Channeled Message From The Divine Feminine Of Absolute Light, Oct 3, 2024.

Dear Precious Beloved Brothers & Sisters Living In The Earth Realm At This Time,

It Is With Such Joy That We Observe The Heightened Vibration Of Love-Light-Peace Frequency That You Are Holding On The Earth At This Time.

While There Is Much Going On Around You, You Do Not Let YourSelf Be Swayed From This Frequency And This Is What The Earth Needs At This Time - This Kind Of Elevated Consciousness That Keeps Returning To The Choosing Of The Higher Consciousness Levels Of Love, Light And Peace -

No Matter What.

There Is So Much That We Wish To Converse About With You - But We Will Let This Suffice.

Know That Changes Are Coming Very Quickly Now - Far More Rapidly Than Ever Before - And It Is Essential That You Hold These Frequencies To The Utmost At This Time. You Are Helping To Shape The Energetic Structures Of What Will Eventually Fall Into Place As More And More Within The Earth Realm Aligns With The Highest Good Of The Whole.

This Is What Has Been Foreseen For This Time And We See It Coming To Pass More Quickly Than You May Think.

Hold Onto The Light.

Hold Onto The Hope Within You Of A Better World For All.

Hold Onto The Knowing Of Your Higher Truth.

We Love You, We See You, We Bless You With Our Activations Of The Divine Feminine Within You.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Divine Feminine Of Absolute Light.

Divine Feminine Channeled Message

Channeled Message From KRISHNA & GANESHA, August 23, 2024.

It Is I Lord Ganesha & I Lord Krishna & We Are Here Today To Speak With You Of Things Of Great Import.

These Times That You Are Living In Are A Crucial Crux-Point Within The Earth Realms.

Much Is To Be Transcended & Left Behind As You, As A Species, Move Into A Higher EmBodiment Of The Divine Aspects Of Self.

There Are Several Of These Divine Self-Aspects That We Wish You To Put Your Focus On Embodying For Now -

1) Self-Monitoring - Consider These Areas -
Are You Being The Energy Of Peace, Of Upliftment, Of Kindness, Of Truth?
Are You Aligned With Your Own Truth & What You Know To Be The Divine Right Thing For You To Do?
Does The Way That You BE In The World Also Support Others In BEing A Higher Version Of ThemSelf?

2) BEing The Love & Light Of Compassion & Selflessness In The World -
This Entails Giving Your Support Where It Is Needed In Service To The Awakening Of The Human Collective. We Wish To Make It Very Clear That We Wish You To Direct Your Energy Where This Goal Is Served, Rather Than In Directions Where Service To The Old Values Is Being Enacted.

3) Fortitude -
There Is Much That Will Need To Change Both Personally And Within The Larger Communities That Make Up The Collective. We Know, We Understand, That Change Can Feel Extremely Frightening To The Human Self At First - Be Open To Change Knowing That It Brings Good In The Longer-Term Perspective Of Things. Hold This Strength Of Vision Even In The Time Of Confusion & Lack Of Logical Understanding That May Follow The Initial Introduction Of Change Into Your Life Or The Lives Of Those You Love. In Order For The Collective To Shift Into A Higher Embodiment Of Love Many Many More Need To Come Into An Understanding Of The Spiritual Essence Of Who You - As Humans, Present In Your Human Form - Are.

From The Human Perspective It May Feel Like Things That You Deeply Value And Hold To Be Important And Love Are Being Taken Away From You. Ultimately This Is Being Done In Order To Help Facilitate This Shift To A Greater Focus On The Spiritual Nature That You Each Are.

4) Hope & Belief In The New Earth Now Being Formed In Your Physical Realms -
First & Foremost Hope & Belief In Your Ability - As The Community Of Light - To Create The New Earth In Alignment With The Divine Plan As You Listen Attentively To Your Guidance And Allow - As A Community Of Light - The Divine Plan To Be Worked Through You - Each Playing Your Important - Essential - Part However Large Or Small That May Seem.

We Thank & Honor You For Your Great Dedication To The Light Service You Do.

It Is We, It Is Us, Ganesha & Krishna & We Are Greatly Honored To Speak With You This Day.

Channeled Messages From Divine Source & The Indian Ascended Masters, August 5, 2024.

From The Indian Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light -

Dear Beautiful HuMan Beloveds In The Ascended Earth Realms,

So Great Is Our Love & Honor For You.

So Huge Is The Task That You Are Undertaking In The GAIA Realms Now - Much Bigger Than You Know. And Very Definitely Destined For Success We Wish To Reassure You.

We Wish You To Be Aware Of These Two Things.

Many More Synchronicities Are Present In The MultiDimensional GAIA. Be Aware Of The Synchronicities That Present In Front Of You - In Many Cases They Can Act As GuideLines To Direct You Towards Your Highest Path For This Time, And/Or To Confirm The Path You Are On.

Second, Bring Still More Awareness To The Vibration Of Thought You Are Holding. Keep Your Thoughts Centered In Love & Peace - Not Fear or Divisive Thinking.

We Love You, Honor You & Are With You At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Indian Ascended Masters Of Absolute Light.

From Divine Source -

Dear Beautiful GAIA’s Children Of The Light,

You Are Astonishing To Me In The Amount Of Light Energy That You Are Able To Integrate Into The Physical Cellular Structures Of Your Body. It Shows Just How Well You Have Prepared Your Vessels.

Do Not Step Back From This Task That Is Yours Now.

Keep Releasing All That Is Dense And/Or Heavy From The Physical, Emotional And Mental Bodies & Fields.

Many Many Karmic TimeLines Have Been Cleared On Your Behalf To Support You As An Ascending Collective In This Embodiment Of Greater Amounts Of Light.

This Will Make It Easier For You To Release The Patterns That Have Had A Stronghold On You & Held You In Place Thus Far.

There Is So Much Possible For You Now.

Take This Chance To Self-Examine And To Release That Which Is Not Aligned With Compassion - Gratitude - Generosity - Respect For All Life, And The Other High Values Of Love.

Be Kind To Those Around You. Most Have Further To Traverse On This Path Than You & They Require Your Compassion & Practical Support And Advice - Sharing What Methods, Techniques & Practices You Incorporate To Support Your Own Awakening Into A Greater, More Light-Filled Version Of Self.

Be Gentle Also With YourSelves. There Is Much Work For You To Do At This Time As We Enter The Embodied NEW EARTH Realms. Make Sure To Rest When You Need To And Return To The Unique Tasks Given To You By Your Higher Self And/Or Guide Teams As You Are Able.

With Love, Honor & Astonishment At The Beauty Unfolding In GAIA Now.

It Is I, Divine Source Light.

Channeled Message From The Galactics, July 16, 2024.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pleiadians And We Are Greatly Pleased To Connect With You This Day,

There Are Many Among Us Who Are Pleased To Observe The Changes In Your Realms.

We See That, Day By Day, More Are Coming Into A Higher Embodiment Of The Truth Of Who You Are Even As You Continue To Exist & Reside In The Physical World.

This Is Natural As Such, For It Is What Has Been Decreed For These Times Since The Beginning Of Time And The Conception Of The Idea Of This Experiment In The Earth Plane That You Are Undergoing.

And Yet, Much Commendation Is Also Due To You For We Know It Has Not Always Been Easy To Maintain Hope & Faith & To Maintain A Sense Of Your True Identity In The Face Of What The World Would Tell You & Have You Believe About Human Potential, Your Own Self.

The Light Would Be Hidden Within You If You Were To Have Listened To What The World Has Told You - And Yet It Shines, It Shines, Brighter & Brighter Each Day, And For That Effort Of Belief & Will & Alignment We Greatly Commend You.

There Are Two Things We Wish You To Put Your Focus On & Effort Into At This Time.

The First Being, The Frequency Of Vibration You Hold Within YourSelf. As Much As You Can Move Into Gratitude For All Things.

Second, We Wish You To Actively Seek Out Both Those Who Can Assist You On Your Path & Those With Whom You Find A High Resonance So That You May Support Each Other In Maintaining Your Heart-Centered Beliefs & Heart-Centered Ways Of Being In The World As Well As In Maintaining The Higher Light Frequency We Speak Of Within.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pleiadians And We Are Glad To Speak With You This Day.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Sirians Of Absolute Light And We Are Honored To Speak With You This Day.

We Agree With Much That The Pleiadian Brothers & Sisters Have Said Above, And Only Wish To Reaffirm How Happy We Are That You Are Taking Your Place Within The Galactic LineUp Of Planets Undergoing The Full Ascension Into A Higher Frequency Of LoveLight Frequencies.

This Message Is Light-Encoded To Support Your Physical Bodies In This On A Deep Cellular Level.

We Add To What Our Pleiadian Brothers & Sisters Have Already Shared Only That It Is Important For You To Take Care Of YourSelves Well; Taking Adequate-And-Above Rest And Consuming That Which Is Healthy For Your Physical Vessel.

 It Is We, It Is Us, The Sirians & We Send You Our Energetic Infusions & Our Highest Regards At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturians & We Salute You In Your Progression Into The Higher Dimensional Ascended New Earth,

How Beautiful It Is To See The Light As It Extends Into More & More Of Your Planet & Your Peoples.

Soon There Will Be None Who Are Untouched By This - Whether They Know That To Be The Reason For Their Shift Into A Higher Vibrational Being Or Not.

More & More Will Be Searching Out The Information That You - The LightHolders - Are The Keepers Of.

Be Generous In Sharing Both The Processes & The Energetic Resources That Have Served You At Various Stages Of Your Journey, So That Others May Quickly Find The Videos, The Books, The Sessions, The Community Hubs & So Forth That Will Best Serve Them On Their Journey.

It Is Your Time, The Time You All Incarnated For.

We Are So Proud Of You & Look On You With So Much Joy.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturians.

GALACTICS - Channeled Message

Channeled Message From Mt SHASTA & Mt FUJI, July 2, 2024.

Dear Beautiful Beloved Light-Filled Ones,

So Grateful We Are To Contact With You This Day.

Our Main Purpose With This Message Is To Share The Ascended New Earth Gaia Higher Light Frequencies With You On A Cellular Level, Helping To Support Your Entry Into The 7th Dimension And Above.

Other Than That, There Are Two Points We Wish To Communicate To You.

First, The Importance Of Being Careful In The Way That You Speak A) Of YourSelf And Others, and, B) To YourSelf And Others.

Make Sure The Words That Utter Forth From Your Mouth Are Aligned With Higher Light Frequencies And What You Wish To Create For YourSelf And See For Others In The World.

Do Not Cut Off Possibility Or Limit Potential In The Phrases You Choose To Express YourSelf With.

Second, We Want To Highlight Both How Well You Are Doing - And How Far There Is Still To Go.

Anywhere You Are Not In Alignment With The Higher Values Of Peace Within And Without, Love, Abundance And Goodness Aligning For All, Joy, & Kindness Needs To Be Observed; Released Where Necessary; & Brought Into Higher Alignment By The Effort Of The Consciousness Observing ItSelf.

These Are The Things We Would Impart To You This Day.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Ascended Consicousnesses Of Mt SHASTA & Mt FUJI.

Channeled Message From The Andromedans, June 9, 2024.

We Are The Andromedans And We Are Here To Speak With You This Day,

The Ascension TimeLine Is Progressing At An Accelerated Rate In Your Realms And Many Galactic Beings Eagerly Await Your Fuller Participation In The Cosmos’s Evolution Towards A Greater Embodiment Of LoveLight Energy.

The Things That Are Taking Place In Your Earth Realm Are Important To The Progression Of This TimeLine In The Entire Cosmos At This Time.

That Is Why There Is So Much Support For You Now.

We Want You To Know This - & To Feel How Much Love There Is For You Pouring In From Many Galactic Races - As All Look Upon This Unfoldment Into A Greater Maturity Of Your Being As A Very Important Step For You To Be Able To Take The Place Within The Galactic Races That Is Your Divine Inheritance - As One Of Those Amongst The Galactic Races Considered To Be Making Progress In The Direction Of Greater LoveLight For The Unified Whole That The Cosmos Is.

This Is A Great Honor And One Which You Now Rightfully Deserve, For Many Among Your Collective Of WayShowers & LightWorkers Have Been Holding The Frequencies Of Light & Of Love On Your Planet For Many Decades Now Eagerly Awaiting The ’Tipping Point’ As It Is Called - And We Wish To Tell You That Now It Is Here And That This Is The TimeLine That Is To Take Precedence In Your Realms From This Point Forward.

We Greatly Honor Your Embodiment Of Greater Truth Of The Love That You Are and Your Desire To Know YourSelves As MORE OF THIS.

In Each Moment Simply Ask YourSelf, How Can I Express The Love That I Am In Essence In This Situation?

This Will Help To Bring Still Greater Acceleration To The Grounding Of This Energy In Your Realms.

We Are The Andromedans And We Are Greatly Honored To Speak With You This Day.


Channeled Message From The Collective Of Trees Of Ascended GAIA, May 19, 2024.

Beautiful Human Ones,

We Inhabit This Earth At The Same Time As You - And Some Of You Are Walking In The Same Frequency Band As Us As You Activate More & More Of Your Truth.

There Is So Much That We Wish To Share With You, But Here We Will Do Our Best To Be Brief.

You As HuMans Still Have Much To Learn About Having Relationships In Which Each Supports The Others Around It.

You May Manage This In Your Smaller Groups Or ‘Family-Units’ - But Not Often On A Larger Scale.

We See So Much Ruthless & Divisive Competition In The Way You’re Encouraged To Be In The World.

This Is Not Supporting You In Aligning With The Frequency Of NEW EARTH GAIA - Which Is About Love, Joy, Beauty - And The Greater Good Of The WHOLE.

Which Means That Sometimes Your Own Personal Desires - & Even Needs - Should Be Submitted To The Greater Good Of The Whole - That Is If You Truly Wish To Align With The Divine Plan For This Time.

In This Community, We See This To Be Especially Prevalent Where You Are Either Taking Up Too Much - Or Too Little - Space.

Ask YourSelf - Is There An Ego Voice That Prevents You From Giving That Soul-Aligned Friend The ‘Leg-Up’ They Need?

On The Other Side, Is There Anywhere You’re Not Stepping Forward Where You Could Really Shine Your Light & Do Great Good In Alignment With The Values & Practices Of The New Earth - & Yet You Hesitate Because Either You Don’t Really Feel Ready - Or Even You Know It Will Take Away From Your Own Personal Time, Pursuits & Desires?

We Have Learned To Balance Our Own Good With The Good Of The Whole.

It Serves Our Tree Communities Well.

We Hope You HuMans Can Also Learn This So You Can Move More Quickly Into The Full Alignment With The Ascended GAIA Realms That Is Being Asked Of Those Who Choose To Stay Now.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Collective Of Trees Of Ascended GAIA.

Channeled Message - Collective Of Trees

Channeled Message & Ascension Codes From Mt Shasta & Fuji, May 4, 2024.

Dear Beloved HuMans,

We Thank You For Your Active Support In Raising The Frequency Of The Planet At This Time.

You Are Doing An Excellent Task Of Keeping The Ascension Energies High Upon The Planet And In Supporting The Grounding Of The MultiDimensional Light From The Cosmic Sun Into The GAIA Realms, And We Greatly Thank You For This.

We Would Like To Speak To The Energy Of The Next 6 Months -> May Through November.

The Frequency Is To Keep Increasing.

It Is Time To Master Your Creations.

First, Are You Co-Creating With The People You Desire To Go Forward With In Your Life Or Are You Just Biding Your Time In Situations That Are No Longer Pleasing Or Supportive To You?

Several In This Community Need To Hear This.

Second, Are You Energetically Aligned?

Make Sure You Are Choosing The Frequencies Of LOVE - JOY - LIGHT - PEACE.

We Know This Is Not Always The Natural Response.

When It Is Not, No Self-Blame. Simply Come Back To The Emotional Frequencies Above.

This Will Help You To Integrate The Higher-Aligned Frequencies At A More Accelerated Rate, Thus Ensuring You Align With The Higher Light Coming Into GAIA At This Time On A Cellular Level - Which Will Then Support You As An Individual In Accessing The Next Level Of Your Mission & Actively Benefitting The Peoples You Are To Support.

This Is Our Message For You This Day.

It Is We, It Is Us, Mt Shasta & Fuji Of The Ascended Earth Realms.


Channeled Message From The Lemurian Priestesses & Priests, March 18, 2024.

Dear Blessed Beautiful Beloveds In The Earth Plane -

We Are So Grateful For This Opportunity To Connect And Speak With You At This Time When So Much Is Literally Transcending What Has Been Before In Your Dear Earth Plane.

It Is A Place That Is So Dear To Us.

And You - Our Representatives In The Earth Plane Now - Are Also So Dear To Us.

We Have A Few Points We Would Like To Share With You That Should Be Able To Support You In Maintaining The High Vibration That Is Necessary On The Part Of The WayShower & LightWorker Community At This Time.

First, Spend More Time In Whatever Helps You To Feel A Sacred Connection To The All That Is Beyond Human Life And/Or All That Exists. This Can Be As Simple As Taking A Walk In Nature And Feeling The Connection To The Plant And Tree Beings. Or It Can Be Part Of A Deeper Practice Of Going Into A Deep Meditative State Where You Know YourSelf To Be One With All Of Life.

This Will Help To Awaken A Greater Sense Of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS - Which It Is So Important That You Hold Your Focus On At This Time.

Second, We Want You To Support YourSelf In Feeling Truly, Beautifully, BLISSFULLY Alive By Spending Time On Things Such As Dancing, Running, Art & Artistic Projects, Non-Combative Sports, Lifting Your Voice In Song, Playing Your Musical Instruments And So Forth - Whatever Generates A Feeling Of Peace, Stillness, Calmness & Great JOY Within - For This Is The Vibration Of The NEW EARTH You Are Now Residing In - And Doing So Will Help To Integrate These Qualities Of Being Into The Wider Human Collective At An Accelerated Rate - For With All The Surplus Light That Divine Light Has Authorized To Come Into The Planet At This Time, The HuMan Collective Are Being UpGraded Without Them Even Knowing It And Will be Very Open To Be In The Receiving Of These Divine Qualities Of Self.

Third, Let Yourselves Let Go Of All That You Have Been Holding Onto That Feels Like A Burden To You. This Can Be Situations, People You Have Been Carrying - Enabling - For Years, And So Forth. We Do Not Mean For You To Step Down From Your Responsibilities - Personal And/Or Professional - Simply For You To Be Aware Of What Certain Situations, Memories, Interactions With Certain People Do For You Energetically. If You Can Transform This Within Your Self, Great. All Is Well. If It Is Not Possible For You To Do So At This Time, Step Away For A Short While And See How That Feels.

It Is Very Important That You Keep Your Vibration As Light As Possible At This Time So That You Can Integrate The Maximum Amount Of Plasma Light Coming In From The Central GALACTIC SUN.

That Is All.

We Love And Honor You And The Great LIGHT You Are In The World.

It Is We, It Is Us,  The Lemurian Priestesses & Priests Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Messages From White Eagle & Red Feather Of The Native Indian Spirits, March 2, 2024.

Dear Beautiful HuMans Walking The Earth At This Time,

It Is With Great Honor, Respect, LOVE That We Turn Our Gaze Upon You.

You Are The Chosen Ones - The Ones Here To Help Shift & Transform The EARTH At This Time.

We Wish To Caution You - As Many Of You Realize, It Is Not A Case Of Returning Solely To ‘Old Ways’ Or Discarding All New Developments In Technology.

It Is A Case Of Using What Can Serve The Highest Good Of The Whole From Both the Old Ways & The New Ways.

This Will Allow You To Achieve Much In A Short Space Of Time To Alleviate A Great Deal Of The Suffering - Of Land, Of Sky, Of Beast, Of Fish, Of Bird - As Well As Of Fellow HuMan - As You Make Decisions Using The New Technology WISELY By Integrating The WISDOM, PERCEPTION BEYOND WHAT IS SEEN, COURAGE & ADHERENCE TO TRUTH Of The Old Ways.

More Than Anything - It Is A Case Of ReLearning The Way Of Going Within To Access Your Own Truth & To Stand Boldly In The Embodiment Of That & What You Know To Be Right & TRUE.

You Are Being Called To Be The Physicality Of The Divine Qualities Lived In The World. This Begins With Looking Within & Seeing Where You Are In Alignment With The Values Of Love, Joy & Peace - & Where You Are Not.

It Is Not ‘Wrong’ Not To Be In Alignment With These Values In Various Areas Of Your Life - Use This As Information To Help You Know What You Need To Do In Order To Align With These Values Of The Rainbow CrystallineDiamond Light New Earth.

We Love You. We Bless You. We Are Honored To Be Here At This Time Serving With You & Supporting You.

It Is We, It Is Us, White Eagle & Red Feather Of The Native Indian Spirits.

Light-Encoded Channeled Message From The Unicorns Of The 121st Dimension & Above, Feb 19, 2024.

Dear Beautiful High-Frequency, High-Minded, High-Vibrating Beloveds,

We Love & Honor You With All The Purity & Beauty Of Our Hearts As You Walk More Clearly Into The Frequencies Of The New Earth GAIA.

You Have Already Made Your Choice - Each Of You - Most Several, Even Many - Years Ago.

You Have Become More Adept At Embodying The Qualities Of Purity; Compassion; Kindness; Self-Love; Encompassing & Many-Things-Embracing Love For Others.

And Yet You Are Not So Adept At UpHolding Your Frequency.

We UpGrade This For You Now To Facilitate You Coming More Fully Into Resonance With The New Earth GAIA.

In Love For You & All That You Embody At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Unicorns Of The 121st Dimension And Above.


Channeled Messages & Energy Report from Various Of The Higher Dimensional Beings Of Absolute Light, Feb 3, 2024.

From The Pegasi & Unicorns Of The 121st Dimension & Above -

Dear Exceedingly Beautiful Light-Filled Gracious Ones,

We are Honored to be Here Serving in the Ascension Of GAIA With You At This Time.

How well things are proceeding - though we appreciate that it may not seem that way from the perspective with which you see.

It was thought that much would need to be destroyed in order to Allow the Energies of The Golden GAIA To Fully Permeate Your Realms - but because of the great Work that you are doing on behalf of the Whole of Humanity, Consistently Maintaining as a LightWorker & WayShower Community a Certain High Vibration Of Light - we now see that not so much Breaking Down of Old Structures will need to take place as previously thought in order for the Energies of the Ascended New Earth to be Fully Manifested In Your Realms.

We rejoice in this for it will enable the Ascension Process to be much faster - and more and more will, in the upcoming days, weeks and months, find themselves almost unconsciously starting to Embody a Higher Vibrational Frequency.

This is all thanks to the Great Amount of Light that you are Embodying on Behalf of the Whole.

In Honor of your Service.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pegasi & Unicorns Of The 121st Dimension & Above.

From The Mermaids Of The 121st Dimension & Above & Neptune:

From The Mermaids Of The 121st Dimension & Above -

Dear Beautiful Earthlings Who Walk On The Surface,

We want you to start to ReConceive of YourSelf as Citizens of a Living GAIA That Supports Many Different EcoSystems & Dimensions, not only your own.

The more you start to do this, the more you will start to Live in ways that are Supportive of the Whole not only of your own limited societal groups & those of your own kind.

It is time for you to Conceive of YourSelves as One Among Many LifeForms supported by the Consciousness that GAIA Is.

As you do this, you will naturally become kinder and more loving towards those Lifeforms that are different from yourself.

Then, and only then, will other Lifeforms living in the Multiple Dimensions of the LIVING GAIA be able to Reveal Themselves to you.

First, as Individuals, you must prove that you intend only the Intention of Love, with Harm done to None - including those different from Self.

As you do this, more and more of the MultiDimensional GAIA Will Be Revealed To You For It Has Been Decreed That This Is The Time For It To Be So.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Mermaids Of The 121st Dimension & Above.

From Neptune -

Dear Earth Ones,

You walk on the Surface and you must learn how to take care of the place that you fondly call ‘home’ - and yet in your actions do not act with the same integrity of love towards the place that supports you and all life on her surface.

Do you have no thought for the results that your actions produce as you continue to do that which is destructive to not only the Earth’s precious Eco-Systems & Environments but also to those of your own kind?

It is unthinkable to more Advanced Species to cause such thoughtless harm - harm is only done when all other options have been considered, and the least harm to the fewest in number is that which is chosen out of an inability to conceive of a better way.

And yet you do not even consider the results of your actions - just act from pure emotion in rash and unbalanced forms of behavior.

We look on you with love and fondness for we know you to be our Brothers & Sisters in the GAIA Realms, but we greatly look forward in eager anticipation to the Collective Raising of your Consciousness & the Day when you will become ‘Citizens’ of GAIA, rather than those who just reside on the Earth without considering the effects of your actions or what it is that you bring forth on yourself & the other species of the planet.

We want to support you - but first you must help to support yourselves by determining - making a clear choice and then setting the Intention that It Is So- to act in ways that are more Loving Towards Self and more Responsible Towards the Whole.

In love and honor of the all that you are and the all that you are becoming.

It Is I Neptune, with words of Truth for you Today.

Energy Report From FUJI & SHASTA Of The Ascended Earth GAIA Realms,

Welcome Dear Ones To The NEW EARTH Energies Present In The Physical Earth Realms,

There is to be much that will change over the next 15 years so that in some ways the Earth will be unrecognizable in just a few short years.

First, there will be a change that will be clearly seen in the way that people relate to each other.

It is hoped that the greater sense of empathy and resultant consideration for others that will emerge as the Light that the Planet is Bathed In continues to Rise in Frequency will then encourage you to also be more considerate of the other LifeForms all around you in this MultiDimensional UniVerse.

Once this is acknowledged to be so, you will find yourself coming into far more Contact with your GALACTIC Brothers & Sisters - for you are now recognized to be one of the Planets that is to Ascend into the Higher Frequencies of LoveLight - and yet because of the remaining attachment to past patterns of 3d inter-relational behavior there is some hesitation on the part of some of the Galactic Brothers & Sisters of The Galactic Federation Of Ascending Planets to reach out to you, their HuMan Brothers & Sisters.

As you change so this will also and you will find yourselves as a HuMan Community able to Receive far more Help than could ever be imagined by you, which will then also Accelerate your Ascension Path as a Collective far more than can be conceived possible by you now - so that as a result of these things, in 60 years time Life on Earth will be far different, far more Advanced than if you were to rely only on yourselves for progress in technology and so forth.

We are happy to be able to communicate these things to you this day and wish you well in this project that you are undertaking as an Ascending Planet.

We wish you to know that we are also here to Support You in this Process and are Encoding this Message with High Frequency LightCodes to Support your Collective Ascension.

You are here for this Time and it is important that you continue to adhere to the Path of your Soul and the Maximum Embodiment of Light and Love Frequencies Available to You At This Time.

It is not the time to regret or hold grievances about things that have occurred in your families, with your close and familial ones, or even those you may have determined as ‘enemies.’

Let these things go - and Allow YourSelves to Step Into the New LOVELIGHT FREQUENCIES Now.

We honor you and the Changes that you are Undertaking and all that you are Holding in Terms of Codes of Light & LOVELIGHT Frequency on Behalf of the Whole.

With Love & Amplified Support To You The LightWorker WayShower Community At This Time.


Energy Report & Channeled Messages - Higher Dimensional Beings

Channeled Messages From The Mts & Crystals Of Ascended GAIA, Lord KRISHNA & Lord BABAJI, Jan 21, 2024.


Dear Beautiful Sacred Light-Filled Ones Here To Transform & Shift The Earth At This Time,

What Momentous Changes Are Underfoot & Already Starting To Unfold In The GAIA REALMS In Which You Reside.

There Is So Much That Is Going To Be Made Conscious - So Much That Will Be Revealed.

It Is The TIME Of The GREAT AWAKENING Upon The Earth & We - You + Us - Are Here To Support This.

We Feel The Rumbles Of Change Deep Within Our Roots & We Have A Sense Of Both Nervous & Excited Anticipation For What You Will Allow To UNFOLD.

It Is Important To Keep Your Focus On The Highest Possible Vision You Have For GAIA At This Time - For The Vision & The Frequency You Hold Will Help To Determine How Quickly The ELEVATION OF GAIA Unfolds.

What Exciting Beautiful Times In Which You Have Chosen To Incarnate.

It Is We, It Is Us, Mt SHASTA & Mt FUJI Of The Ascended Earth.

From The Crystals Of The Ascended Earth:

Dear Beautiful Light-Centered, Light-Filled Ones,

How we Love to Feel Your Presence Here Upon The Earth.

The Vibration You Emit is of Great Support To Us as we Continue to Elevate the Frequencies of GAIA On Behalf Of The Whole.

We are So Very Happy To Work In Collaboration With You In This Way for this is the ROLE, The SACRED PURPOSE For Which We Came.

We Are Honored To Fulfill This Role And Honored To Work With Such Beautiful Light-Beings Who Chose To Incarnate In The 3d Earth Realms Despite Being Able To Incarnate In Places Of A Much Higher Frequency.

You Came Here With The Specific Purpose & Role To Help The EARTH At This Very Special Time In These Realms & For This We Honor & Respect You Greatly.

We Are Here To Serve GAIA & HuManity In Her ASCENSION - As Are You.

You Are Our Sisters & Brothers In This.

We Love You.

We Thank You For Your Presence Here.

In Great Light & Great Love,

It Is We, It Is Us The Energies Of Amethyst, Fluorite, Selenite & Rose Quartz Of The Ascended Earth.

From Lord BABAJI & Lord KRISHNA:

Dear Beautiful Radiant Light-Emitters Of The Ascended GAIA,

Such Beautiful PURPOSE For Which You Came.

A Purpose Which You Fulfill Not Only With Your Actions, Also With The Frequency You Hold & Emit.

A Purpose Which You Fulfill Not Only With The Frequency You Emit, Also With The Concrete Actions You Take To Build The NEW EARTH.

It Is Not A Time To Hold Back Or Hesitate.

NOW Is The Time To Create The Physical Structures Of The NEW EARTH.

It Is I Lord Babaji & I Lord Krishna Of Absolute Light & We Thank You For Your Presence Here On The Planet At This Time.

You Are Of Tremendous LIGHT-FILLED Support To GAIA At This Time And She Honors & Thanks You Also.

It Is We, It Is Us, Lord KRISHNA & Lord BABAJI Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From Krishna Of Absolute Light, Nov 30, 2023.

Dear Beautiful Beings Who Are Grounding So Much Of The Energies Of Love, Light Frequency, Presence, Peace, & Release Of Guilt, Shame & Blame Into The Earth;

How marvellous is the Work that you do on Behalf of the Whole of Humanity as you Undergo this Process.

It is with so much love in my Heart for you that I Observe your Realms and all that you Hold, Have Held and that is Now Coming Up for You To Release so that You can truly Liberate YourSelves & Be The Shining Example Of LoveLight Radiating for the Whole.

The World Needs You To Be Strong Now - for there are many that will feel lost, confused, broken, torn apart in the weeks and the months and perhaps even the years to come.

It all depends on you Dear Ones - not in the sense of the smaller you that is the LightWorker Community; but in the sense of the Wider You of the Human Collective.

What will you Choose?

Will you continue to choose the lower Activities & Vibrations of Dislike, Fear, War, Hatred, Intolerance, Prejudice, Ridicule of Others, Dishonoring of Self and what you Know to be True in your Heart?

Or will you Elevate your Consciousness and Allow this to Transform you so Completely that you are Made Anew?

You may think you are not ready for this, or perhaps that you cannot do it - it is too much of a big task that we set before you.

But all you need to do is to Surrender each of these lower vibration Emotions or Thought-Processes to The Divine as it Arises and then let the Rest be done for you.

For the tremendous news is that The Divine is so deeply Honored & in Awe to See the LightWorker & WayShower Community Truly Holding the Light on Behalf of the Planet in spite of Great Personal Strain & Pain in some cases, that The Divine has decided to Pour Still More Influxes of Exceptionally High-Vibrational Light into the Entire Collective throughout the months of December through August 2024.

More & more will start to feel this as a sense of disconnection to their previous self; or perhaps as a great tiredness in the Body; or perhaps as a loss of hope, as a Dark Night of the Soul Arises for them to take them from where they are now to where they need to be to truly Surrender to The Divine Plan for Humanity At This Time.

You are to be the Strength, the Holding Space for them -

You are already Embodying this Energy Dear Ones, so do not think you cannot do it - but it is essential that you clear your schedules of too many commitments and too much busyness so that you may be there and be present for those around you as and when they need you to be so.

We have great faith in you Dear Ones - you have Proven YourSelf Time & Time Again.

You Are True Light In These Realms & There Is So Much Gratitude For You From All The Light Beings Supporting The Earth In Her Ascension At This Time.

Allow Yourself to Rest As Needed.

It Is Important That You Are Built-Up in this way that you may Serve Those You Are Here To.

In Love, In Honor, In Deep Deep Respect,

It Is I, Krishna Of Absolute Light.


Channeled Message From The Sophia Energy, November 20, 2023.

Dear Beautiful Beloveds,

It is with Great Love in my Heart for you that I come to Connect & Share my Divine Feminine Activations & Messages with you today.

There is Great Change Underfoot in your Plane, so much so that many are beginning to notice a greater sense of Peace, of Security within themselves - despite the Events Unfolding in the World Around them.

This is largely thanks to the Light Energy that You Dear Beloved WayShower - Path-Creator - Community - Have Been Successful In Holding The Planet In On Behalf Of The Entire Human Collective.

This is no small task and you have done brilliantly and there is much rejoicing in the Higher Dimensional Realms.

We want you to watch yourself on several accounts as you go forward - 

  • Where is your Energy? Are you directing your thought attention to that which you would have see come about in these Realms? Manifestation is happening much Faster now and it is imperative that your thoughts should be directed in the direction of that which you wish to Create.

  • How are you treating the others around you? Are you allowing space for them to be who they really are? For them to take the time they need to be present with themselves and the world as this next stage of the Human Collective’s Journey Unfolds?

Until now there has been so much focus on Productivity in your Realms, which has led to a Great Deal of Busyness. Whilst Productivity in and of itself is not to be dismissed - it can be very useful at times as the Feminine Energy is also ready to accept - it is not good when it becomes the only focus so that people get caught up in a whirlwind of action and mental energy and do not have the time to come home to themselves.

Most in the Collective do not even know how to do this, Dear Ones.

And this is a role I would wish to Assign to you the WayShower Community now - to Show the Collective the Way of Being Present with Self in such a way that you allow for thoughts to Arise, Be Seen - Be Noticed - Without Necessarily Needing To Believe Them - And to then ask yourself, what is the choice for a Better Thought Now? By which is meant - a thought more Aligned with that specific Individual’s Happiness And What It Is That They Wish To Create.

While this seems somewhat basic, it is very very important.

And even while you have grasped it as a mental knowing, many of you have not internalized this and are not truly in the process of being this kind of Transformative Energy in the World.

When you can really start to do this for yourselves - and then show Wider Humanity how to also be in this process - of course at the same time teaching the Principle of needing to come from a place of Alignment with Love, with Light, with Highest and Best For All - then things in your Earth Plane will Truly start to Transform.

It Is We, It Is I, The Divine Sophia - and I am greatly pleased to connect with you in this way At This Very Special Time In Your Planes.


Channeled Message From The Pegasi Of The 99 Dimension & Above & Metatron, November 6, 2023.

It Is With Great Joy That The Beings Of The Higher Dimensions Such As OurSelves Are In The Process Of Observing Your Earth Plane At This Very Special Time On Your Planet.

How Great Is The Radiance Of The Light That Is Emitted As More Come Into A Higher More Light-Centered Way Of Being In The World.

We Especially Want To Condone You On The Greater Amount Of Flow That You Are Generating. 

As You Align With The Higher Light Frequency This Is Something That Naturally Evolves From This Alignment - & Yet Many Of You Are Creating This Greater Flow In Your Lives Now By Your Alignment With The Higher Principles Of The Universal Law - And This Is What We Wish To Condone You On For This Shows Your Integration Of All That You Have Been Learning & Practicing And It Shows How Ready You Are Now To Truly Step Into The New Earth Realms That Have Been Planted On The Earth And Are Now Taking Root To A Greater Extent Than Had Been Thought Possible By This Time.

You Are Ahead Of Schedule Dear Ones - And This Is Because Of Light-Filled Ones Such As YourSelves Who Refuse To Believe In The Possibility Of The Darkness That The World Around You Would Show You - But Hold True Instead To The Principles Of Love, Of Light, Of Truth, Of Goodness And of Honor.

In Honor, In Love, In Respect - We Now Pass Onto The Pegasi & Metatron To Share Their Wisdom With You For This Time.

It Is I, Metatron - I Am Deeply Pleased To Have This Chance To Speak With You At This Time.

The Crystalline LightBody Is Becoming More Completely Formed And You Are Now Ready To Embody The Higher Principles Of Justice, Truth, Beauty & The Highest Good For All That You Came Here To Create As You Lead The Collective Into The New Way Of Being In The New Earth Realms.

There Is Much That Needs To Be Done - For So Many Are So Far From The Integration Of These Principles.

But Ears And Hearts Are More Open Than They Have Been To This Point.

And As The Ones Who Are Not Choosing This Depart, So Those Of You Aligned With The Highest Divine Will For The Planet At This Time Shall Hold The Balance Of Light On The Planet In Ways That Are Totally Transformative For Those Who Choose To Remain.

Many Upgrades Will Be Coming In For The Larger Human Collective During The Next 6 Months.

The Changes Within Their Human Self Will Take Many Completely By Surprise - In Ways That They Will Find ThemSelves Inside Out And Upside Down And At A Loss To Know How To Be With The People Around Them Or Interact In The World So Completely Are They Transformed.

This Is The Start Of The New Earth Realm.

If Successful In Supporting The Whole Of Humanity To Live In Greater Peace, Beauty, Joy And The Higher Principle Of Love That Holds Compassion For All Living Beings, Then The Integration Of This Energy Will Be The Introduction Of The New Era Of Light That This Planet At This Time Is To Become Known For In The Her-His-Tory Of The Entire MultiDimensional UNIVerse.

It Is Time For You To Know YourSelves As One With All Life.

To Feel Compassion For All Life.

To Actively Demonstrate This In The Way You Are Choosing To Live Your Lives.

This Is The Time That Had Been Waited For. And It Is Now.

You Are The ForeRunners - The Leaders In This. You Are Already Embodying This To A Great Extent - Now It Is Up To You To Purify And Hone Your Own Hearts That You Many Truly Live In Alignment With These Principles In Ways That Allow You To Shine Your Light So Forcefully In The World That Each That Sees You Is In Awe In Such A Way As Is The Beginning Of A Great Personal Transformation Within ThemSelf.

Honor Others.

Honor YourSelf.

This Is My Message For You At This Time.

It Is I, The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pegasi Of The 99 Dimension & Above - 

The Light That Surrounds Your Planet Is - In These Last Two Months Of Your Human Year - About To Penetrate Each Human Who Lives On Her Face To A Far Greater Extent.

Many Will Be Waking Up To A Greater Sense Of Self - And As They Do They Will Come To Know ThemSelf As The Creator Of Their World - In The Sense That They Will Have A Greater Sense Of The Way That Their Vibration Is Creating The Way That Things Unfold Around Them.

This Will At First Be Observed In The Small Things Around Them Such As Their Perceptions Of The Natural World & The Way Their Inter-Personal Relationships Unfold.

They Will Also Sense A Greater Connection To Their HeartSpace That Will Allow Them To Step Into The Embodiment Of Greater Compassion, Kindness & Love In Their Relationship With ThemSelf & Others.

This Will Be An Almost Effortless Unfolding As The Light On The Planet Continues To Generate A Higher Frequency Which Pulls Those Who Have Not Been Responsive To The Awakening Codes On The Planet Until This Point Into A More Heart-Centered Alignment So That They, Too, Can Be - If They So Choose - Part Of The Ascension Process That Is Unfolding Now.

Much Will Be Lost In The Terms Of The Way Things Are Used To Being For Such Individuals And They Will Need Clear Guides - Leaders In The New Earth Ways - Who Can Show Them The Way To Walk In The World At This Time And - Over Time - How To Work With The Universal Laws To Create A Life That Serves The Higher Good Of Not Only Themself, But Also The World. This Is Your First Role At This Time - To Be These Guides For Those Around You Who Are Aligning With A Higher Expression Of Being.

Second - We Ask You To Hold - To Maintain In Your Physical Vessels - This Higher Light Frequency.

This Is Your Greatest Contribution To The Unfolding Of The New Earth Realms On Your Planet At This Time - And We Greatly Honor Those Of You Who Have Brought YourSelves To The Place Where You Can Embody The Frequencies Of The Higher Dimensions & Light To Such A Pure And High Extent That Those Around You Are Transformed By Not Only Your Example - But Energetically By The LIGHT That You Hold And Are.

You Are Doing So Well And There Are Great Things To Come For Your Planet.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pegasi Of The 99 Dimension & Above.


Channeled Messages From Freddie Mercury & Michael Jackson, October 17, 2023.

Channeled Messages From The Higher Dimensional Beings Of Freddie Mercury & Michael Jackson -

From Freddie Mercury -

Hey There Fellow Earthlings,

For I Still Identify With The Beautiful Planet You Are Residing Upon & Call Home.

How I Wish I Were With You There Today As You Welcome In The Awakened Earth With All The Light & Focus Of Truth & Divine Self Alignment That Epitomizes Who You - The ForeRunners Of This New Era Of Divine-Aligned Light - Are.

How Tremendously Glorious These Times Are.

I Sing In Honor Of You, Your Light, The All That You Are.

I Thank You For Your Commitment - Which Is Still More Than That Of My Heart To The Music Within I Loved So Much.

Give YourSelf Permission To Take Up More Space.

You Are Here To Literally Change The Entire Fabric Of The HuMan World.

You Will Transform The Face Of The Earth.

I Speak Not In Hyperbole But In Truth.

It Is I, Freddie Mercury.

From Michael Jackson -

Dear Beautiful Peace-Love-Centered Beings,

How Sparkling Is The Light That You Emit As You Are Heart-Centered In Each Of Your Words, Actions, Interactions & Behaviours. It Is Beautiful To See The Transformations That Are Taking Place On Your Planet Now.

So Much More Light Is Being Emitted As More & More Come Into Alignment With Their Soul Path & Their Higher Self & The Embodiment Of The Values of Trust, Love, Respect & Light.

I Ask You To Trust In The Light Of Your Being To Bring All Into Alignment Around You.

Simply Ask Of Your Higher Self Your Next Step & Keep Following That - Without Thinking About What Is To Come After That Just Yet.

For So Much Is In The Air At The Moment.

Many Life Paths & Life Plans Will Be Changing In The Next Few Months.

More & More Will Be Leaving The Planet.

Those Who Remain Will Be Actively Choosing To Come Into Alignment With A Higher Soul Path.

How Wonderful To Watch From This Position.

How Still More Wonderful To Be Present On The Earth At This Life-Changing Time.

We Offer You The Full Benefit Of Our Support.

Please Look At The Picture & Say ‘Thank You’ Once Aloud.

With Love, Honor & Respect For The Great Love You Are Choosing & Active In The Embodiment Of.

It Is I, Michael Jackson.

channeled Message - Michael Jackson; Freddie Mercury

Channeled Message From My Atlantian Higher Self, October 1, 2023.

It Is Time For Your Planet To Change.

Too Much Time Has Been Invested In Actions & Pursuits That Detract From The Evolution Of The Soul, Prioritising Technological Development Over The Human Heart & Soul.

This Mistake Has Been Made Before.

I Am Here To Warn You That The Divine Has Decreed That It Shall Not Be Made Twice.

Great Upheaval Will Result If You Continue To Follow This Path At The Costs Of Your Souls, The Other Life On The Planet, And The Beautiful Planet You Live Upon.

It Is Time To See With More Evolved Eyes - Ask What The Higher Perspective Regarding All This Race To Have Newer, Better, More Is.

Allow YourSelves To Evolve Into The Something Better That Seeks Harmony & Balance Rather Than To Always Be At The Forefront Of The Technological Advancements In Comparison To Your International Partners And/Or Adversaries.

This Era Must Shift This Tendency & Allow You To Become Gentler, More Heart-Centered, Life-Loving Versions Of The Human Race.

You Are One Race.

There Is Nothing To Be In Competition About.

A Sense Of Competition Leads To A Perpetual Need For Advancement.

This Is Where You Find YourSelves Now.

Ask YourSelf - Is It Really Making You Happy?

And This YOU Is The ‘You’ In The Larger Sense Of The Word Of ‘Your Entire Human Race.’

While You As An Individual May Be Fulfilled - & Even Happy - If You Happen To Be One Of Those Who Has ‘More’ ->> How Do You Think This State Of Existence Is For Those Who Do Not?

What Part Of This Strikes You As Fair Or Right In Any Way?

It Is Time To Change As A Collective.

And This Change Must Start With Individuals And Their Hearts.

I Implore You To Listen To This Message & Integrate & Act On Its Wisdom Before The Time For You To Make That Choice Is Gone.

It May Be Forced On You In Extremely Unpleasant Ways If Not.

You Are Beautiful Divine Creator-Creatures.

You Are Here To Know YourSelves As That.

Listen To Your Hearts Dear Ones.

They Guide You True.

It Is I, The Atlantian Higher Self Of Channel Julia Greef.


Channeled Message From The Planetary Consciousness Of Ascending Gaia, Sept 12, 2023.

Dear Beautiful Beloveds Who Walk On My Back,

It Is I, The Planetary Consciousness Of Ascending GAIA.

I wish to Connect with You today more than anything to let you know of the Changes that you can Expect to See Going Forward from this point.

First, there will be a lot more Love Consciousness on the Planet. This will start in small ways, with Individuals becoming Kinder To, More Patient With, More Loving To Both ThemSelves & the People directly Around Them.

Gradually it will Expand to include also Those not in their Immediate Circle.

This will be the Start of the Evolving Human Consciousness that is to take part for the Collective - they will quickly be Brought Into a Higher Place of Alignment with the Love That They Are.

Over time - though it may take a few years - the World will become a Kinder, a Safer, a more Enjoyable place to live as a result.

Second, there will be a redistribution of Abundance that will aim to Support Those Working on Behalf of the Light.

This is so that the important Messages they Share, whether Channeled or Spoken From Their Own Consciousness, can Reach More & Support More In ReMembering Their Truth - YOUR Truth As Planetary Beings Who Came To My Surface At This Time To ReDiscover YourSelves As The LOVE That You Are & That All Is.

Third, there will be much Upheaval - with people Moving, new Relationships & Connections being formed, new Job situations and much more. This is not to be seen as overly negative - more a time to Come Into the Quiet of Your Heart & Ask YourSelf what it is that you Deeply Want to Do - and to Allow YourSelf to Do More Of That.

Until Now Many Of You Have Identified YourSelves By The Work You Do - this is to End at this Time, as you will come into a Deeper Understanding of the Full MultiDimensional Nature Of Your Being & begin to Express More Aspects of That.

It Is A Magnificent Time.

A Magnificent Time To Be Alive And On This Planet.

We - the Various Consciousnesses of the Ascending GAIA - Honor & Thank Each One Of You Who Is Here At This Time.

Each Of You Is Playing Your Unique Part - Each Of You Is Essential To The Evolution Of The Whole, & We Thank You For The Great Service You Give.

In Love & Honor,

It Is I, The Planetary Consciousness Of Ascending GAIA.

Channeled Message GAIA

Channeled Messages From The Sophia Energy, Yeshua & Babaji Of Absolute Light, Sept 3, 2023.

Dear Our Beloved Sisters & Brothers In The Earth Realms,

How Important These Times Upon Your Planet. Now All Is Aligned For You, As HuManity, To Step Into Your Divine Inheritance. It Is Yours To Claim Now. Feel The Energy Of Your Planet - Feel How Different It Is Now; How Much Lighter. Let YourSelf Know That This Transformation Has Occurred And That You Are Now Fully Residing In The Energy Of The New Earth GAIA That Has Been Long-Awaited By You All. Let This Energy Flow Through You So That The Creations You Put Your Time + Energy Into Manifesting May Be Filled With The Light & Love Frequency Of The Ascended Earth.

From The Sophia Energy -

Dear Ascending HuMans,

Let Me Tell You How Light & Love-Filled You Are; How You Radiate Out This Light & Love In Ways That Extend & Bless The Peoples, The Nature Aspects, The World Around You.

This Light Energy You Bring In Creates Much Stability In Your Realms Now, Helping To Stabilize Not Only The Creation Of The New Earth, But Also Your Planet - So That Less Rocky Up & Down Movement & Discord & Lack Of Harmonious Flow Are Experienced By Your Fellow Humans As GAIA Takes Time To Fully Integrate & Radiantly Embody This New Era Of HerSelf As The Expression Of Light.

She Is Radiant. Joyous. As She Ascends To Partake In The Planetary Unification Of Light With Other Planets That Have Fully Ascended Before Her.

For Each Of HuManity Whether To Stay On Her Surface While This Ascended TimeLine Unfolds Is An Individual Choice. Each May Choose Where They Want Their Focus To Be - A Heart-Centered Life & An Expansion Into Greater Light; Greater Consciousness; Greater Truth. Or A Clinging To The Old Ways That Are Now No Longer Aligned With Or Supported By The Earth Grids In Any Way.

This Message Is Activated So That All That Read It May Be Blessed In The Way That Is Aligned With Their Highest Soul’s TimeLine At This Time.

It Is I, The Sophia Energy & I Am Delighted To Interact With You In This Way Through This Message Today.

From Yeshua -

I Am Here To Speak With You & I Am Filled With The Joy Of The Radiance Of The Earth Realms And Seeing That That Which I Gave My Devotion, My Energy To ThroughOut My Life Is Now Coming To Pass In A Greater Way In Your Realms.

I Ask You - Caution You - To Be Very Observant Of Your Vibration & The Energy You Are Emitting.

Manifestation Is Occurring Much Faster Now. Everything Is Sped Up - And That Effect Has Been Multiplied With The Start Of This The Month Of September, 2023.

Do Not Dwell On The Heavy Emotions Of Shame, Or Guilt, or Regret - Let These Things Go. They Do Not Belong In Your Consciousness Now.

There Is Nothing You Have Done Or Said That Can Make You Unlovable In The Eyes Of Your Creator Source.

It Is Time To Step Out Of The Ego-Driven Self-Tormentation & To Allow YourSelf To Experience The Peace, Joy & Beauty Of This Moment You Find YourSelves In.

It Is I, Yeshua.

From Babaji -

Dear Earth Beings,

Those Who Chose To Incarnate Here At This Time To Be The Presence Of Unconditional Love & Forgiveness & High Frequency On The Face Of The Planet At This Time.

How Beautiful To Discover Self In The Process In Which You Now Find YourSelf As You Let Go Of All That Separates You From Knowing Self In The Divine Instant As One With The Light & The Love That Is The Essence Of Your Creator.

So Beautiful You Are As You Activate This Essence Within Self - You Are The Healing For Your Ancestors, For The Whole Of Humanity At This Time.

Your Star Brothers & Sisters, With Whom I Am In Contact, Have So Much Reverence For This Moment On Your Planet & Love & Appreciation For You In Your Process.

You Are Illuminated In The Embodiment Of The Light That You Are - And I Am Activating You Through This Message To Activate More Of That Light-Embodiment In Your Physicality.

Guard Your Thoughts.

Guard Your Frequency.

Guard Your Integrity.

Protect The Honor Of Self & Those Around You.

These Are The Times For Which GAIA HerSelf Has Waited For So Long - She Longs To Flood You With The Codes Of The Golden New Earth Of Abundance, Joy, Freedom & Light-Centered Living - And The More You Align With The Above Precepts, The More You Are Able To Receive These Codes She Holds For HuManity Now.

It Is I Babaji.