Higher Self Connection & Guidance Circle


Your Higher Self
The Divine Beings Of Absolute Light

We meet the first Tuesday of each month at 9:15pm JST
(60-75 mins)

Higher Self Connection Circle

This Circle is for You if you want to Receive the Messages of your Higher Self with more Clarity & Confidence & to be able to sit in the Certainty that you are Receiving the Messages Your Higher Dimensional Self Most Wants To Convey To You In This Current Moment Of Now.


- As a Member of this Circle -

  • Participate in Channeled Guided Meditations & Journaling Sessions that Support You in Receiving the Messages of Your Higher Self

  • Connect Within to the Guidance of Your Higher Self with more Joy, Ease, Grace & Confidence

  • Receive Specific Channeled Guidance from Your Higher Self channeled for you from The Beings Of Absolute Light through Julia

  • Be part of a Community of Souls Exploring the Journey of Going Deep With Higher Self’s Guidance Together

  • Experience the Joy, Revelations, Clarity & Peace That Come From A Stronger Connection To Your Higher Self

  • Embody More of Your MultiDimensional Aspects

  • Embody More Love, Honor & Respect for Self

  • Elevate Your Vibration

  • Experience the Flow of 5D + Above Living on GAIA In This Now

  • Walk in the World Hand In Hand With Your Higher Self With Confidence, Clear Vision, Inspired Guidance & A Feeling Of Being At Home Within Self

  • Accelerate Your Unique Awakening & Ascension Path

Higher Self Connection Circle

A deeper look inside The Higher Self Connection Circle:

We meet at the start of each month in Sacred Circle Space to share in a Community of Like-Hearted Minds & Souls & Dive into the Joy, the Peace, the Bliss, the Life-Lived-As-Adventure That Is A Life Lived in Greater Connection with Your Higher Self.

In the Safe Space of Sacred Circle Space, be led in Channeled Meditations & Journaling Prompts Specific To The Needs Of The Group, Allowing YOU To Connect on a Deeper Level to the Love, Wisdom & Guidance of YOUR Higher Self.

Circle Members are Invited to Share Higher Self Guidance Received and the ways in which it is Pertinent & Clarifying for them at this Time In Their Life & At This Stage of Their Journey.

As Circle Members, we Hold each other in Love, in Respect & in a Safe Space of Non-Judgement. We Open our Hearts both to our Own Higher Self Wisdom & the Higher Self Wisdom of Others - Benefitting from each.

As Circle Members Share, The Divine Beings Of Absolute Light Reveal Additional Channeled Guidance to Support Individuals - and may also (if required) make any small adjustments to the Information you Received.

(Circle Members who are unable to attend the Live Circle are invited to share the Guidance they Received in the Facebook Group [either as a written post or as a video/Facebook live]. The Beings Of Absolute Light then add any additional Guidance & Support you in interpreting the Guidance more Fully as a comment on the post, allowing you to Receive the same level of Interaction with The Beings Of Absolute Light as a participant on the Live Call).

Circle Replays are available in the Facebook Group - which is also a place where we can Support & Inspire One Another - throughout the month.

Welcome Beautiful Soul, I Invite You To Step Into This Circle - A True Gift From Your Higher Self To You.


What you receive each month as a Higher Self Connection Circle Member:

  • 1 live Higher Self Connection Circle

  • Channeled Guided Meditation Journeys

  • Channeled Journaling Prompts

  • Sacred Times Of Connection With Your Higher Self

  • Support in Aligning With Your Higher Self & Higher Self Wisdom

  • Additional Channeled Guidance, Channeled From Your Higher Self Through The Beings Of Absolute Light

  • Sacred Community in the Facebook Group (participation optional)

  • Replays that are active throughout the month


Monthly Membership
- $31

Quarterly Membership
($28 per month)
- $84

Discounted Membership for Full-Paying Members Of Circles/Subscriptions Offered Through This Website* -



* This discount is available to Full-Paying Members of -

- The Channeled Messages & LightBody Activations Circle

- The Divine Feminine Path Of Embodiment Circle

- The Visions Of New Earth Circle

- Any of the Energetic Infusions Subscriptions
