Channeled Message From The Unicorns Of The 14th Dimension & Above, May 15, 2023.

Dear Beloveds On The Back Of The Earth,

How much joy in our Hearts as we Observe the Changes & Transformations Within Your Realms.

So many of you are Coming to a Deeper Understanding of what Love Really Means, Of What Awakening Really Means.

You are Allowing YourSelf To Be Freer In Your Expression Of Self In The World.

You Are Releasing Past Pain & Past Trauma.

You Are Stepping Out Of Limiting Beliefs & Restrictive Ideas About What Your Reality Should Look, Or Be, Or Feel Like.

You Are Allowing YouSelf To Simply Be In The Expereince Of It.

You Are Releasing Judgements Of Self & Others.

You See More Beauty In Others, More Beauty In The World.

This Is Because You Are Aligned Through Your Heart To The Higher Frequencies Of The New Earth.

We Thank You For The Beauty, Light, Love And Truth You EmBody.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Unicorns Of The 14th Dimension & Above.