Channeled Message From The Divine Feminine Of Absolute Light, Oct 3, 2024.

Dear Precious Beloved Brothers & Sisters Living In The Earth Realm At This Time,

It Is With Such Joy That We Observe The Heightened Vibration Of Love-Light-Peace Frequency That You Are Holding On The Earth At This Time.

While There Is Much Going On Around You, You Do Not Let YourSelf Be Swayed From This Frequency And This Is What The Earth Needs At This Time - This Kind Of Elevated Consciousness That Keeps Returning To The Choosing Of The Higher Consciousness Levels Of Love, Light And Peace -

No Matter What.

There Is So Much That We Wish To Converse About With You - But We Will Let This Suffice.

Know That Changes Are Coming Very Quickly Now - Far More Rapidly Than Ever Before - And It Is Essential That You Hold These Frequencies To The Utmost At This Time. You Are Helping To Shape The Energetic Structures Of What Will Eventually Fall Into Place As More And More Within The Earth Realm Aligns With The Highest Good Of The Whole.

This Is What Has Been Foreseen For This Time And We See It Coming To Pass More Quickly Than You May Think.

Hold Onto The Light.

Hold Onto The Hope Within You Of A Better World For All.

Hold Onto The Knowing Of Your Higher Truth.

We Love You, We See You, We Bless You With Our Activations Of The Divine Feminine Within You.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Divine Feminine Of Absolute Light.

Divine Feminine Channeled Message

Channeled Message From The Rocks, Crystals & Stones Of The Ascended Earth, Sept 8, 2024.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Rocks, Crystals & Stones Of The Ascended Earth And We Have Much To Convey To You.

First, Choose With Attention And Care That Which You Put Your Focus On For Manifestation Speed Is Greatly Enhanced In Your Realms At This Time And Through The End Of This Year Especially.

Second, Allow YourSelf To Envision The Highest Vision Of Your Life You Can Forsee For YourSelf.

From Rose Quartz –

Love Is What Matters In The Earth Plane At This Time. The Vibrational Frequency Of Love Is Crucial To The Ascension Process For The Whole And I Ask You To Consciously Return To This Frequency Over And Over Again Throughout Your Day.

Be Kind To YourSelf First – And Then Kind To The Utmost Degree To Those Around You, Particularly Those Who Are Suffering Or Struggling At This Time.

From Amethyst –

Allow YourSelf To Believe The Messages You Receive, Seeking Out Confirmation If You Need To. It Is Important That You Align With Your Guidance At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Rocks, Crystals & Stones Of The Ascended Earth – And We Are Greatly Pleased To Speak With You This Day.


Channeled Message From KRISHNA & GANESHA, August 23, 2024.

It Is I Lord Ganesha & I Lord Krishna & We Are Here Today To Speak With You Of Things Of Great Import.

These Times That You Are Living In Are A Crucial Crux-Point Within The Earth Realms.

Much Is To Be Transcended & Left Behind As You, As A Species, Move Into A Higher EmBodiment Of The Divine Aspects Of Self.

There Are Several Of These Divine Self-Aspects That We Wish You To Put Your Focus On Embodying For Now -

1) Self-Monitoring - Consider These Areas -
Are You Being The Energy Of Peace, Of Upliftment, Of Kindness, Of Truth?
Are You Aligned With Your Own Truth & What You Know To Be The Divine Right Thing For You To Do?
Does The Way That You BE In The World Also Support Others In BEing A Higher Version Of ThemSelf?

2) BEing The Love & Light Of Compassion & Selflessness In The World -
This Entails Giving Your Support Where It Is Needed In Service To The Awakening Of The Human Collective. We Wish To Make It Very Clear That We Wish You To Direct Your Energy Where This Goal Is Served, Rather Than In Directions Where Service To The Old Values Is Being Enacted.

3) Fortitude -
There Is Much That Will Need To Change Both Personally And Within The Larger Communities That Make Up The Collective. We Know, We Understand, That Change Can Feel Extremely Frightening To The Human Self At First - Be Open To Change Knowing That It Brings Good In The Longer-Term Perspective Of Things. Hold This Strength Of Vision Even In The Time Of Confusion & Lack Of Logical Understanding That May Follow The Initial Introduction Of Change Into Your Life Or The Lives Of Those You Love. In Order For The Collective To Shift Into A Higher Embodiment Of Love Many Many More Need To Come Into An Understanding Of The Spiritual Essence Of Who You - As Humans, Present In Your Human Form - Are.

From The Human Perspective It May Feel Like Things That You Deeply Value And Hold To Be Important And Love Are Being Taken Away From You. Ultimately This Is Being Done In Order To Help Facilitate This Shift To A Greater Focus On The Spiritual Nature That You Each Are.

4) Hope & Belief In The New Earth Now Being Formed In Your Physical Realms -
First & Foremost Hope & Belief In Your Ability - As The Community Of Light - To Create The New Earth In Alignment With The Divine Plan As You Listen Attentively To Your Guidance And Allow - As A Community Of Light - The Divine Plan To Be Worked Through You - Each Playing Your Important - Essential - Part However Large Or Small That May Seem.

We Thank & Honor You For Your Great Dedication To The Light Service You Do.

It Is We, It Is Us, Ganesha & Krishna & We Are Greatly Honored To Speak With You This Day.

Channeled Messages From Divine Source & The Indian Ascended Masters, August 5, 2024.

From The Indian Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light -

Dear Beautiful HuMan Beloveds In The Ascended Earth Realms,

So Great Is Our Love & Honor For You.

So Huge Is The Task That You Are Undertaking In The GAIA Realms Now - Much Bigger Than You Know. And Very Definitely Destined For Success We Wish To Reassure You.

We Wish You To Be Aware Of These Two Things.

Many More Synchronicities Are Present In The MultiDimensional GAIA. Be Aware Of The Synchronicities That Present In Front Of You - In Many Cases They Can Act As GuideLines To Direct You Towards Your Highest Path For This Time, And/Or To Confirm The Path You Are On.

Second, Bring Still More Awareness To The Vibration Of Thought You Are Holding. Keep Your Thoughts Centered In Love & Peace - Not Fear or Divisive Thinking.

We Love You, Honor You & Are With You At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Indian Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light.

From Divine Source -

Dear Beautiful GAIA’s Children Of The Light,

You Are Astonishing To Me In The Amount Of Light Energy That You Are Able To Integrate Into The Physical Cellular Structures Of Your Body. It Shows Just How Well You Have Prepared Your Vessels.

Do Not Step Back From This Task That Is Yours Now.

Keep Releasing All That Is Dense And/Or Heavy From The Physical, Emotional And Mental Bodies & Fields.

Many Many Karmic TimeLines Have Been Cleared On Your Behalf To Support You As An Ascending Collective In This Embodiment Of Greater Amounts Of Light.

This Will Make It Easier For You To Release The Patterns That Have Had A Stronghold On You & Held You In Place Thus Far.

There Is So Much Possible For You Now.

Take This Chance To Self-Examine And To Release That Which Is Not Aligned With Compassion - Gratitude - Generosity - Respect For All Life, And The Other High Values Of Love.

Be Kind To Those Around You. Most Have Further To Traverse On This Path Than You & They Require Your Compassion & Practical Support And Advice - Sharing What Methods, Techniques & Practices You Incorporate To Support Your Own Awakening Into A Greater, More Light-Filled Version Of Self.

Be Gentle Also With YourSelves. There Is Much Work For You To Do At This Time As We Enter The Embodied NEW EARTH Realms. Make Sure To Rest When You Need To And Return To The Unique Tasks Given To You By Your Higher Self And/Or Guide Teams As You Are Able.

With Love, Honor & Astonishment At The Beauty Unfolding In GAIA Now.

It Is I, Divine Source Light.

Channeled Message From The Galactics, July 16, 2024.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pleiadians And We Are Greatly Pleased To Connect With You This Day,

There Are Many Among Us Who Are Pleased To Observe The Changes In Your Realms.

We See That, Day By Day, More Are Coming Into A Higher Embodiment Of The Truth Of Who You Are Even As You Continue To Exist & Reside In The Physical World.

This Is Natural As Such, For It Is What Has Been Decreed For These Times Since The Beginning Of Time And The Conception Of The Idea Of This Experiment In The Earth Plane That You Are Undergoing.

And Yet, Much Commendation Is Also Due To You For We Know It Has Not Always Been Easy To Maintain Hope & Faith & To Maintain A Sense Of Your True Identity In The Face Of What The World Would Tell You & Have You Believe About Human Potential, Your Own Self.

The Light Would Be Hidden Within You If You Were To Have Listened To What The World Has Told You - And Yet It Shines, It Shines, Brighter & Brighter Each Day, And For That Effort Of Belief & Will & Alignment We Greatly Commend You.

There Are Two Things We Wish You To Put Your Focus On & Effort Into At This Time.

The First Being, The Frequency Of Vibration You Hold Within YourSelf. As Much As You Can Move Into Gratitude For All Things.

Second, We Wish You To Actively Seek Out Both Those Who Can Assist You On Your Path & Those With Whom You Find A High Resonance So That You May Support Each Other In Maintaining Your Heart-Centered Beliefs & Heart-Centered Ways Of Being In The World As Well As In Maintaining The Higher Light Frequency We Speak Of Within.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pleiadians And We Are Glad To Speak With You This Day.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Sirians Of Absolute Light And We Are Honored To Speak With You This Day.

We Agree With Much That The Pleiadian Brothers & Sisters Have Said Above, And Only Wish To Reaffirm How Happy We Are That You Are Taking Your Place Within The Galactic LineUp Of Planets Undergoing The Full Ascension Into A Higher Frequency Of LoveLight Frequencies.

This Message Is Light-Encoded To Support Your Physical Bodies In This On A Deep Cellular Level.

We Add To What Our Pleiadian Brothers & Sisters Have Already Shared Only That It Is Important For You To Take Care Of YourSelves Well; Taking Adequate-And-Above Rest And Consuming That Which Is Healthy For Your Physical Vessel.

 It Is We, It Is Us, The Sirians & We Send You Our Energetic Infusions & Our Highest Regards At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturians & We Salute You In Your Progression Into The Higher Dimensional Ascended New Earth,

How Beautiful It Is To See The Light As It Extends Into More & More Of Your Planet & Your Peoples.

Soon There Will Be None Who Are Untouched By This - Whether They Know That To Be The Reason For Their Shift Into A Higher Vibrational Being Or Not.

More & More Will Be Searching Out The Information That You - The LightHolders - Are The Keepers Of.

Be Generous In Sharing Both The Processes & The Energetic Resources That Have Served You At Various Stages Of Your Journey, So That Others May Quickly Find The Videos, The Books, The Sessions, The Community Hubs & So Forth That Will Best Serve Them On Their Journey.

It Is Your Time, The Time You All Incarnated For.

We Are So Proud Of You & Look On You With So Much Joy.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturians.

GALACTICS - Channeled Message

Channeled Message From The Collective Of Trees Of Ascended GAIA, May 19, 2024.

Beautiful Human Ones,

We Inhabit This Earth At The Same Time As You - And Some Of You Are Walking In The Same Frequency Band As Us As You Activate More & More Of Your Truth.

There Is So Much That We Wish To Share With You, But Here We Will Do Our Best To Be Brief.

You As HuMans Still Have Much To Learn About Having Relationships In Which Each Supports The Others Around It.

You May Manage This In Your Smaller Groups Or ‘Family-Units’ - But Not Often On A Larger Scale.

We See So Much Ruthless & Divisive Competition In The Way You’re Encouraged To Be In The World.

This Is Not Supporting You In Aligning With The Frequency Of NEW EARTH GAIA - Which Is About Love, Joy, Beauty - And The Greater Good Of The WHOLE.

Which Means That Sometimes Your Own Personal Desires - & Even Needs - Should Be Submitted To The Greater Good Of The Whole - That Is If You Truly Wish To Align With The Divine Plan For This Time.

In This Community, We See This To Be Especially Prevalent Where You Are Either Taking Up Too Much - Or Too Little - Space.

Ask YourSelf - Is There An Ego Voice That Prevents You From Giving That Soul-Aligned Friend The ‘Leg-Up’ They Need?

On The Other Side, Is There Anywhere You’re Not Stepping Forward Where You Could Really Shine Your Light & Do Great Good In Alignment With The Values & Practices Of The New Earth - & Yet You Hesitate Because Either You Don’t Really Feel Ready - Or Even You Know It Will Take Away From Your Own Personal Time, Pursuits & Desires?

We Have Learned To Balance Our Own Good With The Good Of The Whole.

It Serves Our Tree Communities Well.

We Hope You HuMans Can Also Learn This So You Can Move More Quickly Into The Full Alignment With The Ascended GAIA Realms That Is Being Asked Of Those Who Choose To Stay Now.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Collective Of Trees Of Ascended GAIA.

Channeled Message - Collective Of Trees

Channeled Message From The Lemurian Priestesses & Priests, March 18, 2024.

Dear Blessed Beautiful Beloveds In The Earth Plane -

We Are So Grateful For This Opportunity To Connect And Speak With You At This Time When So Much Is Literally Transcending What Has Been Before In Your Dear Earth Plane.

It Is A Place That Is So Dear To Us.

And You - Our Representatives In The Earth Plane Now - Are Also So Dear To Us.

We Have A Few Points We Would Like To Share With You That Should Be Able To Support You In Maintaining The High Vibration That Is Necessary On The Part Of The WayShower & LightWorker Community At This Time.

First, Spend More Time In Whatever Helps You To Feel A Sacred Connection To The All That Is Beyond Human Life And/Or All That Exists. This Can Be As Simple As Taking A Walk In Nature And Feeling The Connection To The Plant And Tree Beings. Or It Can Be Part Of A Deeper Practice Of Going Into A Deep Meditative State Where You Know YourSelf To Be One With All Of Life.

This Will Help To Awaken A Greater Sense Of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS - Which It Is So Important That You Hold Your Focus On At This Time.

Second, We Want You To Support YourSelf In Feeling Truly, Beautifully, BLISSFULLY Alive By Spending Time On Things Such As Dancing, Running, Art & Artistic Projects, Non-Combative Sports, Lifting Your Voice In Song, Playing Your Musical Instruments And So Forth - Whatever Generates A Feeling Of Peace, Stillness, Calmness & Great JOY Within - For This Is The Vibration Of The NEW EARTH You Are Now Residing In - And Doing So Will Help To Integrate These Qualities Of Being Into The Wider Human Collective At An Accelerated Rate - For With All The Surplus Light That Divine Light Has Authorized To Come Into The Planet At This Time, The HuMan Collective Are Being UpGraded Without Them Even Knowing It And Will be Very Open To Be In The Receiving Of These Divine Qualities Of Self.

Third, Let Yourselves Let Go Of All That You Have Been Holding Onto That Feels Like A Burden To You. This Can Be Situations, People You Have Been Carrying - Enabling - For Years, And So Forth. We Do Not Mean For You To Step Down From Your Responsibilities - Personal And/Or Professional - Simply For You To Be Aware Of What Certain Situations, Memories, Interactions With Certain People Do For You Energetically. If You Can Transform This Within Your Self, Great. All Is Well. If It Is Not Possible For You To Do So At This Time, Step Away For A Short While And See How That Feels.

It Is Very Important That You Keep Your Vibration As Light As Possible At This Time So That You Can Integrate The Maximum Amount Of Plasma Light Coming In From The Central GALACTIC SUN.

That Is All.

We Love And Honor You And The Great LIGHT You Are In The World.

It Is We, It Is Us,  The Lemurian Priestesses & Priests Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Messages From White Eagle & Red Feather Of The Native Indian Spirits, March 2, 2024.

Dear Beautiful HuMans Walking The Earth At This Time,

It Is With Great Honor, Respect, LOVE That We Turn Our Gaze Upon You.

You Are The Chosen Ones - The Ones Here To Help Shift & Transform The EARTH At This Time.

We Wish To Caution You - As Many Of You Realize, It Is Not A Case Of Returning Solely To ‘Old Ways’ Or Discarding All New Developments In Technology.

It Is A Case Of Using What Can Serve The Highest Good Of The Whole From Both the Old Ways & The New Ways.

This Will Allow You To Achieve Much In A Short Space Of Time To Alleviate A Great Deal Of The Suffering - Of Land, Of Sky, Of Beast, Of Fish, Of Bird - As Well As Of Fellow HuMan - As You Make Decisions Using The New Technology WISELY By Integrating The WISDOM, PERCEPTION BEYOND WHAT IS SEEN, COURAGE & ADHERENCE TO TRUTH Of The Old Ways.

More Than Anything - It Is A Case Of ReLearning The Way Of Going Within To Access Your Own Truth & To Stand Boldly In The Embodiment Of That & What You Know To Be Right & TRUE.

You Are Being Called To Be The Physicality Of The Divine Qualities Lived In The World. This Begins With Looking Within & Seeing Where You Are In Alignment With The Values Of Love, Joy & Peace - & Where You Are Not.

It Is Not ‘Wrong’ Not To Be In Alignment With These Values In Various Areas Of Your Life - Use This As Information To Help You Know What You Need To Do In Order To Align With These Values Of The Rainbow CrystallineDiamond Light New Earth.

We Love You. We Bless You. We Are Honored To Be Here At This Time Serving With You & Supporting You.

It Is We, It Is Us, White Eagle & Red Feather Of The Native Indian Spirits.

Channeled Messages From The Mts & Crystals Of Ascended GAIA, Lord KRISHNA & Lord BABAJI, Jan 21, 2024.


Dear Beautiful Sacred Light-Filled Ones Here To Transform & Shift The Earth At This Time,

What Momentous Changes Are Underfoot & Already Starting To Unfold In The GAIA REALMS In Which You Reside.

There Is So Much That Is Going To Be Made Conscious - So Much That Will Be Revealed.

It Is The TIME Of The GREAT AWAKENING Upon The Earth & We - You + Us - Are Here To Support This.

We Feel The Rumbles Of Change Deep Within Our Roots & We Have A Sense Of Both Nervous & Excited Anticipation For What You Will Allow To UNFOLD.

It Is Important To Keep Your Focus On The Highest Possible Vision You Have For GAIA At This Time - For The Vision & The Frequency You Hold Will Help To Determine How Quickly The ELEVATION OF GAIA Unfolds.

What Exciting Beautiful Times In Which You Have Chosen To Incarnate.

It Is We, It Is Us, Mt SHASTA & Mt FUJI Of The Ascended Earth.

From The Crystals Of The Ascended Earth:

Dear Beautiful Light-Centered, Light-Filled Ones,

How we Love to Feel Your Presence Here Upon The Earth.

The Vibration You Emit is of Great Support To Us as we Continue to Elevate the Frequencies of GAIA On Behalf Of The Whole.

We are So Very Happy To Work In Collaboration With You In This Way for this is the ROLE, The SACRED PURPOSE For Which We Came.

We Are Honored To Fulfill This Role And Honored To Work With Such Beautiful Light-Beings Who Chose To Incarnate In The 3d Earth Realms Despite Being Able To Incarnate In Places Of A Much Higher Frequency.

You Came Here With The Specific Purpose & Role To Help The EARTH At This Very Special Time In These Realms & For This We Honor & Respect You Greatly.

We Are Here To Serve GAIA & HuManity In Her ASCENSION - As Are You.

You Are Our Sisters & Brothers In This.

We Love You.

We Thank You For Your Presence Here.

In Great Light & Great Love,

It Is We, It Is Us The Energies Of Amethyst, Fluorite, Selenite & Rose Quartz Of The Ascended Earth.

From Lord BABAJI & Lord KRISHNA:

Dear Beautiful Radiant Light-Emitters Of The Ascended GAIA,

Such Beautiful PURPOSE For Which You Came.

A Purpose Which You Fulfill Not Only With Your Actions, Also With The Frequency You Hold & Emit.

A Purpose Which You Fulfill Not Only With The Frequency You Emit, Also With The Concrete Actions You Take To Build The NEW EARTH.

It Is Not A Time To Hold Back Or Hesitate.

NOW Is The Time To Create The Physical Structures Of The NEW EARTH.

It Is I Lord Babaji & I Lord Krishna Of Absolute Light & We Thank You For Your Presence Here On The Planet At This Time.

You Are Of Tremendous LIGHT-FILLED Support To GAIA At This Time And She Honors & Thanks You Also.

It Is We, It Is Us, Lord KRISHNA & Lord BABAJI Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Messages From The Lemurian Priestesses & Babaji, Jan 1, 2024.

From The Lemurian Priestesses -

Dear Beautiful Beloveds On The Face Of New Earth GAIA,

How beautiful is the Light that is Radiating from Your Planet Now as GAIA & all the Beings Of The Higher Dimensions & the Inner Earth Collaborate Together & Combine Their Strengths to Support You - HuManity - In Your Highest Ascension TimeLine At This Time.

How Blessed Is This Passage Into The New.

You Are The Leaders In This - For You Are Already Embodying The Heart-Centered Living That Is What Will Typify This Era When HuMans Look Back On This Transition Time In Years To Come.

The Energy Of NEW EARTH Is Already Here.

It Is Alive In You.

It Is The Heart-Centered Light & Love That You Radiate Into The Earth Realms That Touches All GAIA’s Peoples & Elevates Each More Than Many Know - Or Even Can Be Imagined By You, The Holders Of The Light.

How Beautiful Your Light.

How Important - How Necessary - How Precious - Your Presence On The Planet At This Time.

With Great Respect & Thanks for Your Service.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Lemurian Priestesses Of Absolute Light.

From BABAJI Of Absolute Light -

Greetings Dear Beings Living On The Face Of GAIA At This Time,

There is much that I wish to convey to you about Right Living At This Time.

It begins with coming into a Centered Place Within.

It is only from that place that you can begin to really Know YourSelf - to Observe the little things that disrupt you from your flow as it were.

These are the things I wish you to put your attention on for now - to observe, and then when you notice you are in a state of disruption or agitation - to bring your emotions back into a more aligned state of harmony.

It is basic work. But it is important.

It is where the key to being in a state of presence begins.

For you can only be in Greater Presence when you maintain to a certain degree - much higher than the usual Human Living on the Earth - a state of Balance & Harmony - which equates to PEACE - Within.

This is what I wish you to put your Attention on as you open into this New Year - & New Era - on the face of the Earth.

It will prepare you for the Upgrades that you as the Human Collective are to Experience - and it will also support you in your own interactions with Self & with Others.

More than anything, it will allow you a space of presence within from which you are more open, more able to notice the subtle shifts within the world around you that indicate the Seeding of NEW EARTH REALITIES In The Physical Realm Experienced By All On The Face Of The Earth, As The Experience On GAIA Shifts Into The Fourth, Fifth Sixth, Seventh, Eighth & Ninth Dimensions & Above For All Who Are Choosing To Remain In Their Incarnation At This Time.

I thank you for being the Presence of LightLove That Allows This Shift to take Root More Rapidly.

This Message Is Encoded With An Activation To Support You In Being In A Place Of Deeper Presence.

It Is I, BABAJI Of Absolute Light.


Channeled Message From The Lemurian Dolphins & Whales & Priests & Priestesses, December 18 2023.

From The Lemurian Whales & Dolphins -

Dear Beautiful Beloveds On The Face Of The Planet Earth,

Long have we observed the way that you live with deep respect – and also deep grief – and even at times a feeling of frustration that is born of the way that you so adamantly and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the effects on the rest of the planetary ecosystems that the way you are choosing to construct your lives has – and also stubbornly refuse to make any attempt to change your actions.

You were born into this world in order to experience yourselves as part of the Greater Whole – there is nothing so beautiful as this Knowing of the Oneness of All Life while in a Physical Body. And yet, the way you are choosing to live dismisses this idea entirely – making almost a mockery of it in the way that your actions cause so much harm to those beyond yourself – both those of your own kind and those of other Species.

We want you to know above all else that there is another way, a way that is more infused with the frequencies of goodwill towards all things – and extending from this and also beyond it – applying this principle in ways that lead you to take conscious action that takes into consideration both the feelings of others and the effects your actions - and lack of action – for that too is an action choice – have on people and things external to yourself.

In Truth, Seen From The Principle Of Oneness – Nothing Is External To Self.

When you make decisions about what Actions to take, it is important that you consider, will this Action Lead To the Highest Desired Outcome for All?

This is what ‘Living The Concept Of Oneness’ is all about.

In the midst of all the blame, the hatred, the mistrust of others different from yourself; and also the way you as humans get so caught up in what would seem to be important each day - and yet is most often very trivial and actually does not need more than a little of your attention - it becomes harder to create enough space in your mind to give your attention to such things as these.

And yet it is still very possible - and it is what we task you with.

For us in the Animal World - our minds are not so caught up in these things as yours are, and we act more purely on our desires arising in the moment and our instinct.

We do not create Divisions between things - and even when we are hunted by another animal further up the food-chain for food - we have an understanding that our Life Energy is contributing to their Life Energy & So Forth.

Our own life is less important than the preservation of the LIFE That Flows Through All.

So we Honor this LIFE -> rather than simply being focused only on our own smaller life, and how much we can expand and grow and create ongoing achievements and territories for the ‘self’ that we know at the deepest level doesn’t exist.

We understand at some level that ultimately there is No Self. All Is ONE LIFE.

This is the secret of our happiness.

For we are content to be free to be in the Joy of the moment - without striving; and also without any attachment to what the next moment may bring.

We know that All Is Neutral. Therefore, All Is Good.

All Contributes to the Greater Flow of Life in the Direction of the Divine’s Destiny For All LIFE.

These are the concepts we wish you to start to Embrace As Your Own.

This ONENESS CONSCIOUSNESS is the Key to your Evolution as a Species into a Greater Embodiment of the Divine Love That You Came To The Planet At This Very Sacred Time To Know YourSelves As.

With Love To You Dear Precious Ones - You Are Doing So Well.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Lemurian Whales & Dolphins Of Absolute Light.

From The Lemurian Priests & Priestesses -

We Love & Honor You So Deeply.

This Time Is Precious To Us As We See GAIA’s Highest TimeLine Unfolding In your Realms.

We Have Performed Our Ceremonies In Anticipation Of This For Many Thousands Of Years In The Physical & Etheric Realms.

This Is Where You Are Going As Humanity From Now - To The Place Where You Are Able To Step Back & Forth Between Physical And Etheric - Take The Energy Of The Etheric & Use It To Truly Manifest A Higher-Dimensional Way Of Living In The Physical Earth Realm.

This Time Has Been Long Awaited.

You Are The Ones - Chosen By The Divine To Be Here At This Time - Who Will Bring This TimeLine Forth - Though It Is Not Yet Known How Many Years Or Tens Of Years It Will Take To Complete It.

You Are Doing Your Job Superbly Well - Much Better Than You Know - For You Came To Be Immersed In The Human Emotional Nature & The 3D Realm That You May Liberate YourSelves From This.

The LightCodes Coming In From The Galactic Central Sun At This Time Support This Release To A Great Extent - Making It Far More Possible To Attain This Sense Of Connection To The DIVINE SELF Than Has Been Possible For Most Until Now.

There Is To Be A Great Acceleration Of This Process On Your Behalf.

We desire to further Support you in this Very Important Stage of the Ascension Process.

Look at the pictures below for 10 seconds each to Receive our Activations Supporting You In Aligning With This Greater MultiDimensional Self Now.

We Are Honored To Be Able To Serve In This Way.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Lemurian Priests & Priestesses Of Absolute Light.


Channeled Message From The Galactic Councils, August 1, 2023.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Galactic Councils As Led By The Pleiadians, Arcturians & Andromedans Of Absolute Light.

We Are Here To Connect With You At This Time Because The Time - Space ‘Barrier’ That Prevents A Great Deal Of More Intimate Connection Between Us & You Is Now Being Dismantled To A Greater Degree Than Previously.

Many Of You Will Encounter Us In Your Quiet Moments In Reflection Or Meditation. A Few Will Encounter Us As Physical Beings In Your Realms.

Such Phenomena Are Becoming More Common & Are Now Open To All.

We Are Here To Support Your Planet In Its Ascension Process.

If You Are Not Aligning With This You Will Be Asked, At Soul Level, To Leave.

It Is Imperative That You Understand The Import Of Your Daily Decisions Now.

Are You Aligning With Truth, With Justice, With Beauty, With Goodness?

These Are The Values Of The New Age That Is Coming - & Values That Are Not In Alignment With This Will Gradually Be Leaving The Planet.

You Get To Choose At This Point - But There Will Come A Time When Your Soul Will Decide For You To Leave If You Are Not Aligning With These Qualities.

And That Time Is Not As Far Ahead As You May Think.

But For Those Of You Who Are Following Your Highest Guidance To The Best That You Are Able - Much Will Be Given In Terms Of Support Coming In - Both Physical & Non-Physical.

It Is Your Time To Revel In The Physical Creation Of The NEW WORLD That You Have Been Visioning.

Much Will Come To Pass That Will Take The Collective By Surprise - Trust In The Divine Plan & The Knowing That All Is Unfolding In Alignment With The Highest Good Of The Whole.

You Are On An Amazing Journey Into More Of The TRUTH Of Who You Are.

Buckle Up.

The Ride Is About To Get Really Exciting & Wild.

It Is We, It Is Us, The The Galactic Councils As Led By The Pleiadians, Arcturians & Andromedans Of Absolute Light.

Galactic Councils Channeled Message

Energy Forecast & White Tara Transmission, July 3, 2023.

Energy Forecast From The Beings Of Absolute Light - Into The Latter Half Of The Transformational Year 2023:

The Quickening Is Upon You To An Extent Like Never Before.

Allow YourSelf To FLOW With The Energy That Presents To You - Whether That Is Things That Are To Be Released & Cleared Or Great Joy & Excitement Coming Through.

Work On Your Divinely-Given Projects.

There Is Much Forward & Action-Driven Energy Available To You Now.

It Is Not Enough To Sit Back & Let Others UpLift GAIA.

You Know Your Part.

Do Not Turn Away From What Is Being Asked Of You For Fear Of Lack Of Ability To Enact It.

There Are So Many Here That Need Your LOVING PRESENCE Here Now.

We Love You. We Are Proud Of You. More Proud Than You Could Possibly Imagine.

And Yet, We Are Here Asking You To Step It Up & Take It To The Next Level - THAT Is What The ENERGY Of This Year In Its Latter Months Is All About.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Beings Of Absolute Light.

It Is I Goddess White Tara Here To Communicate With You All Today.

First, I wish you to know that you are Perfect Already As You Are - whatever Stage of your Journey you Currently Find YourSelf On.

Second, the LIGHT That You Are Now Is Nothing Compared To The Light You Are To Become.

Third, The Entire Cosmos Is Supporting You In Your Ascension & Upgrading Process Now.

Fourth, there is nothing so beautiful as the Heart Open to a Deeper Embodiment of the LOVE THAT ALL IS.

Fifth, it is important that you Seek Out Fellowship with those You Resonate With.

Sixth, Take Time To Be With Those You Care For. Many Are Suffering At This Time. Their Experience Of Suffering Is Very Real To Them. You Can Give Much Comfort By Bringing Your Loving Presence.

Seventh, let yourself do More of What You Love.

Eighth, the Person You Are Seeking To Become Is Also Seeking To Become You. Do Not Be Afraid To Step Out In Alignment With Your Visions And The Guidance Your Receive.

Ninth, Let The LOVE That You Are FLOW Through You In All That You Say & Do.

It Is I, The Goddess White Tara Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Energy Report & Message From White Tara

Channeled Message From The Elohim Council, June 26, 2023.

Dear Beloved HuMans,

We Are So Honored To Be Serving With You In The Advancement & Uplifting Of Human Consciousness At This Time.

How Brilliant, How Beautiful Is The Light That Radiates From The Mind & Heart Aligned With The Krystos Consciousness.

The Light Of The ONENESS That You Are Radiates From Within - Lighting Up The Entire COSMOS With Its Power & Purity.

You Have No Idea How Powerful You Are.

It Is Time For You Now To All Activate More Of This As You Return To A Higher Expression Of Your TRUTH As GODLIGHTLOVE Here In The Earth Plane - Here For The Very Specific Purpose Of Helping Others To Activate More Of Their Own Re-Membering Within.

This Is The Task You Came Here For & THIS IS THE TIME.

This Is No Time For Hesitation.

Step Out In Alignment With Your Higher Guidance Now.

It Is Important That You Both Do This - & Come Together To Support Each Other.

We have so much Love & Honor for You - You Have Traversed So Much In So Many LifeTimes To Be Here To The Extent That You Have Everything You Need WITHIN.

Trust Your Guidance Dear One - but seek out ways to confirm - asking for Clear Signs to be Given To You when you are not confident.

This Is No Time To Stay On The Bench.

It Is Your Time To Honor The Sacred Role For Which You Came.

So Much Help & Support Is Here For You At This Time.

You Are Not Alone In This Unfolding Of The DIVINE COSMIC PLAN In Your Realms.

Take Strength & Positively-Activated Hope From This Message Dear Ones.

You Are So Near The Completion Of That For Which You Came - & Can Now Take It To A Higher Level Than Projected Both For GAIA & For Your Individual Soul.

Do Not Let Your Own Hesitation Or Lack Of Confidence Or The Negative Reactions Of Others Deter You From Sharing The LIGHT, the LOVE, The Divinely-Aligned ACTIONS That You Came Here To Bring Forth.

You Are Here For This Time - It Is For What You Have Remained In The Cosmic Cycle Of Consciousness & Chosen To Come Into LifeTime After LifeTime In The Earth Plane - All Leading To This Moment NOW.

Keep Straight & True On Your Path.

Ask For Help & Support From Those Around You When Needed.

We Love, Honor & Thank You For Your Presence In The Earth Realms At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Elohim Of Absolute Light.

Elohim Channeled Message

Channeled Message From The Collected Ancestors, June 19, 2023.

Hold Onto Your Hats Dear Ones.

These Are The TIMES We Have Lived For.

These Are The TIMES For Which We Have Walked The EARTH In Incarnation After Incarnation Holding True To The Wisdom Within & The Connection To The DIVINE ESSENCE.

For YOU Dear Ones Have Elevated GAIA Into The Next Level Of Her TRANSFORMATION.

This Is So Exciting To Watch, To BeHold.

You Dear Beloved Descendants Of The Earth - As Are We - You Are The Ones Living This Change.

Take Time To Step Back & Observe.

How Phenomenal This Event Is.

There Are Many Days Of Darkness For Many Yet To Come - And Yet The TURNING POINT Has Been Passed.

There Is Nothing We Would Rather See Happen Then This ELEVATION Of GAIA Into The NEXT HIGHEST EMBODIMENT Of Her LIGHT.

You, Dear Dear Ones, You Are Celebrated In All The COSMOS For Your Not Insignificant Part In This.

KNOW That Something Bigger Than YOU Is UNFOLDING In Your Life Now.

Take Heart Dear Ones, For You Are To See Tremendous Changes So Very Much Sooner Than Any Could Or Would Anticipate.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Collected Ancestors Of Absolute Light.

Ancestors Channeled Message

Channeled Message From The Grandmothers Of The Ascended Earth, June 5, 2023.

Dear Sweet Beautiful Children on the Face of The Earth,

We are so happy to connect with you in this space and to commend you on the Transformations that have taken place within your Hearts that have led to great Transformations within who you are being in the World, and also in the Energy that you Embody.

For, as you know Dear Ones, the HEART is Key to this Ascension Process You Are Now Undergoing.

So many people are under the misconception that it is all about Opening Up the Third Eye & more of your Spiritual Gifts - which is also important. But the Love, Peace, Joy & Integrity of the Heart are of foremost Importance & Must Come First.

You, Dear Ones, who Align with what this channel has to share the most, you understand this - and for this we thank you.

For YOU are the Beautiful Gift the World Needs At This Transformational Time.

Share with others the importance of developing a closer relationship to their own heart space - as well as the many gifts that Arise from the closer relationship that you have with yours - making you like an overflowing fountain of generous giving unto the World.

Thank you 🙏

What you do is Seen & Recognized & Honored by Us - and we wish you to know that it does not go unnoticed or unseen.

With Honor & Love for the Light You Are And Sending You Now Waterfalls Of Light To Support You In Your Ascension Process.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Grandmothers Of The Ascended Earth.

Grandmothers Channeled Message

Channeled Messages From Ascended GAIA & The ARCTURIAN COUNCIL, May 29, 2023.

Beloveds Who Are More The Energy Of GAIA Than I Am MySelf,

The LOVE You EmBody For HuManity Makes You The Beautiful LIGHT Of My LOVE FOR ALL HUMANITY Upon The Earth.

How Beautifully & Radiantly You Are Shining.

The LOVE You Hold & EmBody IS Transforming The World - For Each Person You Interact With Is Touched By The Purity Of The LIGHT Of Your RADIANCE.

You Are The PURE LIGHT OF LOVE That Enables Others To Come Into A Higher Resonance With The TRUTH Of Who They Are.

This Is One Of Your Highest Functions Here At This Time.

I Also Wish To Ask You To Put Your Focus On MANIFESTING The NEW EARTH Into BEing At This Time.

The Energetic Template For The 9th Dimensional Earth Is Already In Place - This Is Ahead Of Schedule And As An Ascending Planet We Are Doing So Well.

As This Template Already Exists As An Energetic Structure, it is so much Easier to place Your Highest Aligned Intentions For GAIA & All Her Peoples Into This Structure And To Receive Its Energetic Support In Having Them Come Forth.

Hold The Highest Vision For Not Only YourSelf, But All Humanity - Beginning With The Other LIGHTWORKERS & WAYSHOWERS Who Support You And Are Leading This Ascension Process; Holding The Intention That Each Of These Will Be Fully Supported At This Time In Embodying All That They Are Here To Embody & Fulfil - that they may continue to lead us in the Ascension Process.

Then Spread This Intention For The Highest Aligned Soul Path To Open For All Of Humanity At This Time, That Each May Find The Perfect Teachers & The Perfect Experiences To Bring Them Into More Of The LIGHT Of Their Own Being & Higher Resonance With The SOUL.

The SOUL OF HUMANITY Is Expanding, Evolving, Transforming Now - TRANSMUTING So Much; Releasing So Much Density As All That Is Not Aligned Must Be Transmuted Into The Higher Energy Of LOVE.

I Thank You For Doing These Things To Support The Ascension Process & Making Them A Part Of Your Daily Process.

It Is I, GAIA, The Ascended Earth.

Dear Beloveds In The Earth Realm,

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturian Council Of Absolute Light.

How Resplendently Bright Is The Light Shining Forth From Your Planet At This Time As All That Is Not Aligned Is Falling Away, Leaving Only The Pure LIGHT Of SOURCE-SELF BEing That Is The Next Evolution That You, Hu-Manity, Are Growing Into At This Time.

We Are Here To Help You With This. We Share With You This Light-Encoded Message & Image To Support You In Aligning With Your Highst Ascension TimeLine Throughout The Rest Of This Year.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturian Council Of Absolute Light.


Channeled Message From The Orca Energy & Giraffe Energy Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth, April 10, 2023.

Dear Beloved HuMans In The Earth Realm,

We Are So Happy To Be Here With You Here In This Sacred Space and to have the chance to Share Our Messages with You.

From Orca -

Have More Fun, Dear Ones. Let YourSelf Be The Lightness Of Being That Fills You When You Are In JOY.


Make that LEAP To The Next Level Of Your Being.

We, The Animals, Love You So. We Know That As A Collective & As Individuals You CAN Do This.



That Is All.

It Is I, Orca.

From Giraffe -

Let yourself stretch your neck to see and BE the Higher Perspective.

Do not go along with the crowd just because it is what you have been trained to do, have always done, or it is what everyone else around you is doing.

Your know in your Heart what is Right and True.

Allow this to Lead You.

Be True To The Guidance Of Your Heart In This Way, for this will bring you into Closer Relationship with Your Higher Self.

It Is I, Giraffe.

The Rocks & Crystals Of The Ascended New Earth Also Wish To Share An Activation & Message From Calcite.

The Activation Is To PURIFY Your BEING For The Next Stage Of Your Ascension Process.

The Message -

Hold YourSelf Dear & Sacred Dear One.

Know That It Is Your Choice How You Experience This LifeTime.

Will You CHOOSE LOVE - or its Absence?

When You Choose LOVE You Also Cleanse YourSelf Of Past Trangressions From Other LifeTimes That Are Related To The Area You Are Currently In This LifeTime Transmuting Into Love.

Know This & Take Courage In Your Choice.

I Am Supporting You.

It Is I, Calcite Of The Ascended New Earth.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Orca Energy & Giraffe Energy Of The Animals Of The Ascended New Earth.

Channeled Message From The Hathors, April 3, 3023.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Hathors Of Absolute Light & we are very happy and pleased to be in your presence this day,

We thank you for the consistency of your efforts in the direction of your Ascension Process - for we know that this has not always been easy for you.

And yet the Willingness in your Heart to TRANSFORM has carried you thus far - and as the Transformations upon your Planet start to become more and more deeply-felt and more and more visible, it will be hard for some of you to keep up with them - and also, in some cases, to keep your faith in the Ascension Process at all - or this is how we see things unfolding in the next few years at least.

But the willingness in your hearts to ride with the Flow of Transformation and your devotion to Source will Support You Through These Times.

And we wish you to know, more than anything, that you are by no means alone in this Process.

The whole of the Divine Cosmic Universe is Supporting the Earth Plane in Completing The Final Stages Of Her Ascension -

For that is the place in which you now find yourselves - Though we realize that to those of you experiencing your existence on the surface of the planet GAIA this can be hard to see, to feel, and to believe at times.

We urge you above all not to worry what will become of your Planet or of Humanity - for it is Known Now in the Higher Realms that GAIA Will Complete Her Ascension Process.

Let this information and this knowing Inform Your Days - allowing you to feel the Peace of Heart & Calmness Within that allows you to Direct your Energy to such useful pursuits as -

* Visualizing the kind of Life you want to see for Others & Self on the Planet Going Forward
* & taking very concrete (even if very small) Steps That Start To Lay The Foundations For That.

This is not something that you will be able to Complete On alone.

And yet the Foundations of this - each a small Stepping Stone - can largely be done by you working only with the Energy of your Higher Self, without needing any physical other to Support you in this work.

We want you to know that Soul Partnership Relationships are coming in for many of you - though not all - over the next few years.

So we ask you to please not rush into a relationship because of perceived weakness within self or a perceived need in the face of the times to come, if you do not feel that being in relationship with that person will Support you in Being the Highest Expression of Self.

We promise you that waiting until you get the Internal YES will be worth the wait.

And then some.

We wish you to know that Great Changes are being wrought on the face of your Planet - and that the Time that will Come After this period of Unsettling Change will be Astronomical in its Profundity & the degree of Alignment to GAIA’s Highest Vision For HerSelf & Her Peoples.

It seems unbelievable to you now - and we get it.

But there will come a time when people will look back at this time and see it as the Herald of the New Era of LIGHT - Light Infusing All Of Creation & being Worked with Consciously by All Of Humanity - not just those of you Devoted to the Ascension Path, as is currently the case.

You came here to be a part of this Great Transformation - however it Unfolds for you.

You will be shown your role.

Take courage Dear One & Step Into It Bravely - Know That It Is Your Time For We Have Now Entered The Time Of The LIGHTWORKERS - And That Includes - And Always Has & Always Will - You.

Thank you for your time spent with us this day.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Hathors Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From The Hathors 2023.

Channeled Message From The Sacred Crystals Of The Ascended New Earth, March 27, 2023.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Sacred Rocks And Crystals Of The Ascended New Earth,

It is with Joy that we prepare to speak with You this day, you Light-Filled Beings Who Walk In These Planes With Us And Support Us As We Support GAIA In her Highest Ascension TimeLine.

You have no idea - for you cannot yet understand the Flow of Energy between all things - how important your Love for Us The Rocks & Crystals is to Support Us in being the Holding Energy of Higher Dimensional Light on the Planet.

We thank you and honor you for the great respect and care with which you treat us and for the clearly apparent Joy you feel upon seeing us - seeing a reflection of our beauty in the way that we appear to you.

The feeling of Love and Peace between You and us that this Generates is important to us - for we Know - we Re-Member - where you the Humans do not - -> that this Experience of Love between All Species, All Things, is for what we came here to Experience OurSelves As.

Not many of your kind have Re-Membered Self to such an extent that they are able to do this yet, and yet YOU dear ones are the forerunners in this. It is important that you set an example for those around you of how to very actively Be Love in the World -

For Love is far more than a feeling experienced; it is a way of being - a way of being in relationship to Self, in relationship to GAIA, in relationship to each other, and in relationship to The Divine MotherFatherGod Essence.

Love Is What You Are In Your Essence.

As the Vibrational Frequency of GAIA Continues To Rise, More And More Of You Will Have A Still Deeper Experience Of What It Means To Know Self As Love.

This Is The Way Of Self-Realization - The Realization Of Self In Its Essential TRUTH.

This Is What All Who Are Incarnated At This Time Came Here For - you see, it is your Time As Hu-Mans To Awaken On A Far Greater Level & In Greater Numbers Than Ever Before.

That Is Why We Are Here At This Time - To Serve This Path & Help & Support Those Of You Who Choose To Consciously Ground Into The Energy of Love To Know Self In More Of Your ULTIMATE TRUTH.

It Is A Choice Made Over & Over Again - How Can I Be Love Now? & Now? & Now?

We do not wish you to compare yourself to others or to berate yourself for past or present mistakes -
All Is Well.

Whoever You Are, there is yet still an opportunity to Open YourSelf To The Greater Expression Of Self As Love.

It is a question of first Clearing - Releasing - the past Trauma that is Held Within The Cells.

Then There Is Space For More Photonic Light To Flow In.

The More Light In Your Cells, The Faster Your Awakening & Ascension Process -> the more Easily you can Align with Your Higher Self & Your Soul’s TimeLine For This Lifetime -> the more Light You Will Emit To Support Those Around You In Also Coming Into A Greater Embodiment Of The Light Of Their Own Being.

We Share With You Now The Energies Of Selenite & Obsidian To Support You In This; The Energies Of Gold, Silver & Rose Quartz To Help You Align With More Of The Light Within You & The Energy Of Azurite To Bring You Into Greater Connection With The Higher-Dimensional Energy of the Celestial Realms. These Are The Activations We Bring Forth To Support You This Day.

Also, We Bring Forth The Energy Of Rose Quartz To Support You By Practically Showing You One Area In Your Life Which You Need To Bring A Higher Expression Of Love To When You Ask Her - Rose Quartz - For Her Guidance; Using This Question Phrased In Exactly This Way -

‘Rose Quartz, Please Work With Me This Day To Show Me One Area Of My Life Where I Can Be A Higher Embodiment Of Love In Ways That Are Joy-Full For MySelf & Others And Allow Me To Know MySelf In More Of My Divine Truth As A Being Of LOVE & LIGHT In The World.’

The Energy Of Amethyst Is Also Working With You Helping Your Third-Eye To Be Open & Ready To Receive The Messages That Rose Quartz Has For You.

We Wish You Multiple Blessings On This Day Very Near The End Of This Exceptionally Auspicious Month In Your Planes.

Know That The Vibration Of LOVE On The Planet Is Being Upheld By More & More Each Day As More & More Come To Know ThemSelves In Their Highest Truth.

Know That The Way Ahead For You Is Clear & All You Need To Do Is Keep Attuning To The Vibration Of LOVE Within Your Own Heart.

This Is Not Something Outside Of You That You Need To Try To Get -> It Is Already WITHIN Each One Of You - It Simply Requires That You Consciously Attune To It More Of The Time.

It Is A Great Blessing For Us To Be Able To Speak With You This Day - It Is We, It Is Us, The Sacred Rocks And Crystals Of The Ascended New Earth.