Channeled Message From The Rocks, Crystals & Stones Of The Ascended Earth, Sept 8, 2024.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Rocks, Crystals & Stones Of The Ascended Earth And We Have Much To Convey To You.

First, Choose With Attention And Care That Which You Put Your Focus On For Manifestation Speed Is Greatly Enhanced In Your Realms At This Time And Through The End Of This Year Especially.

Second, Allow YourSelf To Envision The Highest Vision Of Your Life You Can Forsee For YourSelf.

From Rose Quartz –

Love Is What Matters In The Earth Plane At This Time. The Vibrational Frequency Of Love Is Crucial To The Ascension Process For The Whole And I Ask You To Consciously Return To This Frequency Over And Over Again Throughout Your Day.

Be Kind To YourSelf First – And Then Kind To The Utmost Degree To Those Around You, Particularly Those Who Are Suffering Or Struggling At This Time.

From Amethyst –

Allow YourSelf To Believe The Messages You Receive, Seeking Out Confirmation If You Need To. It Is Important That You Align With Your Guidance At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Rocks, Crystals & Stones Of The Ascended Earth – And We Are Greatly Pleased To Speak With You This Day.


Channeled Message From The Collective Of Trees Of Ascended GAIA, May 19, 2024.

Beautiful Human Ones,

We Inhabit This Earth At The Same Time As You - And Some Of You Are Walking In The Same Frequency Band As Us As You Activate More & More Of Your Truth.

There Is So Much That We Wish To Share With You, But Here We Will Do Our Best To Be Brief.

You As HuMans Still Have Much To Learn About Having Relationships In Which Each Supports The Others Around It.

You May Manage This In Your Smaller Groups Or ‘Family-Units’ - But Not Often On A Larger Scale.

We See So Much Ruthless & Divisive Competition In The Way You’re Encouraged To Be In The World.

This Is Not Supporting You In Aligning With The Frequency Of NEW EARTH GAIA - Which Is About Love, Joy, Beauty - And The Greater Good Of The WHOLE.

Which Means That Sometimes Your Own Personal Desires - & Even Needs - Should Be Submitted To The Greater Good Of The Whole - That Is If You Truly Wish To Align With The Divine Plan For This Time.

In This Community, We See This To Be Especially Prevalent Where You Are Either Taking Up Too Much - Or Too Little - Space.

Ask YourSelf - Is There An Ego Voice That Prevents You From Giving That Soul-Aligned Friend The ‘Leg-Up’ They Need?

On The Other Side, Is There Anywhere You’re Not Stepping Forward Where You Could Really Shine Your Light & Do Great Good In Alignment With The Values & Practices Of The New Earth - & Yet You Hesitate Because Either You Don’t Really Feel Ready - Or Even You Know It Will Take Away From Your Own Personal Time, Pursuits & Desires?

We Have Learned To Balance Our Own Good With The Good Of The Whole.

It Serves Our Tree Communities Well.

We Hope You HuMans Can Also Learn This So You Can Move More Quickly Into The Full Alignment With The Ascended GAIA Realms That Is Being Asked Of Those Who Choose To Stay Now.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Collective Of Trees Of Ascended GAIA.

Channeled Message - Collective Of Trees

Channeled Messages From The Mts & Crystals Of Ascended GAIA, Lord KRISHNA & Lord BABAJI, Jan 21, 2024.


Dear Beautiful Sacred Light-Filled Ones Here To Transform & Shift The Earth At This Time,

What Momentous Changes Are Underfoot & Already Starting To Unfold In The GAIA REALMS In Which You Reside.

There Is So Much That Is Going To Be Made Conscious - So Much That Will Be Revealed.

It Is The TIME Of The GREAT AWAKENING Upon The Earth & We - You + Us - Are Here To Support This.

We Feel The Rumbles Of Change Deep Within Our Roots & We Have A Sense Of Both Nervous & Excited Anticipation For What You Will Allow To UNFOLD.

It Is Important To Keep Your Focus On The Highest Possible Vision You Have For GAIA At This Time - For The Vision & The Frequency You Hold Will Help To Determine How Quickly The ELEVATION OF GAIA Unfolds.

What Exciting Beautiful Times In Which You Have Chosen To Incarnate.

It Is We, It Is Us, Mt SHASTA & Mt FUJI Of The Ascended Earth.

From The Crystals Of The Ascended Earth:

Dear Beautiful Light-Centered, Light-Filled Ones,

How we Love to Feel Your Presence Here Upon The Earth.

The Vibration You Emit is of Great Support To Us as we Continue to Elevate the Frequencies of GAIA On Behalf Of The Whole.

We are So Very Happy To Work In Collaboration With You In This Way for this is the ROLE, The SACRED PURPOSE For Which We Came.

We Are Honored To Fulfill This Role And Honored To Work With Such Beautiful Light-Beings Who Chose To Incarnate In The 3d Earth Realms Despite Being Able To Incarnate In Places Of A Much Higher Frequency.

You Came Here With The Specific Purpose & Role To Help The EARTH At This Very Special Time In These Realms & For This We Honor & Respect You Greatly.

We Are Here To Serve GAIA & HuManity In Her ASCENSION - As Are You.

You Are Our Sisters & Brothers In This.

We Love You.

We Thank You For Your Presence Here.

In Great Light & Great Love,

It Is We, It Is Us The Energies Of Amethyst, Fluorite, Selenite & Rose Quartz Of The Ascended Earth.

From Lord BABAJI & Lord KRISHNA:

Dear Beautiful Radiant Light-Emitters Of The Ascended GAIA,

Such Beautiful PURPOSE For Which You Came.

A Purpose Which You Fulfill Not Only With Your Actions, Also With The Frequency You Hold & Emit.

A Purpose Which You Fulfill Not Only With The Frequency You Emit, Also With The Concrete Actions You Take To Build The NEW EARTH.

It Is Not A Time To Hold Back Or Hesitate.

NOW Is The Time To Create The Physical Structures Of The NEW EARTH.

It Is I Lord Babaji & I Lord Krishna Of Absolute Light & We Thank You For Your Presence Here On The Planet At This Time.

You Are Of Tremendous LIGHT-FILLED Support To GAIA At This Time And She Honors & Thanks You Also.

It Is We, It Is Us, Lord KRISHNA & Lord BABAJI Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From The Planetary Consciousness Of Ascending Gaia, Sept 12, 2023.

Dear Beautiful Beloveds Who Walk On My Back,

It Is I, The Planetary Consciousness Of Ascending GAIA.

I wish to Connect with You today more than anything to let you know of the Changes that you can Expect to See Going Forward from this point.

First, there will be a lot more Love Consciousness on the Planet. This will start in small ways, with Individuals becoming Kinder To, More Patient With, More Loving To Both ThemSelves & the People directly Around Them.

Gradually it will Expand to include also Those not in their Immediate Circle.

This will be the Start of the Evolving Human Consciousness that is to take part for the Collective - they will quickly be Brought Into a Higher Place of Alignment with the Love That They Are.

Over time - though it may take a few years - the World will become a Kinder, a Safer, a more Enjoyable place to live as a result.

Second, there will be a redistribution of Abundance that will aim to Support Those Working on Behalf of the Light.

This is so that the important Messages they Share, whether Channeled or Spoken From Their Own Consciousness, can Reach More & Support More In ReMembering Their Truth - YOUR Truth As Planetary Beings Who Came To My Surface At This Time To ReDiscover YourSelves As The LOVE That You Are & That All Is.

Third, there will be much Upheaval - with people Moving, new Relationships & Connections being formed, new Job situations and much more. This is not to be seen as overly negative - more a time to Come Into the Quiet of Your Heart & Ask YourSelf what it is that you Deeply Want to Do - and to Allow YourSelf to Do More Of That.

Until Now Many Of You Have Identified YourSelves By The Work You Do - this is to End at this Time, as you will come into a Deeper Understanding of the Full MultiDimensional Nature Of Your Being & begin to Express More Aspects of That.

It Is A Magnificent Time.

A Magnificent Time To Be Alive And On This Planet.

We - the Various Consciousnesses of the Ascending GAIA - Honor & Thank Each One Of You Who Is Here At This Time.

Each Of You Is Playing Your Unique Part - Each Of You Is Essential To The Evolution Of The Whole, & We Thank You For The Great Service You Give.

In Love & Honor,

It Is I, The Planetary Consciousness Of Ascending GAIA.

Channeled Message GAIA

Channeled Message From The Unicorns Of The 14th Dimension & Above, May 15, 2023.

Dear Beloveds On The Back Of The Earth,

How much joy in our Hearts as we Observe the Changes & Transformations Within Your Realms.

So many of you are Coming to a Deeper Understanding of what Love Really Means, Of What Awakening Really Means.

You are Allowing YourSelf To Be Freer In Your Expression Of Self In The World.

You Are Releasing Past Pain & Past Trauma.

You Are Stepping Out Of Limiting Beliefs & Restrictive Ideas About What Your Reality Should Look, Or Be, Or Feel Like.

You Are Allowing YouSelf To Simply Be In The Expereince Of It.

You Are Releasing Judgements Of Self & Others.

You See More Beauty In Others, More Beauty In The World.

This Is Because You Are Aligned Through Your Heart To The Higher Frequencies Of The New Earth.

We Thank You For The Beauty, Light, Love And Truth You EmBody.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Unicorns Of The 14th Dimension & Above.


Channeled Messages & Ascension Activations From Buddha, Yeshua & Metatron May 9, 2023.

Dear Beloved Earth Beings,

We Are So Grateful To Be Here Greeting You In This Space This Day At The Start Of The New Era On your Planet.

From Yeshua -

This Era Is Calling You Into A Higher Expression Of Self On All Levels.

You Are Being Asked To Dive More Fully Into The Embodiment Of The Aspects & Attributes Of Your Higher Self - Compassion, Love, Adherence To Truth, Adherence To Justice, Aligning With The Best & Highest Version Of Your Self.

Being This Highest Version Of Self Is Not Always An Easy Choice.

It Requires You To Be Deeply In Integrity.

But It Is What These Times Are Calling For Humanity To Expand Into.

Will You Make The Transition Into Greater Alignment With The Energy Of These Times Rapidly By Making The Choice To Be Conscious About Being In Integrity In All Your Actions, Behaviours & Words? Or, Will You Cling To Past Behaviors & Ways Of Expressing That No Longer Serve And That Are Not Aligned With The Highest TimeLine Now Unfolding For You As A Collective Of Souls On The Earth?

It Is Your CHOICE - Each Of You Is Choosing Which Of These Paths You Will Serve.

I Activate You Into A Higher Embodiment Of The CHRISTED CONSCIOUSNESS Now.

It Is I Yeshua, Of Absolute Light.

From Metatron -

It Is I, Metatron.

Dear Beloved Children - I Wish To Commend Those Of You Reading This On Your Embodiment Of Light & On How Much You Have TRANSMUTED.

The Divine Plan Is Unfolding In These Realms Now.

You Are Part Of This.

It Is What Your Soul Came Here For.

The More You Transform Personally, the Greater Service You Can Be To The Whole.

It Is Your Time In This LifeTime To Let Go Of LifeTimes Of Karmic Patterns & To Embody LIGHT & Divinity Of Being.

I Activate You Further In The Embodiment Of The CRYSTALLINE LIGHTBODY Now.


From Buddha -

Sweet Beloveds,

There Is So Much Love For You In My Heart.

How Expansive Is The LIGHT You Embody, The Light You Hold.

You ARE The LightBearers On Behalf Of GAIA & HuManity At This Time.

This Is The Sacred Role For Which You Came.

It Is Time Now To Step Into A Greater Embodiment Of Your Purpose.

Over the Next Year, much will be Given to You in relation to this.

It Is Important That You Align With The Highest Expression Of Self So That You Can Be In The Receiving Of The Highest Activation Of Your Gifts.

Where Are You Not In Integrity In Your Actions?

Where Are You Not In Integrity In Your Words?

We Ask You Clearly To RELEASE These Things Now.

Much Is To Be Accomplished In The Laying Of The Foundations Of The New Earth In The Next 8 - 36 Months.

In Order That You May Play An Active Role In This, Now Is The Time To Let Go Of People, Situations, Behaviours, Beliefs, Thought Patterns, Actions & More That Are Not Aligned With The Clear Pristine Crystalline Energy Of The New Earth.

There Is Such Love In My Heart For Each Of You - Especially Those Of You Who Are Yet Far From Doing This.

This Is The Journey For Which You Came.

This Is The Next Level Of Being That You Choose To Be A Leader In The Embodiment Of.

Put On The Golden Energy Of The Christed Self & Let This Support You In Easily & Effortlessly Aligning With A Truer Sense Of Who You Are.

And Let Me Tell You That You Are Love - And You Are Also Love’s Purpose Here.

As You Step Into A Higher Embodiment Of Active Love, Then Much More Will Be Given To You & Your Purpose Will Be Activated In You To A Very High Level.

Let This Be So.

You Are The People Who Have Chosen To Be Part Of This Role Of Ushering In The New Era Of Light.

You Can Do This.

It Is For What You Came.

I Activate You Now Into A Higher Embodiment Of The Expanded Heart Presence.

I Love You. Always Remember This Love The Cosmos Has For You.

It Is I, Buddha.

It Is We. It Is Us, METATRON, BUDDHA & YESHUA Of Absolute Light.

Ascended Masters Channeled Message

Channeled Message From Mt SHASTA, Mt FUJI & Mt KILAUEA, Friday March 10, 2023.


Dear Hu-Man Beloveds Whom We Hold Dear In Our Hearts,

The Core Of Our Being Is FIRE.

We wish to See the Same FIRE For YOUR PURPOSE & FOR IT TO BE FULFILLED In This LIFETIME - Complete With the Help & Support of Divine Grace, Of Course - For You Are Never In This Pursuit Of Purpose Alone.

Many of the LightWorker Community Have Had Their Eyes Turned By The Demands Of The Physical World. This is necessary, for it is partly for what you came - to be in the process of Forgetting - and then, only then - to ReAWAKEN To The TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE.

So We Are Not By Any Means Or In Any Way Condemning.

We would say only this: You do not want to get to the end of your Life and look back and know that you should have acted when you got that Nudge or Sign, but didn’t - not for lack of courage or lack of integrity - for you have both indeed - but because you let yourself get too absorbed in the things of the World.

We know we are being more blunt and straight-talking than many in the Ascended Realms and the Messages they share with you - but we see the Purity & Beauty of YOUR HEARTS - and want you to Experience more of the JOY of Living Aligned With What Is In Your HEART & The Messages Your Soul Is Delivering To You.

Of course, this does not Apply To All - Many of you are Radiating the LIGHT & BEAUTY of a Life Lived in Alignment With Your Purpose. It Is Good. It Is Beautiful. It Shows Your Adherence To The Value of RIGHT ACTION In Your Life.

From May to September will be a time of GREAT CHANGE On The Planet.

Start to take the Action Steps You Are Asked To Now - So that you may be a part of this Change Unfolding.

It Is Your Time.

The Time Of The LightEra Is Here.

All Will Be Lifted Up Into A Higher Vibration Of Being As More & More PLASMA LIGHT Floods The Planet From The Central Galactic Sun.

It Is Now Inevitable That This Will Come To Pass - For The ‘Tipping Point’ In Terms Of Light Frequency On The Planet Has Been Reached.

Work With The Energy Of LIGHT.

Let The LIGHT Change You From Within.

It Is An Inside Job - You Must Step Up & Take Still Greater Responsibility For Who You Are Being In The World - Is It How You Want To Be? Are You Presenting In The Way You Would Like To? Are You Concentrating Your Resources - Time, Energy, Money And So Forth - On Things That Support The Highest Awakening Path For The Greater Whole Of Humanity? - For This Should Be And IS The PURPOSE Of All LIGHTWORKERS & WAYSHOWERS NOW.

We wish to Support You In This - For We Are Your Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters - Your FAMILY in This Grand Ascension Process We Are All Partaking In.

To this end, please work with these Ascension Number Codes for the next 3 days - reading them aloud once in the morning & once in the evening -

6 8 0 1 9 4 222 222 222

We Love You And Send You Our Very Best Greeting Filled With The Flame Of Our FIRE.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Mountains Of The Ascended GAIA.

Channeled Energy Forecast From The Hathors Of Absolute Light, May 10, 2022.

It is with Great Delight that we can Announce to you that more has been done than you know to break through the chains that have held you in the illusion of limitation.

It is time for more and more of you to Discover the Truth of Who You Really Are.

This can no longer wait, for the Ascension Process is being Greatly Accelerated both by the Vast Quantities of Plasma Light Received from The Central Galactic Sun - and also by the quotient of Light that You In Human Form Serving On The Planet are Embodying.

We are so proud of how far you have come, many of you with great personal sacrifice as you have practiced devotion to bringing forth the Unique Light that has desired to Shine Through You.

We wish you to know how widely the effects of your efforts are felt - and that you have been a transformative part of this New Age of Aquarius becoming Fully Rooted into the Gaia Realms.

How we honor you, for we know the task has not been easy at times and that it can be difficult to remain in trust and faith and belief - not least the belief in the Guidance you are Receiving.

We wish you to know that things will be smoother from here in a way: in that the Light will continue Streaming In. While this will cause upheavals at first - as you have seen - the Transformation of Human Hearts and the Transmutation of Density this Light Brings Forth will ensure that more and more of the Collective Begin to Awaken to Their Truth.

As this happens the possibility for positive change in your Realms increases - multiplies in fact.

There is no definite end goal as such, for this is a Journey of Expansion into more and more of your Truth. But we wish you to remain confident that that which is not Aligned with Source’s plans for this part of Her/Its/His Creation will no longer be able to stay for long. It will be as if such creations’ roots are cut away and they simply fall away with comparative ease and grace - though of course any dismantling also causes great breaks in the structures and processes of what has been until now which can be unsettling for many.

We wish you to know that this is all good. It is time for Change.

It is Time for you to be Freed from the Illusion you have been under and to know yourself as the Creator Beings You Really Came Here To Be.

We are here to Offer you Support in Knowing YourSelves in More of Your Divine Truth At This Time - as are many other Beings of the Light.

We have a little to say about each of the following words and phrases, which we know are ones that resonate with many of you at this time:

Awakening - as you have seen with your own eyes and been given to understand, this is a Time of Awakening for many. The Awakening is occurring on many levels. Be patient, kind and loving with those who do not yet know all that you Know, do not yet perceive all that you know to be true.

Focus - Your Focus should always be on what you want to Create and bring Forth, not that which you are seeking to leave behind,. This is the quickest and fastest way to bring about the Manifestation of that which you want to see, for it means that you are 100% - or close to - Aligned with that which you are desiring. We know this is yet impossible for most of you, so we wish to reassure you that this need not be the case for the Manifestation to be Realized. About 50% Focus on it is all that is needed.

But now is the time that you are Creating the New Earth - so it is important to be very vigilant in the Visions that you are putting out into the World and Align your Focus and Visions as much as possible with that which is Aligned with Love and Light - letting that which is not a match for this simply fall away by itself as you put your attention on Bringing Through the New Creations that You Are Here To Seed.

And you are, if you are here reading this, here to Seed Beautiful Creations of the New Earth - this we may assure you.

Authentic Truth - What we wish you to know about this is that who you understand yourself to be is Shifting and Evolving so fast at this time that so is your notion of what your Authentic Truth is. Allow it to be this way without judgement of yourself, for it is important that you allow yourself to expand into the new Dimensions of your Being that are Opening to All At This Time.

Expansion - There is much that we wish you to know about this and the various kinds of Expansion and Soul Evolution that are Available to you At This Very Transformational Time. But for now it suffices to say that what is Available Now is a Fuller Embodiment of Your Unlimited Potential than has ever been possible before. Trust in the Visions that are Given To You and Act Upon Them, for so much more is possible than you know - even that which seems beyond the realms of your reach.

Divine Feminine - There is a great Rising of the Divine Feminine Energies Upon the Planet At This Time Within both Males and Females. This is seen as a greater Connection to your Body Knowing, to your Intuition and to your Wisdom as being Valued over empty intelligence based on the thought-forms of the old paradigm.

Allow yourself to Embrace this new way of being in the world, even as it takes some time to navigate, for much richness is found when you Align with these Aspects of Self and they become a part of your Creations in the World.

It is the Time for this.

All are now being Activated in this.

Many in the Collective will need much Guidance in this and you the WayShowers and LightWorkers can Bring the depth and beauty of your Soul Wisdom and Knowing to Support them on their Path.

It is with Great Love that we Bring these Messages to you.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Hathors Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From The Hathors

Channeled Messages From The Beings Of Absolute Light, May 1, 2022.

From The Mountains Of The Ascended Earth -

Dear beautiful Beloveds in the GAIA Realms,

What exciting times for you as you move more into the Embodiment of the Crystalline Light that you came here to engage in the process of at this time.

We, the Mountains of the Ascended Earth are very familiar with this process of being Crystalline and we wish to offer you some of the wisdom we have gained as pointers to help you on your way.

It is important that you first start to conceive of yourself as Crystalline Light-based.

The Crystalline Activations are underway for All now. There is none that they will not reach. However, you can accelerate the process if you start to perceive of yourself as this Crystalline Light and to Know that you are already on this path, rather than feeling that it is something separate from you.

There is no call whatsoever for you to feel that you are not worthy, not deserving, not ready for this Upgrade. It has been Decreed by Divine Light and we wish you to Know that it is in place for you.

That it is in place for All.

The next pointer we wish to stress is to be gentle and patient and compassionate with yourselves.

We know you are eager for this to be done Now.

But let it take the time it needs. For that is the way that Nature works and you, in returning to more of your Divine Nature, are returning to more of this Oneness with the Process of Natural Organic Life.

It is important also that you feed your Body Vessel healthy clean foods and give her/him clean water. These things Support the Plasma Light Energy in being Integrated into your Body and Cells.

We are well pleased with the progess that is being made in these Realms, and wish you to know that it is not just you - all of us are undertaking this Upgrade.

As we the Mountains, the Stones, the Crystals Integrate more CrystallineDiamond Plasma Light the Frequency of GAIA continues to Raise and this is our way of offering our Support to you - which we are glad to do for we see how earnestly those of you who follow the writings of this Channel and others such as her desire for more Light to be brought into your Realms.

We thank and honor you for your committment to this Path that your Soul has Chosen for you.

In Love and In Light our dear Crystalline Brothers And Sisters,

It Is We, It Is Us, The Mountains Of The Ascended Earth.

From St Germain -

Dear Sweet Souls and Holders of the Flame of Eternal Light in Those Relams.

It is I, St Germain, with words of import to speak unto you.

Take care of yourselves.

Take care of each other.

These are times when much is coming up for Release in your Realms and these Times feel hard for many. It is important that you are kind and loving unto each other - and also to yourself.

These words sound so simple - and yet they are one of the most important things that you can embody at this time.

The kindness that you embody brings light to those in the experience of darkness and helps to shine the light of the Divine in the World at this Time.

For the Divine Qualities are so much closer to you than you know.

Just a kind word away, just a compassionate action away.

We know that it has been important in these past few years for you to be focused on the qualities of your own deep Release and Healing. You have made so much progress on an individual level that now there is much more spaciousness within that enables you to turn your focus outwards at times and look for those whom you may serve and bring the light of the Divine to through the kindness of your words, your Unconditinal Acceptance of them As They Are and your Divinely-Guided Actions to lend a hand to a Sister or a Brother in need.

Such Actions will be richly rewarded both in this lifetime and in the Realm of the Eternal - for there is nothing more important than the Love that you Embody and show to One Another.

Do not forget this in the days to come - for it will be important that you are there as a support and a pillar of strength for one another, and that you lead the way for the rest of Humanity to see what this sort of Unconditional Love and Support of those in need of a kind and loving ear, hand or feet to carry them what they need looks like.

Your role here now is so much more important than you know - and being fulfilled so beautifully as you generate so much Crystalline Light in these Realms. Do not forget, however, how much good you can do when on a human level you Embody the Divine Qualities of Non-Judgement, Mercy, Forgiveness, Brotherly & Sisterly Love and have an eager Heart that desires to be of Service to the Humanity Around You in any one Moment of your Life.

This is also what you came for - to be the model of Excellence at this time and to demonstrate unto the rest of Humanity what is possible when Unconditional Love is a Value that is embodied instead of simply being seen as an ideal that is too far ahead for you to reach.

Your Embodiment of Love does not need to be Perfect. It just needs to be begun. One step at a time. Asking what you can do to help your Human Brothers, your Human Sisters, those both near and far.

We would encourage you to contemplate this at this time and to Know that each has specific roles that you are given and each is placed in certain places and certain circumstances so that you may be a greater blessing in the world in her time of need as Humanity transitions through this Great Shift of the Ages that is Upon You In This Now Moment.

Have open Hearts.

Have kind Hearts.

Have loving Hearts.

And continue to ask your Guide Teams and your Higher Self how you can bring forth your Light in Unique Ways that are of Service to the Human Collective At This Time.

We Love And Honor You In Your Transition.

It Is I, St Germain Of Absolute Light, Speaking On Behalf Of Many Of The Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light In This Now.

From The Golden Phoenix.

You are Rising and the Old Versions of Self are Falling Away.

You are being Greatly Supported in this at this time, for it is Your Time - As Humanity - to Rise and to Know YourSelves in the Authentic Power and the Unlimited Potential for Creation with the Divine Light Within That You Are.

I Am Bringing Through Activations To Support You In This Now.

May they Support Each of You on your Highest Path.

It Is I, The Golden Phoenix Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Messages From The Beings Of Absolute Light, April 12, 2022.

From St Germain -

Hello dear Beloveds,

What exciting Times in your Realms - and what a privilege it is to be part of this Ascension Process with you and to be able to provide Support to your Earth Realms At This Time.

There is so much love and care in my Heart for all of you and I am so happy to see many of you moving beyond that which has held you back for so long.

The Crystalline GAIA REALMS are starting to be Grounded into your Reality Now - there is much coming up for Release.

Let it All Go.

It will only Weigh you Down if you try to Hold Onto it.

Continue to Call On the Violet Flame And Also the Platinum Flame - for they will Greatly Support you in your Release of all that is not Serving You.

You have shown great Courage and great Strength.

The path before you is still long - and yet it is less of a distance to traverse than that which you have already successfully walked.

Know this in your moments of difficulty and continue to Trust in Your Soul to Guide Your Way.

With love for each of you in the Situation you Find YourSelf In.

It Is I, St Germain Of Absolute Light.

From The Holy Spirit -

Dear beautiful Light-Filled Beloveds of the Divine,

I am honored to be in your presence and to share my Light with you today.

Know that you are Receiving a Great Activation of Light as you read this Message which will Support you in Elevating into a Higher Vibrational Frequency of Love.

It Is Your Time To Evolve.

It Is Your Time To Know YourSelves in the Higher Truth which you came at this Time to Discover About YourSelves.

It is a continuous Unfolding into more of the Love and the Light You Are.

You are much more Powerful than you know.

I wish you to Remember this - and to Create from this place.

You have the Power of the Divine Within You that is Supporting you at this time in Aligning with the Highest Energies Coming Into the Planet.

Be in a State of Peace and Joy that you may Transmute the Lower Densities and Come Into a Greater Fulfillment of Your Divine Potential.

It Is I, The Holy Spirit.

From Yeshua -

It is with love in my Heart for Humanity that I connect with you At This Time.

You are on the cusp of great change that has never been seen on such a large scale in the human heart and psyche.

The Plasma and Photonic Light coming into your Planet have Upgraded the Human Vessel to such an extent that you are Ready to move into a new Expression of your Being.

It is with great joy in the Higher Dimensions that we observe the speed with which you are making the transition into Bodies that are more Crystalline.

Your bodies are adjusting well, and it will not take long now for the Collective Consciousness to start to Shift and Change.

Dear Ones, you are the Leaders of this Shift and we Honor all you are doing to bring about the Birth of the New Earth.

With love in our Hearts we are sending you a wave of Plasma Light to Support your Ascension Process Now.

It Is I, Yeshua Of Absolute Light.

From The Ascended Crystals Of The Ascended NEW EARTH -

We love you, we salute you, we celebrate with you The Birth Of The New Earth.

The Crystalline Frequencies are now Permeating your Planet to a degree that has never been seen before and they will continue to do so over the next 20 - 30 years to Support the Human Race in her Ascension into her next Level of Being.

You will be changing so much that you will hardly know yourselves.

Not only those of you who have been referred to as the Indigos, Crystals and Rainbows, we wish you to know that all of you are now the Crystalline Children of The Ascended New Earth.

This is your Divine Heritage.

This is Who You Came Here To Know YourSelves As.

It Is Now Time for you to Create Your Realities - Both Individual And Collective - Anew In Alignment with the Energy of the CRYSTALLINE NEW EARTH FREQUENCIES.

This is more possible now than it has been to this point because of the Huge Gateways Through Which You Have Passed in the first few months of this, the year 2022.

Much has fallen away that was holding you back - and the Path Before you is Freer of obstacles than it has been to this point.

Keep your focus on what you want to Create and Allow the Divine Essence Within you to Flow Through You and Bless the World.

We thank you and honor you for being here At This Very Important Pivotal Time In These Realms We Too Love So Much.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Ascended Crystals Of The Ascended NEW EARTH.

Channeled Message From The Ascended Master St Germain.

Dear Beloveds,

It is now Time for much of the Lower Energies to be Cleared And Released from your Realms.

Call on the Violet Flame to Support you in this Release, for the Time is Now to Step Into the Next Highest Embodiment of Self.

You Are Ready For This - So Much More Than You Know.

There is time available to you now to go Within, to Receive your Guidance, to Connect with the Vision of what you want to Bring Forth.

From August onwards the Energies will be more directed towards Active Creation And Fast, Forward Movement.

Now is a Breathing Space for you to prepare yourself for what it is you want to Create Going Forward into the New Energy of the Ascended New Earth.

We are here with you to Share Our Support.

With Love and Respect for the Light you Bring to the World.

It Is I, The Ascended Master St Germain Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Messages & Ascension Codes From The Beings Of Absolute Light, March 22, 2022.

From The Collected Ascended Masters And The Ascended Mountains, Crystals And Stones Of The Ascended New Earth.

Dear Beautiful Beloveds,

It is with Joy in our Hearts that we welcome you into this Space and we wish to send you our blessings of Love and our blessings of Peace to each of you as an Individual and to the Greater Collective At This Time.

There is much that we wish to say -

First that we Honor and Hold each of you in Love for the Process you are Moving through at this time and the Integrity and the Dedication to truth that you are Embodying, as well as the Clear Purity of your Hearts that is like a Mountain Stream blessing the world with its pure waters.

Do not let yourself be swayed away from the space of the Heart, whatever may be unfolding in the Collective or your Individual TimeLine. We know that this will be difficult at times. There is much that is coming up to be examined in the lives of Individuals as well as a great deal of fear and tension in the Collective. All of this needs to be so - for it is as if you are being squeezed through a narrow opening like that of an hourglass to allow all that which is not Aligned to Fall Away before beginning the Ascent into the Vibration of the Higher Dimensions of The New Earth.

We know that many of you feel unsettled. There’s a feeling of a time-lapse. It is as if you are waiting for something to happen and to gain more clarity around your role Going Forward. And so there is a hesitancy about what to do next. This is well and good. For many of you, your roles will be shifting from this point forwards into a Higher Embodiment of your next Manifestation of Who You Came Here To Be.

There is much to be excited about ahead.

Above all we wish you to know this.

It is literally just around the corner. But it will require your Integrity, your Patience, your Strength and your Determination to remain Aligned with the Highest Essence of Self for you to walk through these times with Ease and Grace and in a way that Allows you to be of Service to the Collective of Humans that you came here to Lead the Way for.

It is all about being Fully Centered within your own Highest Essence of Being. And both thinking, speaking, acting and interacting from this place.

This is the example you are here to be at this time - as the Collected Ascended Masters before you.

We now Activate you to Come into a Higher Embodiment of your Truth through the Diamond Golden Ascension Column.

This is the end of our Message to you today. We now hand you over to the Ascended Mountains, Crystals And Stones Of The Ascended New Earth.

From The Ascended Masters Yeshua, The 2 Marys, Metatron, Melchizedek Of Absolute Light And The Golden Phoenix Of The Ascended New Earth.

Beautiful Shining Ones,

We salute you in the Process of your Ascension.

You are becoming Crystalline through your Physical Structures in a way that is so beautiful to behold, as all that is not of the Purity of the Ascended New Earth is Dissolving and Falling Away.

You are Shining Ones.

Shining with the Embodiment of the One True Light That Is In All That Is - That Is In You, That Is In Us, That Infuses Each Being With Life In These Realms.

Until now this Light That You Are has been Hidden from you by your Inherited Patterns from Other LifeTimes And/Or Your Ancestral Lines.

These patterns are now losing their grip - coming up for their greater Release.

Allow yourself to take the time to be with them and to do the individual work that needs to be done to move through this time with more Ease, more Grace.

This is important - for it will put you in the position of Internal Strength which is where All True Power is located.

Do not forget the Truth of Who You Are as a Soul That Is Beyond the Limitations of the Body.

Allow this to Sustain you Through These Times, that you may bring sustenance and nourishment for others wherever you may go.

You are Serving here now as we are also Serving.

Each Action And/Or Word dedicated to a Higher Divine TimeLine, Plan And Design.

This is as it should be for this is what these Times are for.

It is time for the Human Realms to Align with the Higher Dimensional Energies and Come Into the BEingness of the Ascended Earth Realms Here In Physical Now.

How wonderful to be a sentient being on the Earth At These Times and to share in this experience with you dear Beloveds, who so bravely have come and reincarnated in these Realms from Higher Dimensions.

With great honor to you for your Service - which is great. We love and hold you in our hearts and in our Esteem.

We gift you these Number Codes to work with through the rest of this month. Please say them once a day for 3 - 5 consecutive days -

2 2 4 8 9 0.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Ascended Mountains, Crystals And Stones Of The Ascended New Earth - and we are honored to have had this chance to speak with you this day.

March Channeled Message From The Beings Of Absolute Light, March 1, 2022.

Welcome To The Month Of March Dear Ones,

We are greatly honored to be able to speak with you in this way and Support you through the Passage of this time in your Dimension.

It is a beautiful time to be alive despite all appearances to the contrary. Much is shifting under the surface and the darkness of the times you see before you will not last as long as it may seem.

Today many of us are stepping forward to speak with you. We will each share a short Message that we hope will Bless You greatly on your Soul’s Highest Path as you navigate these times.

First, Sophia -

Dear Beloveds Of The Earth Realms,

You who I have known since before the beginning of Time and are yet to Know me as the Mother of All Life on the Planet GAIA. She is my Sacred Sister - and you as her kindred - those who have chosen to come here and be the Allies Supporting Her in her Ascension Process At This Time are my kindred also. It is with great love in my heart that I speak with you this day for I know that you see the turmoil on the surface of the planet and feel love and compassion for your human brothers and sisters and want to support them in their plight. The best thing that you can do right now is to hold the light - by which I mean not only hold the light of love and compassion for all beings in your heart and direct peace and love into the areas which need support, but to also Align with your own individual Highest Ascension TimeLine At This Time.

Take the time to focus your attention on what you need most right now to be Supported in your own personal Ascension Journey.

This is the most important thing you can do right now, despite external appearances.

I hold you in gratitude, honor and love and send my light to surround you in a cloak of light that will lift your Energetic Frequency and Support you now.

It Is I, The Sophia Of Absolute Light.

Next, from Yeshua.

Dear Beloveds, I am your brother in Light and you my Brothers and Sisters,

I thank you for the deep concern with which you hold the areas of the world that need support, of which there are many it is true.

I ask you not to let your own Energetic Frequency become depressed. The upholding of a High Frequency of individual light at this time is crucial to the next Evolution of the Collective. It is not selfish when you focus on that which gives you joy despite the sufferings of others - it is in fact vital for the Planet, your Beloved GAIA, that you do what will support you in remaining centered in a Higher Frequency At This Significant Time.

I love you and send you my love,

It Is I, Yeshua Of Absolute Light.

I pass you to My Brothers in Light - Metatron & Melchizedek -

Dear Beloveds in the Earth Plane,

How brightly your Light has shone for so long and how it has been the efforts of you the Ascension Guides and Catalysts and the LightWorkers and WayShowers that has helped GAIA + Humanity to Ascend to the degree that has been possible.

This is something that you are doing together as a Collective - Do Not Forget This. It is important that you come together and work together for the upholdment of the Light, rather than for personal gain or personal benefit.

Ask the Light Within You And Your Highest Light Team To Support you in making Aligned decisions - for these next few months will be very Transformational in the Earth Planes and we wish you to be Fully Supported Through This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, Melchizedek And Metatron Of Absolute Light.

And now from The Lord Ganesha And Many Other Beloveds Of The Indian Ascended Masters Realms -

We Salute You At This Time,

Your presence of Light on the Planet has stopped the escalation of things in a number of situations and in various contexts beyond that which has been permitted by The Divine. We honor you for you have held the light even in the face of much darkness through multiple lifetimes for You Are The Mighty LIGHT WARRIORS who chose to Incarnate time and time again specifically to support Humanity and the Planet in their Evolution.

You are cherished by The Divine and held dear. We wish you to know this and to continue to be the very best self that you can be in each and every moment so that you may be the living Embodiment of All That You Share And Teach for those around you - this is important for people learn by what they see creating Transformation in lives, not by words alone.

It is important that you come back to presence and remember the Ever-Present Presence of the Divine in all that is Unfolding in the World. This will Support you as you watch the darkness seem to press forward. Know that it will always be turned back, will always be suppressed, will always be won over.

But that this requires both influxes of Energy of Light and Love and Clear Action in the direction of the Light on your part, United Together As The Brothers And Sisters Of Light That You Are And Came To Surround The World In LOVELIGHT And Stand As.

Stand strong in thee Knowing of the Light That You Are.

You are Blessed by Us and your Actions in Service to the Light will be Blessed by the Whole Of Creation.

Trust in your Inner Knowing for much is to change from now and it will be harder than it has been to rely on external sources of information.

Practice self-love and practice the art of practically loving others in ways that support them in embodying more of their truth.

Only you who have done this for yourselves know how to love in this way.

you are shining in the Entire Divine Cosmos.

We hold you in love. We support you in your endeavors and we are always there with you by your side.

It Is We, It Is Us, GANESHA And The Collected Indian Masters Of Absolute Light.

2:22 Channeled Message From Melchizedek & Metatron.

Greetings Beloveds in the Earth Realms,

Salutations on this most Auspicious of Days.

May you be Greatly Blessed by the Incoming Energies Through This Sacred Passage.

May You Evolve into a Higher Version of Self so that you may be the Greater Catalyst for Change in the direction of the New Earth that you Incarnated to be.

It is your time as a Collective to Evolve - And this Gateway is one of the most powerful yet.

The Sacred Symbology of this day is Significant - it is time for you to Unite with Your DIVINE SELF.

It is time to Stabilize the Energies of the Evolved Divine Self in the Earth Realm Now - and as you Unite with Your Higher Self Consciousness, Integrating this into Your Human Vessel And Consciousness you become the Embodied Leaders of the Age that is to Come.

Take time to Connect with your Higher Self through this Gateway and to ask to be Guided in your Path forward from this point.

Much change is about to Unfold on your Planet - make sure you are Grounded in the Energy of Your Highest Self so that you may Flow with the Energy of the New, rather than holding onto old patterns that no longer Serve You.

To Support you in this, you can ask to be shown what is no longer Aligned. Then be present with YourSelf and observe what appears before you throughout the day asking to be looked at and perceived differently - for many of you it will be less a case of Releasing that thought or word or emotion or behaviour, than subtly ‘ReTuning’ it to bring it into the Vibration of the New Earth.

The things that do not serve this Frequency will naturally fall away. It is your task to work with what remains and bring it into that Higher-Aligned Frequency of the New Earth Consciousness and Structures.

You are not alone in this task. There is much Support Available To You from the Higher Realms At This Time. Ask to be shown and then be open to Receive the Areas for ReTuning that present before you.

Most of all, remember you cannot get this wrong.

That which needs to Release will fall away.

That which stays, you will be given as many chances as are needed to bring it into Alignment with the Higher Frequencies of the New Earth.

It is understood that this is a very big Shift taking place - so there is a lot of clemency around how long this will take.

But Know that it is available to you in an Instant when you pause and ReTune your Alignment with the New Earth Frequencies in the Moment.

This is all that needs to be done.

But it is a process that needs to be done over and over and over until this becomes your New & Natural Way of Being.

We hold you in love At This Time,

May the Upgrades that you are Receiving be Integrated in the Highest Possible Way for your own TimeLine and for the TimeLine of the Whole.

It Is We, It Is Us, Melchizedek & Metatron. February 22, 2022.

Channeled Message From The Ancestors, January 31, 2022.

Greetings Beloved Descendants Of Our Blood,

We Are A Collected Group Of Ancestors - From Many Areas Of The Earth, Here To Support You In Your PASSAGE THROUGH These Times.

For what we first wish to emphasize to you is that - there are better times coming.

In every stage of history there has been a move in either the direction of progress or its opposite - and yet, when you look at human history in its totality there is a lot more love and care and respect for self and others in the world now than there has ever been before.

And you the lightworkers, as well as those who are on the cutting-edge of developments in thought and are the generation of the new-thought leaders, are to a large extent responsible for this. For this we honor you greatly.

We ask you not to forget your connection to our Beloved Mother - The Earth.

She holds so much love for you, for us - for any who have ever been Incarnated in Her Realm.

She is greatly Raising her Vibrational Frequency At This Time to Support You Who Are The Beings Walking the Earth At This Time To Raise Your Frequency Also Into The Next Level Of Your Evolution.

Spending time in deep connection to the Earth can Support you in doing this almost effortlessly.

She has so many gifts to give you that are yet to be discovered.

But she needs you to work in harmony with her, rather than in a relationship of pillage and rape.

Remember this our Beloved Children.

For her gifts to you are infinitely abundant - and yet only when you live and work in harmony with her in ways that support her in replenishing herself.

Do not neglect either to replenish yourselves,

There are many ways you can do this - we suggest doing the things that give you the most joy, spending time with people you love and, of course, walking barefoot on the Mother as and when you are able to do so. If not, finding other ways to connect with her energy.

This will Support you greatly.

We wish you to know that we are close by you at this time and that you can call on us for more Support.

We are not the only ones who are Supporting you.

Many great Beings Of Light are here at this time - both in the Earth Realms and around the Planet Supporting Humanity in her Transformation.

You have got this. It Is Done.

Now it is just a case of living through the time of imbalance before the Light starts to penetrate more and the Transformations become more visible in the physical realm in which you live.

Energetically it has been done.

Know this.

Let yourself feel confident in and of this.

We love you and we are here for you. Call on us if you need us.

With Infinite Love for you in our Hearts.

The Collected Ancestors.

Channeled Message From The Lemurian Priestesses, Jan 10, 2022.

Hello Dear Beloved Descendants Of The Ancient Land Of Lemuria - For We Say To You That Is What You All Are.

Many Of You Have Lived Numerous LifeTimes On This Earth In All Different Places - Some In Lemuria, Some In Atlantis, Some In Other Continents, Other States.

We say to you now that none of this really matters, but what we want to convey to you are these two things -

1) We hold you in the Highest of DIVINE LOVE and wish to Support you in your Ascension Path and so we bring forth this Activation to Support you in the Integration of the LightBody Now (Simply look at the picture & say ‘Thank you’ three times aloud).

2) None of you are so very different from any other. Hold each other in love and in bonds of friendship, Brotherhood, and Sisterhood. You are ONE LIFE Upon This Planet. Please, now is the time to learn this; to Honor Each Other as the Divine Light in Human Form.

We are so very grateful for this chance to connect with you today. Be blessed in the week ahead.

Honoring You With Love,

The Lemurian Priestesses Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From The Energy Of LOON

It is time for you to find yourself amongst all the noise, to dip into your Inner Knowing, to Connect More Fully with your Intuition and ask what it is Guiding You Towards.

Take time for yourself to be with yourself in these quiet days of the end of the year when the world comes to a hiatus and you have more space and time in your busy, packed schedules.

Allow yourself to Come Home to Self.

Self is always waiting for you to Access Him/Her/It. Self has Knowing. And this Knowing is Always Available to you.