Do you feel called to be of Greater Support & Higher Service to the EARTH/GAIA & The Human COLLECTIVE At This Very IMPORTANT TIME On Our InterDimensional TimeLine As Individuals & As A Collective?

Are you Filled with a Deep Knowing - a Conviction that Emanates from Within - that you came to the Earth at this Time to Support The Human Collective in Raising Into a Higher Embodiment of Light: a Deep Embodied Soul Knowing That you are here to Help Shift The TimeLine of Humanity into a Higher Expression?

Then you are one of the many LightWorkers, WayShowers & Ascension Guides Here At This Time To Help Create The World ANEW.


As you probably know, multiple groups of Light Beings are here to Assist us At This Time - Surrounding the Planet with Light & Supporting Us in Humanity’s Highest Ascension TimeLine as they Stream CRYSTALLINE & DIAMONDLight into GAIA in ways that are Highly Available for us - the Human Collective - to Receive & Integrate into our cells.

The Beings Of Absolute Light are High Level LightBeings Assisting Humanity In Coming Into A Higher Embodiment Of New Earth Consciousness & The Physical Embodiment of CRYSTALLINE DIAMOND((RAINBOW)) LIGHT.

They have initiated the VISIONS OF NEW EARTH Circle in order to Amplify Our Sacred Intentions & Visions Aligned With The Vibrational Frequency Of New Earth, Supporting the Physicalization of the HIGHER DIMENSIONS in the Earth Plane To Come Into Being With Far Greater EASE & GRACE & In Ways That Are in Alignment with the Highest Timeline For Humanity & The GREATER WHOLE.

DIVINE SOURCE LIGHT Is Also Assisting In This.

Each month as we gather in Circle MELCHIZEDEK & METATRON & LAKSHMI, VISHNU, BRAHMA, SHIVA, BABAJI & GANESHA Activate Us To Come Into Alignment with a Higher Dimensional Expression of Our Being.

We Receive the Energies of the Higher Dimensions (up to the 33rd Dimension And Above) and begin to Integrate them into our Physical Bodies at a Deep Cellular Level; Supporting us in Embodying the Energy of Limitless Possibility For Our Own Lives & For The GREATER GOOD Of The HUMAN COLLECTIVE and in Creating Our Visions of New Earth from this Highest-Aligned place in which we Know the Sacred Truth of the DIVINITY That We Are In Our Essence; That All Are In Essence.

We are led in a Guided Meditation in which we Consecrate our Intentions for & Visions of NEW EARTH & the Reality we want to Birth Forth as Individuals and as a Collective Going Forth from this place.

DIVINE SOURCE LIGHT & The Divine Beings Of Absolute Light Amplify our Intentions & Visions which are Aligned with the Organic New Earth Realities - making the work that we do on behalf of the Planet in this Circle Many Times more Powerful.

Circle Members also prepare a Quartz Crystal to be Set Aside for the Sacred Work we do in this Circle. Each Member’s Crystal is Activated by The Beings Of Absolute Light - & we do LightWork on behalf of Humanity with the Crsytals Amplifying the Light on the Planet and Grounding it into the New Earth Crystalline Grid.

If this Sacred Work speaks to you, you are Invited to Join your Energy in The Visions Of New Earth Circle.

As a Circle Member you experience the Joy of being in Active Service in Support of Gaia’s Highest New Earth Realities and Highest Ascension TimeLine - and Receive High-Dimensional Activations & Light Infusions from The Beings Of Absolute Light Supporting you in your own Embodiment of your MultiDimensional Self.

What you Receive as a Member of The VISIONS Of NEW EARTH Circle:

  • 2 Live Calls each month.

  • Crystalline-Diamond & Golden Light Activations on your LightBody to Support you on your Highest Ascension Path.

  • Vibrational Alignment with the Energy of the Higher Dimensions.

  • Light Activations & Frequencies That Strengthen your Embodiment of The Unique LightCodes that You Bring Forth & Embody to Support Gaia & The Human Collective In Our Highest Ascension TimeLine At This Time.

  • Guidance Received In Meditiation & Activations To Support You In Aligning With Your Highest Soul Path At This Time.

  • The Amplification of your Visions for New Earth & your Manifestation Desires for yourself as an Individual & for the Human Collective by The Beings Of Absolute Light & Divine Source Light.

  • Access to a Private Facebook Group. (Participation optional).

  • Replays that are active throughout the month.

  • Shared Community with others Aligning with a Greater Embodiment of the New Earth Frequency & Consciousness.


The Beings Of Light Are Committed To Supporting Humanity in Her Highest Ascension TimeLine and wish to make this Circle in which we do a lot of Lightwork on behalf of Humanity and the Planet accessible during this time period in which we adjust to the changes in the world. For this reason, The Visions Of New Earth is being offered as a ‘Choose your own Membership Fee’ style Membership.

The Beings Of Absolute Light ask that you respect the profound value of what is being Offered and make your decision from a Deeply Heart-Aligned Place - not paying less simply because you can & only using the lower pricing structure if you are genuinely unable to afford the recommended Membership of $55/month.

If you find yourself genuinely unable to contribute $55/month but would still like to share your Light & Uplift the Human Collective by bringing your Unique & Beautiful Visions Of NEW EARTH to be Amplified by The Beings Of Absolute Light and the Energy of this Group, please use the lower pricing structure to enroll - you are welcomed with open arms whichever Membership Plan you choose.


