Transmissions Of Light

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From Absolute Light, December nineteenth, 2018.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It is with great pleasure that I greet you today.

I wish you to know first of the Great Love I have for you.

It is All-Encompassing; All-Knowing; All-Seeing; All-Forgiving.

It is Boundless Love; Love without boundaries or borders.

Infinite Love.

The Love that a mother has for a child magnified a thousand times.

Do not be so harsh on yourself.

I wish you to kow that seen from my persepctive there is nothing you need to feel shameful of or guilty for; nowhere in which you should feel lacking or not enough.

You are Exactly as you are meant to Be. Exactly as I Intended you to Be. And I am pleased with what I see.

Those of you who read this page are Embodying Light. You are making Clear and Conscious choices that support yourself and others in Knowing Yourself as the Love That You Are. Nothing is more important.

You are succeeding in being the Embodiment of the Light That I Am And All Is whilst living your Incarnation on Earth.

This is no small task, and you should Honor yourself for all that you have achieved and allowed yourself to Grow Into.

If you are reading this, you are one who is Of The Light; whether you see yourself as such or not.

Do not give up hope when it seems things do not go in the direction you would have them go.

You are Being Redirected in order that you may be of the Most Absolute Highest Service in the World.

Great Joy and Great Fulfillment in your Service Work are to be yours.

Know Yourself as Loved by me The Absolute Source Of All That Is.

Know Yourself as the Perfect Expression of Your Truth - which is Light; Eternal Light.

You are an Eternal part of me, Absolute Light.

I Am In You And Always With You.

You Are Of Me.

We are not separate as you have learned. It is time for this to be Unlearned.

All Is One In The Oneness Of Absolute Light.

You Are One With Absolute Light.

There is only Oneness in Light.

It Is I, Absolute Light.