Ascended DiamondHeart Activation With The GALACTIC COUNCILS


Ascended DiamondHeart Activation With The GALACTIC COUNCILS

Sale Price:$110.00 Original Price:$155.00

The Ascended DiamondHeart Activation Supports you in Aligning the Frequency of your Heart Chakra with the Ascended Earth Frequencies of CrystallineDiamond Light to Support you in the Accelerated Creation of the Crystalline & CrystallineDiamond LightBodies, and also Elevaties you on your Ascension Path.

Additional Support is Received From The Galactic Councils to Support You in Aligning with the New Earth Frequencies In Your Heart Chakra.

Optimally this Activation is Enacted between the Crystalline Ascension Column & Golden Ascension Column Activations, found in the Ascension Support & Chakra Offers Shop Pages.

It is conducted remotely by The Galactic Councils Of Absolute Light for ten minutes over the course of three consecutive days.

Please state your time zone and the time (in your time zone) at which you would like to Receive the Transmissions. The Transmissions begin the day after purchase - taking place at the agreed time each day - and last for three days. You will continue to Receive Support in Integrating the LightCodes from The Galactic Councils for 10 days following this.

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