Greetings beloveds,
It is with joy in my heart that I connect with you.
Much is underfoot. Changes are taking place within you on the cellular level to assist you in coming into a fuller embodiment of your Light.
Some of you may find yourselves experiencing tiredness, dizziness, nausea or a kind of airy-headedness which leaves you feeling disconnected from your body and makes it hard for you to concentrate.
Do not be concerned, for these physical conditions are only temporary and are nothing less than a symptom of the great transformation you are undergoing as you are brought into deeper resonance with your Soul's path.
You can ride this wave of change and transition with more ease by taking adequate time to rest. There is no wrong time of the day to sleep. Such outdated notions are gone. If a feeling of tiredness overwhelms you, allow yourself to surrender to it. For much of the work can be done while you sleep, and your body in rest is able to integrate the Lightcodes and energies emanating from All That Is with swiftness and ease.
It is not a time to follow the old rules and do what you have always done.
It is a time to follow your heart's guidance; to listen to your body and what s/he needs.
If you can, go out and lie on the Earth. For your Earth has already stepped into the embodiment of a Higher Dimension, and she is supporting you in doing so also by sending constant waves of Light.
It is no wonder if you are tired, for you are being pummeled with Light from all around. When understood from this perspective, tiredness is something to be grateful for.
Allow the Light in, and allow it to do the work within you; transforming your body, rewriting your neural pathways, realigning you with your Highest Purpose. There is an activation below to assist you in this.
Now is the time to step fully into your Ascension path and the physical embodiment of your Light, for the energies are there to support you.
Ask for all that does not serve your Highest Timeline to be released.
Let the Lightcodes integrate and set your Intention to be in Divine Flow.
Take time out when you need to and stay focused on the embodiment of more of your Light and alignment with your Soul's Highest Calling and Purpose.
The whole Universe steps in to assist you as you commit to this path. This is what you are being called to.
Do not fear that the task is too big for you. You were born for this.
It is I, the Archangel Metatron, reminding you to keep faith and trust your Self and your Guidance. Portals are open now and there is much that you are able to receive.
*Say once with the Intention of opening your heart to receive.*
I open up now to receive all that serves my Highest Purpose and supports me in the Highest embodiment of my Soul's Truth. So Be It and So It Is. Thank you.