'Let Go Of Fear' - WayShower & New Earth Leader Activation


'Let Go Of Fear' - WayShower & New Earth Leader Activation

Sale Price:$111.00 Original Price:$144.00

15 - 20 MINS.
Zoom Session / Remote Session / In-person.

Are you a WayShower & New Earth Leader who feels ready to move into a Higher Embodiment of your Higher Soul Purpose but is stuck in deeply-ingrained fear about Stepping into your Purpose that holds you back from Stepping Out of the Life you have Known & into the Deep Trust necessary to take the Next Steps on your Highest Aligned Path ?

Wherever you are on your Path, if you identify with this feeling of being Held Back by Fear of Stepping Into your LightWorker Role, this Activation - which is being offered at a very special rate for LightWorkers and WayShowers at this Time to Support the Highest Ascension TimeLine of the Human Collective by Supporting LightWorkers, WayShowers, Ascension Catalysts & Guides & New Earth Leaders in Stepping Into a Higher Embodiment of Soul Truth at a more Accelerated Rate than would otherwise be possible - can Support you in Moving Through the Fear that you feel in relation to Following Your Soul Path & Into Action.

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Client Experiences


What a gift Julia Greef is. I just experienced her 'Let Go Of Fear' Wayshower & New Earth Leader Activation Session. As in all of her offerings, Julia combines a perfect triad of abilities: her purest intention for the client’s Good, her skill in channeling messages and energy from our Divine Helpers, and her deep intelligence, wisdom and understanding that enables her to meet the client where he or she is, and feel into the truth of their unique experience. This is such a rare gift of compassion. All this, combined with her ability to hold space for the client’s truth to emerge makes me want to leap at every chance I get to work with her.

During the session I was able to connect with my inner truth in a new way. I know that this has created some long-desired positive shifts and I already feel a difference in myself, and I look forward to continuing to evolve in this new direction.

Infinite gratitude to Julia. I highly recommend these sessions for anyone who would like greater peace in their life.

Reba Linker; Spiritual Teacher, Healer & Author; NY, USA.