Light-Encoded Channeled Message From The Unicorns Of The 121st Dimension & Above, Feb 19, 2024.

Dear Beautiful High-Frequency, High-Minded, High-Vibrating Beloveds,

We Love & Honor You With All The Purity & Beauty Of Our Hearts As You Walk More Clearly Into The Frequencies Of The New Earth GAIA.

You Have Already Made Your Choice - Each Of You - Most Several, Even Many - Years Ago.

You Have Become More Adept At Embodying The Qualities Of Purity; Compassion; Kindness; Self-Love; Encompassing & Many-Things-Embracing Love For Others.

And Yet You Are Not So Adept At UpHolding Your Frequency.

We UpGrade This For You Now To Facilitate You Coming More Fully Into Resonance With The New Earth GAIA.

In Love For You & All That You Embody At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Unicorns Of The 121st Dimension And Above.


Channeled Messages & Energy Report from Various Of The Higher Dimensional Beings Of Absolute Light, Feb 3, 2024.

From The Pegasi & Unicorns Of The 121st Dimension & Above -

Dear Exceedingly Beautiful Light-Filled Gracious Ones,

We are Honored to be Here Serving in the Ascension Of GAIA With You At This Time.

How well things are proceeding - though we appreciate that it may not seem that way from the perspective with which you see.

It was thought that much would need to be destroyed in order to Allow the Energies of The Golden GAIA To Fully Permeate Your Realms - but because of the great Work that you are doing on behalf of the Whole of Humanity, Consistently Maintaining as a LightWorker & WayShower Community a Certain High Vibration Of Light - we now see that not so much Breaking Down of Old Structures will need to take place as previously thought in order for the Energies of the Ascended New Earth to be Fully Manifested In Your Realms.

We rejoice in this for it will enable the Ascension Process to be much faster - and more and more will, in the upcoming days, weeks and months, find themselves almost unconsciously starting to Embody a Higher Vibrational Frequency.

This is all thanks to the Great Amount of Light that you are Embodying on Behalf of the Whole.

In Honor of your Service.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pegasi & Unicorns Of The 121st Dimension & Above.

From The Mermaids Of The 121st Dimension & Above & Neptune:

From The Mermaids Of The 121st Dimension & Above -

Dear Beautiful Earthlings Who Walk On The Surface,

We want you to start to ReConceive of YourSelf as Citizens of a Living GAIA That Supports Many Different EcoSystems & Dimensions, not only your own.

The more you start to do this, the more you will start to Live in ways that are Supportive of the Whole not only of your own limited societal groups & those of your own kind.

It is time for you to Conceive of YourSelves as One Among Many LifeForms supported by the Consciousness that GAIA Is.

As you do this, you will naturally become kinder and more loving towards those Lifeforms that are different from yourself.

Then, and only then, will other Lifeforms living in the Multiple Dimensions of the LIVING GAIA be able to Reveal Themselves to you.

First, as Individuals, you must prove that you intend only the Intention of Love, with Harm done to None - including those different from Self.

As you do this, more and more of the MultiDimensional GAIA Will Be Revealed To You For It Has Been Decreed That This Is The Time For It To Be So.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Mermaids Of The 121st Dimension & Above.

From Neptune -

Dear Earth Ones,

You walk on the Surface and you must learn how to take care of the place that you fondly call ‘home’ - and yet in your actions do not act with the same integrity of love towards the place that supports you and all life on her surface.

Do you have no thought for the results that your actions produce as you continue to do that which is destructive to not only the Earth’s precious Eco-Systems & Environments but also to those of your own kind?

It is unthinkable to more Advanced Species to cause such thoughtless harm - harm is only done when all other options have been considered, and the least harm to the fewest in number is that which is chosen out of an inability to conceive of a better way.

And yet you do not even consider the results of your actions - just act from pure emotion in rash and unbalanced forms of behavior.

We look on you with love and fondness for we know you to be our Brothers & Sisters in the GAIA Realms, but we greatly look forward in eager anticipation to the Collective Raising of your Consciousness & the Day when you will become ‘Citizens’ of GAIA, rather than those who just reside on the Earth without considering the effects of your actions or what it is that you bring forth on yourself & the other species of the planet.

We want to support you - but first you must help to support yourselves by determining - making a clear choice and then setting the Intention that It Is So- to act in ways that are more Loving Towards Self and more Responsible Towards the Whole.

In love and honor of the all that you are and the all that you are becoming.

It Is I Neptune, with words of Truth for you Today.

Energy Report From FUJI & SHASTA Of The Ascended Earth GAIA Realms,

Welcome Dear Ones To The NEW EARTH Energies Present In The Physical Earth Realms,

There is to be much that will change over the next 15 years so that in some ways the Earth will be unrecognizable in just a few short years.

First, there will be a change that will be clearly seen in the way that people relate to each other.

It is hoped that the greater sense of empathy and resultant consideration for others that will emerge as the Light that the Planet is Bathed In continues to Rise in Frequency will then encourage you to also be more considerate of the other LifeForms all around you in this MultiDimensional UniVerse.

Once this is acknowledged to be so, you will find yourself coming into far more Contact with your GALACTIC Brothers & Sisters - for you are now recognized to be one of the Planets that is to Ascend into the Higher Frequencies of LoveLight - and yet because of the remaining attachment to past patterns of 3d inter-relational behavior there is some hesitation on the part of some of the Galactic Brothers & Sisters of The Galactic Federation Of Ascending Planets to reach out to you, their HuMan Brothers & Sisters.

As you change so this will also and you will find yourselves as a HuMan Community able to Receive far more Help than could ever be imagined by you, which will then also Accelerate your Ascension Path as a Collective far more than can be conceived possible by you now - so that as a result of these things, in 60 years time Life on Earth will be far different, far more Advanced than if you were to rely only on yourselves for progress in technology and so forth.

We are happy to be able to communicate these things to you this day and wish you well in this project that you are undertaking as an Ascending Planet.

We wish you to know that we are also here to Support You in this Process and are Encoding this Message with High Frequency LightCodes to Support your Collective Ascension.

You are here for this Time and it is important that you continue to adhere to the Path of your Soul and the Maximum Embodiment of Light and Love Frequencies Available to You At This Time.

It is not the time to regret or hold grievances about things that have occurred in your families, with your close and familial ones, or even those you may have determined as ‘enemies.’

Let these things go - and Allow YourSelves to Step Into the New LOVELIGHT FREQUENCIES Now.

We honor you and the Changes that you are Undertaking and all that you are Holding in Terms of Codes of Light & LOVELIGHT Frequency on Behalf of the Whole.

With Love & Amplified Support To You The LightWorker WayShower Community At This Time.


Energy Report & Channeled Messages - Higher Dimensional Beings

Channeled Message From The Pegasi Of The 99 Dimension & Above & Metatron, November 6, 2023.

It Is With Great Joy That The Beings Of The Higher Dimensions Such As OurSelves Are In The Process Of Observing Your Earth Plane At This Very Special Time On Your Planet.

How Great Is The Radiance Of The Light That Is Emitted As More Come Into A Higher More Light-Centered Way Of Being In The World.

We Especially Want To Condone You On The Greater Amount Of Flow That You Are Generating. 

As You Align With The Higher Light Frequency This Is Something That Naturally Evolves From This Alignment - & Yet Many Of You Are Creating This Greater Flow In Your Lives Now By Your Alignment With The Higher Principles Of The Universal Law - And This Is What We Wish To Condone You On For This Shows Your Integration Of All That You Have Been Learning & Practicing And It Shows How Ready You Are Now To Truly Step Into The New Earth Realms That Have Been Planted On The Earth And Are Now Taking Root To A Greater Extent Than Had Been Thought Possible By This Time.

You Are Ahead Of Schedule Dear Ones - And This Is Because Of Light-Filled Ones Such As YourSelves Who Refuse To Believe In The Possibility Of The Darkness That The World Around You Would Show You - But Hold True Instead To The Principles Of Love, Of Light, Of Truth, Of Goodness And of Honor.

In Honor, In Love, In Respect - We Now Pass Onto The Pegasi & Metatron To Share Their Wisdom With You For This Time.

It Is I, Metatron - I Am Deeply Pleased To Have This Chance To Speak With You At This Time.

The Crystalline LightBody Is Becoming More Completely Formed And You Are Now Ready To Embody The Higher Principles Of Justice, Truth, Beauty & The Highest Good For All That You Came Here To Create As You Lead The Collective Into The New Way Of Being In The New Earth Realms.

There Is Much That Needs To Be Done - For So Many Are So Far From The Integration Of These Principles.

But Ears And Hearts Are More Open Than They Have Been To This Point.

And As The Ones Who Are Not Choosing This Depart, So Those Of You Aligned With The Highest Divine Will For The Planet At This Time Shall Hold The Balance Of Light On The Planet In Ways That Are Totally Transformative For Those Who Choose To Remain.

Many Upgrades Will Be Coming In For The Larger Human Collective During The Next 6 Months.

The Changes Within Their Human Self Will Take Many Completely By Surprise - In Ways That They Will Find ThemSelves Inside Out And Upside Down And At A Loss To Know How To Be With The People Around Them Or Interact In The World So Completely Are They Transformed.

This Is The Start Of The New Earth Realm.

If Successful In Supporting The Whole Of Humanity To Live In Greater Peace, Beauty, Joy And The Higher Principle Of Love That Holds Compassion For All Living Beings, Then The Integration Of This Energy Will Be The Introduction Of The New Era Of Light That This Planet At This Time Is To Become Known For In The Her-His-Tory Of The Entire MultiDimensional UNIVerse.

It Is Time For You To Know YourSelves As One With All Life.

To Feel Compassion For All Life.

To Actively Demonstrate This In The Way You Are Choosing To Live Your Lives.

This Is The Time That Had Been Waited For. And It Is Now.

You Are The ForeRunners - The Leaders In This. You Are Already Embodying This To A Great Extent - Now It Is Up To You To Purify And Hone Your Own Hearts That You Many Truly Live In Alignment With These Principles In Ways That Allow You To Shine Your Light So Forcefully In The World That Each That Sees You Is In Awe In Such A Way As Is The Beginning Of A Great Personal Transformation Within ThemSelf.

Honor Others.

Honor YourSelf.

This Is My Message For You At This Time.

It Is I, The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pegasi Of The 99 Dimension & Above - 

The Light That Surrounds Your Planet Is - In These Last Two Months Of Your Human Year - About To Penetrate Each Human Who Lives On Her Face To A Far Greater Extent.

Many Will Be Waking Up To A Greater Sense Of Self - And As They Do They Will Come To Know ThemSelf As The Creator Of Their World - In The Sense That They Will Have A Greater Sense Of The Way That Their Vibration Is Creating The Way That Things Unfold Around Them.

This Will At First Be Observed In The Small Things Around Them Such As Their Perceptions Of The Natural World & The Way Their Inter-Personal Relationships Unfold.

They Will Also Sense A Greater Connection To Their HeartSpace That Will Allow Them To Step Into The Embodiment Of Greater Compassion, Kindness & Love In Their Relationship With ThemSelf & Others.

This Will Be An Almost Effortless Unfolding As The Light On The Planet Continues To Generate A Higher Frequency Which Pulls Those Who Have Not Been Responsive To The Awakening Codes On The Planet Until This Point Into A More Heart-Centered Alignment So That They, Too, Can Be - If They So Choose - Part Of The Ascension Process That Is Unfolding Now.

Much Will Be Lost In The Terms Of The Way Things Are Used To Being For Such Individuals And They Will Need Clear Guides - Leaders In The New Earth Ways - Who Can Show Them The Way To Walk In The World At This Time And - Over Time - How To Work With The Universal Laws To Create A Life That Serves The Higher Good Of Not Only Themself, But Also The World. This Is Your First Role At This Time - To Be These Guides For Those Around You Who Are Aligning With A Higher Expression Of Being.

Second - We Ask You To Hold - To Maintain In Your Physical Vessels - This Higher Light Frequency.

This Is Your Greatest Contribution To The Unfolding Of The New Earth Realms On Your Planet At This Time - And We Greatly Honor Those Of You Who Have Brought YourSelves To The Place Where You Can Embody The Frequencies Of The Higher Dimensions & Light To Such A Pure And High Extent That Those Around You Are Transformed By Not Only Your Example - But Energetically By The LIGHT That You Hold And Are.

You Are Doing So Well And There Are Great Things To Come For Your Planet.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pegasi Of The 99 Dimension & Above.


Channeled Message From The Unicorns Of The 14th Dimension & Above, May 15, 2023.

Dear Beloveds On The Back Of The Earth,

How much joy in our Hearts as we Observe the Changes & Transformations Within Your Realms.

So many of you are Coming to a Deeper Understanding of what Love Really Means, Of What Awakening Really Means.

You are Allowing YourSelf To Be Freer In Your Expression Of Self In The World.

You Are Releasing Past Pain & Past Trauma.

You Are Stepping Out Of Limiting Beliefs & Restrictive Ideas About What Your Reality Should Look, Or Be, Or Feel Like.

You Are Allowing YouSelf To Simply Be In The Expereince Of It.

You Are Releasing Judgements Of Self & Others.

You See More Beauty In Others, More Beauty In The World.

This Is Because You Are Aligned Through Your Heart To The Higher Frequencies Of The New Earth.

We Thank You For The Beauty, Light, Love And Truth You EmBody.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Unicorns Of The 14th Dimension & Above.


From Archangel Metatron, September 4, 2018.

Beloved ones,

I am happy to greet you in this space.

I wish to congratulate you again on how well you are managing to ride the intense waves of energy coming into the planet.

Much of the energy has brought up uncomfortable feelings and old patterns for release.

You have been able to deal with these with a great deal of Consciousness and grace; and in doing so to release yourself from yet another layer of the grip they have had on you.

While there will always be more growth, more expansion while you are living in the Earth plane; you have brought yourself to a point where the growth and expansion will be easier for you going forwards.

You are now able to learn and absorb many of your lessons by anticipation of what might happen if you play out a particular Timeline.

In your conscious choice of another Timeline - one that is aligned with a Higher vibration and Higher Consciousness - you are able to avoid the pain of the pattern playing out, and simultaneously dissolve it and release it from your field.

For more stubborn patterns you can ask us, the Archangels, to release things for you using this simple phrase:

I call now on the Archangels of the Highest Light, asking that everything that is not aligned with my Highest Timeline is now released from my physical, emotional, and mental fields. With gratitude for this and so much more. So Be It And So It Is. Thank You.

When you are faced with an uncomfortable situation or some kind of conflict, ask yourself:
How can I bring this into the Highest Timeline for me and everyone else involved?

Then listen to the whispers of wisdom that your Higher Self speaks to you.

By doing this, you will quickly be able to bring your thoughts, words and actions into alignment with the Higher Dimensions and a Higher Timeline. This is what is desirable and needed now.

I ask that you integrate this practice. Observe the changes it brings in your life; the changes it brings in your relationship with yourself and others.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light

From Archangel Metatron, May 11, 2018.

Greetings beloveds,

It is with great joy that I greet you here.

I am here to speak to you of the things that are occurring on your planet.

As many of you will be aware, there is a great awakening and a quickening of the energies taking place. All that does not serve your Highest Timeline and Highest Purpose is rising to the surface for transmutation.

Let it go.

Do not resist this process, or blame yourself for not being further along or revisiting old patterns. Know that a deeper level of your Soul lessons is coming up for release, so that you can be more Light-filled.

This is the Highest Mission of all of you at this time. 

To grow into a greater embodiment of your Light.

When these patterns come up do not put yourself in resistance by bemoaning them, or criticizing where you are. Simply notice the pattern, bless it and let it go; choosing a thought of a higher vibration instead.

You are living with one foot in the Higher Dimensions now. Earth has shifted into the fifth dimension. But it is up to you as individuals to choose to align with the Higher Dimensions, and you do this with your thoughts and your mindset and by what you choose to put your focus and attention on in each and every moment.

Choose thoughts that honor you and honor others. You are Divine Beings, and it is right that you honor yourself and all those around you.

Where forgiveness is needed give it in abundance. This includes forgiveness of yourself. 

Challenge yourself to step away from old patterns into the embodiment of something greater; asking yourself when something arises, "How can I step into the embodiment of my Higher Self in this moment aligning with the Higher Dimensions?"

These are times of vital change on your planet. All that is not aligned with your Highest expression of Self is falling away.

Do not resist this process. 

Let it go, blessing it with Love. Know that something better is coming to take its place.

I want you to know that you are always lovingly held and supported by the Angelic realms and the other Beings of Light who surround you at all times.

Do not fear when all seems to be in upheaval, for this is only a phase. 

The other side of the upheaval lies a life that is aligned with the Highest expression of your Soul, and your Soul's Highest Desires and Joy. It is up to you to claim this. 

Do so by seeing the old patterns for what they are, letting them go, and choosing something else - that which is aligned with your Highest expression of Self - instead.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron. With all of you and your embodiment of Light, I am well pleased.

angel-ArtsyBee green.jpg

From Archangel Metatron, March 20, 2018.

Greetings all,

I am glad to be here with you today.

I am here to speak with you of the upcoming Equinox.

Big shifts are taking place on Earth. It is a time for renewal.

All the seeds that you the Lightworkers currently present in a physical body have been sowing during the past months and years are now about to come to fruition.

What you have seen is the acorn, the kernel of your desire.

There is a Divine design and order that weaves all of your individual desires to serve the Light together.

Your commitment and dedication to your Light Work has taken roots which run deep and are now bringing forth a canopy of Love and Light which spreads around the world.

The Light that you shine touches all those in your vicinity, and also joins with the Light of the other Lightworkers to form a shield of Light that goes around the Earth.

Take strength from the fact that you, through your every mindful breath and loving thought, are contributing to this Light and making it shine brighter.

You are now beginning a new era - The Era of Light.

In this era, you will be the Wayshowers, guiding others back home to Truth; to the Light Being that they are - all are - in essence.

Have faith in the Truth that you feel in your Heart.

Allow it to guide you.

Dedicate your every word and action to the Service and Highest Timeline of All, for this is the way to consolidate the Higher Dimensions within you and expand into more of your Light.

Archangel Metatron