From Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light, October 22, 2018.

Beloved ones,

It is with joy in my heart that I greet you here, and celebrate with you all that you have transmuted.

It has not been easy on you I know, but I wish you to know that you are in a much more aligned place than you were just a few short days ago, and that this new and upshifted alignment with the Truth of who you are will support you greatly as you move forward in the coming days and weeks.

Thank you for your dedication.

Yours is not always an easy path, but the rewards are great.

You are stepping into the embodiment of yourself as Light - the Light that you came here to Be.

Do not give up now, for things are going to be easier very soon.

Keep going with your vision fixed on what you are becoming and how you want to feel.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light.

From Archangel Metatron, August 10, 2018.

Beloved ones,

It is with great love in my heart that I greet you, for I know that this week has been an intense one for many of you - one in which much has come up for release and your emotions have been jangled, and you may have been experiencing some of the physical symptoms of Ascension such as nausea, headaches, or dizziness as well.

I ask you to be patient, and to be kind to yourself and present with yourself and your experience. There is not long for you to wait now.

A great deal of Light has been anchored into the planet over the past few days. It is going to cause transformations unlike any you have ever seen.

First, you will notice these transformations within yourself.

You'll find that it is easier to let go of old patterns and things that no longer serve you; they just seem to fall away.

You will also notice signs of it in the world around you - particularly in the growing awakening of the consciousness of those around you.

Be patient and compassionate with friends or family members who are starting out on the path to the Higher embodiment of their Soul's Truth, for they do not yet have all the wisdom you have learned over these years.

Part of your job is to share what you have learned and integrated with them.

As we have told you before, you are here to be Wayshowers and Leaders in Light.

I want you to know that the anchoring of the Light that has been able to take place over the past weeks and days is not unrelated to your efforts to and growing ability to hold the Higher frequencies within your physical body; to - quite literally - em-body Light. We want to thank you for your devotion and dedication and stepping up into the role for which you came.

Those who are resisting aligning with their Soul will experience a great deal of chaos over the weeks and months to come. Be patient and compassionate with them too, offering them only Love and encouraging them to have a greater respect for themselves as an energetic being with destinies and desires to fulfill.

I wish you to know that your Light shines from you like a beacon and gives solace to many.

Continue to stand strong in your Light and to breathe Source energy into your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fields.

Take time to do this every day, for it is important at this time that you align with your Soul's Highest vision of who you are.

The energies are ripe for supporting you in integrating this Highest vision of your Soul into the physical world now.

We would ask you to keep your focus on that; rather than putting a great deal of attention on the emotions and physical symptoms that come up for release.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light

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From Archangel Metatron, May 27, 2018.

Greetings beloveds,

It is with joy in my heart that I connect with you.

Much is underfoot. Changes are taking place within you on the cellular level to assist you in coming into a fuller embodiment of your Light.

Some of you may find yourselves experiencing tiredness, dizziness, nausea or a kind of airy-headedness which leaves you feeling disconnected from your body and makes it hard for you to concentrate.

Do not be concerned, for these physical conditions are only temporary and are nothing less than a symptom of the great transformation you are undergoing as you are brought into deeper resonance with your Soul's path.

You can ride this wave of change and transition with more ease by taking adequate time to rest. There is no wrong time of the day to sleep. Such outdated notions are gone. If a feeling of tiredness overwhelms you, allow yourself to surrender to it. For much of the work can be done while you sleep, and your body in rest is able to integrate the Lightcodes and energies emanating from All That Is with swiftness and ease.

It is not a time to follow the old rules and do what you have always done.

It is a time to follow your heart's guidance; to listen to your body and what s/he needs.

If you can, go out and lie on the Earth. For your Earth has already stepped into the embodiment of a Higher Dimension, and she is supporting you in doing so also by sending constant waves of Light.

It is no wonder if you are tired, for you are being pummeled with Light from all around. When understood from this perspective, tiredness is something to be grateful for.

Allow the Light in, and allow it to do the work within you; transforming your body, rewriting your neural pathways, realigning you with your Highest Purpose. There is an activation below to assist you in this.

Now is the time to step fully into your Ascension path and the physical embodiment of your Light, for the energies are there to support you.

Ask for all that does not serve your Highest Timeline to be released.

Let the Lightcodes integrate and set your Intention to be in Divine Flow.

Take time out when you need to and stay focused on the embodiment of more of your Light and alignment with your Soul's Highest Calling and Purpose.

The whole Universe steps in to assist you as you commit to this path. This is what you are being called to.

Do not fear that the task is too big for you. You were born for this.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron, reminding you to keep faith and trust your Self and your Guidance. Portals are open now and there is much that you are able to receive.

*Say once with the Intention of opening your heart to receive.*

I open up now to receive all that serves my Highest Purpose and supports me in the Highest embodiment of my Soul's Truth. So Be It and So It Is. Thank you.

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From Archangel Metatron, May 11, 2018.

Greetings beloveds,

It is with great joy that I greet you here.

I am here to speak to you of the things that are occurring on your planet.

As many of you will be aware, there is a great awakening and a quickening of the energies taking place. All that does not serve your Highest Timeline and Highest Purpose is rising to the surface for transmutation.

Let it go.

Do not resist this process, or blame yourself for not being further along or revisiting old patterns. Know that a deeper level of your Soul lessons is coming up for release, so that you can be more Light-filled.

This is the Highest Mission of all of you at this time. 

To grow into a greater embodiment of your Light.

When these patterns come up do not put yourself in resistance by bemoaning them, or criticizing where you are. Simply notice the pattern, bless it and let it go; choosing a thought of a higher vibration instead.

You are living with one foot in the Higher Dimensions now. Earth has shifted into the fifth dimension. But it is up to you as individuals to choose to align with the Higher Dimensions, and you do this with your thoughts and your mindset and by what you choose to put your focus and attention on in each and every moment.

Choose thoughts that honor you and honor others. You are Divine Beings, and it is right that you honor yourself and all those around you.

Where forgiveness is needed give it in abundance. This includes forgiveness of yourself. 

Challenge yourself to step away from old patterns into the embodiment of something greater; asking yourself when something arises, "How can I step into the embodiment of my Higher Self in this moment aligning with the Higher Dimensions?"

These are times of vital change on your planet. All that is not aligned with your Highest expression of Self is falling away.

Do not resist this process. 

Let it go, blessing it with Love. Know that something better is coming to take its place.

I want you to know that you are always lovingly held and supported by the Angelic realms and the other Beings of Light who surround you at all times.

Do not fear when all seems to be in upheaval, for this is only a phase. 

The other side of the upheaval lies a life that is aligned with the Highest expression of your Soul, and your Soul's Highest Desires and Joy. It is up to you to claim this. 

Do so by seeing the old patterns for what they are, letting them go, and choosing something else - that which is aligned with your Highest expression of Self - instead.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron. With all of you and your embodiment of Light, I am well pleased.

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