From The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light, February 27, 2019.
/Beloved Ones,
It is with joy in my heart that I greet you today.
I wish you to know that it is I The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light and I have an important Message for you today.
It concerns your ability to uphold the Embodiment of your Higher Self.
Many of you are doing this exceptionally well already.
There are, however, times when you get jolted out of the Embodiment of your Higher Self and embody more of the qualities of your egoic self and the egoic structures that you have taken on during your Incarnation in this lifetime.
While this is natural and not to be lamented, it is also something that I encourage you to step beyond.
You do this through the Power of your Choice.
Each moment you are given a choice - What qualities of Self am I going to inhabit in this situation?
We in the Higher Realms ask you to be more Conscious about the Choices you are making.
Before speaking, before acting, consciously interrupting thoughts of the egoic self - ask yourself: What part of me am I Embodying, my egoic self or my Higher Self?
This will bring more Consciousness to everything you do and help you to more Consciously Embody the qualities of your Higher Self and Be your Higher Self Aspect as you walk in the World.
Do not in choosing to embody your Higher Self Aspect simply dismiss the facet of the egoic self that is presenting without thoroughly examining it first.
It is important that you take the time to do this for it gives you the opportunity to clearly perceive what there is within you that still needs to be Cleared, Transmuted, Released, Returned to Love.
Be as Conscious about this process as you are about Embodying the Aspects of your Higher Self. Both are important.
Remember that All is of the Light - even that which doesn’t feel that way or look that way to you.
There is nothing which has not originated from and is not of the Light. And yet at the same time, you are given a choice about what you Choose to Embody as you walk in the World.
This is a continual and ongoing process which does not happen overnight. But you are the one who is Empowered to Activate it through the Power of your Choice.
There will be times when you feel like you are making forward progress on your path and times when you feel like you have slipped back into the clutches of a pattern that does not Serve you and does not let you be the Embodiment of Light that you so desire to be.
It is in these moments that you are to remember to be kind and compassionate with yourself.
Remember that you did not come here to be perfect, but to Grow and Evolve and come into a continual Remembrance of more of the Love and the Light that is Who You Are when you Authentically Embody your Essential Self and the Highest Light of your Soul.
I wish you to know how well you are doing on your chosen Path.
I wish you to know that there is nowhere where you are meant to be other than where you right now.
Everything is occurring in Divine Perfect Timing and Divine Perfect Design.
This will be important to remember in the upcoming days and weeks.
More Light is going to be coming into the planet from the Central Galactic Sun. You may find yourself tired, lethargic and/or restless, uncertain about your path going forward.
It will be important for you to rest and nurture yourself, and treat yourself with Kindness and Compassion. The same Kindness and Compassion that you would give to a small child.
That which is not of the Light will inevitably rise to the surface as the Light on the planet intensifies. This may create some discomfort, some uncomfortable encounters, and some feelings of unworthiness as you feel unable to Embody your Light as Strongly as you desire. It is important to look at each of these things and bring them back into the Light by asking your Higher Self how he or she would act or what he or she would do in this particular situation.
Give yourself and the world the gift of being Present with yourself, with others, and with what comes up.
Each pattern you Clear and Release will be Healed on a deeper level. This is what allows you to Be a Stronger Embodiment of your Light.
This is what it is to be a WayShower at this time.
It Is I, The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light.