our hearts openly without fear of being judged, knowing we are lovingly held.

As Soul Sisters, we Allow Each Other To Be Truly Seen, Truly Heard.

Truly Us, Truly Loved.

Replays are available in the Facebook Group throughout the month.

Welcome Sister, our Hearts are Open and Ready to Welcome You - Come join us in Sacred Circle and Sacred Sisterhood if you feel called.


What you receive each month as a Member of The Divine Feminine Path Of Embodiment Circle Of Light:

  • 3 live Sisterhood Circles

  • Channeled Light-Encoded Meditations and Meditation Journey

  • Channeled Light-Encoded Messages, Clearings & Activations

  • Sacred Embodiment Practices

  • Support in Walking as an Embodiment of the Divine Feminine in the World

  • A brief written Personal Channeled Message / Essence Word to Support your Embodiment Process

  • Ongoing Energetic Support from The Divine Feminine Of Absolute Light throughout the month

  • Sacred Sisterhood in the Facebook Group (participation optional)

  • Replays that are active throughout the month


Monthly Membership
- $75

Quarterly Membership
($70 per month)
- $210

Discounted Membership for Full-Paying Members Of Circles/Subscriptions Offered Through This Website* -



* This discount is available to Full-Paying Members of -

- The Channeled Messages & LightBody Activations Circle

- The Visions Of New Earth Circle

- Any of the Energetic Infusions Subscriptions
