From Archangel Metatron, September 18, 2018.

Beloved ones,

Thank you for your commitment to your Soul's chosen path.

We are aware that the path is not always easy, and that while you are incarnated in a physical body it can feel impossibly difficult at times.

This is because most of you do not incarnate in the physical world choosing to be able to see beyond the veil. If you could, you would see the whys and wherefores, how everything connects together in the perfect Divine design for the path that is the Highest for your Soul.

I ask you to be patient. It will not be long now until this is revealed to you, in part at least.

You will soon begin to understand what it has all been for - your past challenges and struggles, as well as your victories and accomplishments; how they are all coming together now as you step forward into the fuller embodiment of your Soul work and walk forward in alignment with your Soul's Highest Path.

Do not fear to tread this path. Do not think that you are not ready or not able.

Everything that has occurred in your life to date has been training you for this - whether you had a sense of this at the time or not.

Beyond that, you came into this lifetime with lifetimes of expertise in your chosen field.

It is true when we say you were born to do what it is you came to this planet for.

There is nothing more you need to be or do.

You are perfect just as you are for the role for which you were intended.

I wish you to know this and draw strength from it.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light