Higher Self Connection & Guidance Energetic Infusions


The Higher Self Connection & Guidance Energetic Infusions from The Beings Of Absolute Light Support You in Receiving Clear Intuitive Guidance from your Higher Self.

Support is Received in 4 main areas: 

  • Clearing your channel to make it easier for you to Receive your Higher Self Guidance.

  • Support in Opening your Clair Senses. (Activated only when you actively practice using them).

  • Energetic Infusions of Wisdom/Discernment Codes so you may Recognize & Know the Voice of your Higher Self and Distinguish it from your Ego / Lower Human Self.

  • Energetic Infusions of Courage and Boldness - Supporting you in taking clear Action in the Direction of your Higher Self Guidance.

The Divine Alignments and Activations are received by you daily on waking. They begin on completion of registration and continue as long as your Subscription is active.


Special Discounted Subscription for Full-Paying Members Of Circles Offered Through This Website* -


Higher Self Connection & Guidance Energetic Infusions Subscription -



* This discount is available to Full-Paying Members of -

- The Divine Feminine Path Of Embodiment Circle Of Light

- The Channeled Messages & LightBody Activations Circle

- The Visions Of New Earth Circle