Channeled Message From The Galactics, July 16, 2024.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pleiadians And We Are Greatly Pleased To Connect With You This Day,

There Are Many Among Us Who Are Pleased To Observe The Changes In Your Realms.

We See That, Day By Day, More Are Coming Into A Higher Embodiment Of The Truth Of Who You Are Even As You Continue To Exist & Reside In The Physical World.

This Is Natural As Such, For It Is What Has Been Decreed For These Times Since The Beginning Of Time And The Conception Of The Idea Of This Experiment In The Earth Plane That You Are Undergoing.

And Yet, Much Commendation Is Also Due To You For We Know It Has Not Always Been Easy To Maintain Hope & Faith & To Maintain A Sense Of Your True Identity In The Face Of What The World Would Tell You & Have You Believe About Human Potential, Your Own Self.

The Light Would Be Hidden Within You If You Were To Have Listened To What The World Has Told You - And Yet It Shines, It Shines, Brighter & Brighter Each Day, And For That Effort Of Belief & Will & Alignment We Greatly Commend You.

There Are Two Things We Wish You To Put Your Focus On & Effort Into At This Time.

The First Being, The Frequency Of Vibration You Hold Within YourSelf. As Much As You Can Move Into Gratitude For All Things.

Second, We Wish You To Actively Seek Out Both Those Who Can Assist You On Your Path & Those With Whom You Find A High Resonance So That You May Support Each Other In Maintaining Your Heart-Centered Beliefs & Heart-Centered Ways Of Being In The World As Well As In Maintaining The Higher Light Frequency We Speak Of Within.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pleiadians And We Are Glad To Speak With You This Day.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Sirians Of Absolute Light And We Are Honored To Speak With You This Day.

We Agree With Much That The Pleiadian Brothers & Sisters Have Said Above, And Only Wish To Reaffirm How Happy We Are That You Are Taking Your Place Within The Galactic LineUp Of Planets Undergoing The Full Ascension Into A Higher Frequency Of LoveLight Frequencies.

This Message Is Light-Encoded To Support Your Physical Bodies In This On A Deep Cellular Level.

We Add To What Our Pleiadian Brothers & Sisters Have Already Shared Only That It Is Important For You To Take Care Of YourSelves Well; Taking Adequate-And-Above Rest And Consuming That Which Is Healthy For Your Physical Vessel.

 It Is We, It Is Us, The Sirians & We Send You Our Energetic Infusions & Our Highest Regards At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturians & We Salute You In Your Progression Into The Higher Dimensional Ascended New Earth,

How Beautiful It Is To See The Light As It Extends Into More & More Of Your Planet & Your Peoples.

Soon There Will Be None Who Are Untouched By This - Whether They Know That To Be The Reason For Their Shift Into A Higher Vibrational Being Or Not.

More & More Will Be Searching Out The Information That You - The LightHolders - Are The Keepers Of.

Be Generous In Sharing Both The Processes & The Energetic Resources That Have Served You At Various Stages Of Your Journey, So That Others May Quickly Find The Videos, The Books, The Sessions, The Community Hubs & So Forth That Will Best Serve Them On Their Journey.

It Is Your Time, The Time You All Incarnated For.

We Are So Proud Of You & Look On You With So Much Joy.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturians.

GALACTICS - Channeled Message

Channeled Message From The Galactic Councils, August 1, 2023.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Galactic Councils As Led By The Pleiadians, Arcturians & Andromedans Of Absolute Light.

We Are Here To Connect With You At This Time Because The Time - Space ‘Barrier’ That Prevents A Great Deal Of More Intimate Connection Between Us & You Is Now Being Dismantled To A Greater Degree Than Previously.

Many Of You Will Encounter Us In Your Quiet Moments In Reflection Or Meditation. A Few Will Encounter Us As Physical Beings In Your Realms.

Such Phenomena Are Becoming More Common & Are Now Open To All.

We Are Here To Support Your Planet In Its Ascension Process.

If You Are Not Aligning With This You Will Be Asked, At Soul Level, To Leave.

It Is Imperative That You Understand The Import Of Your Daily Decisions Now.

Are You Aligning With Truth, With Justice, With Beauty, With Goodness?

These Are The Values Of The New Age That Is Coming - & Values That Are Not In Alignment With This Will Gradually Be Leaving The Planet.

You Get To Choose At This Point - But There Will Come A Time When Your Soul Will Decide For You To Leave If You Are Not Aligning With These Qualities.

And That Time Is Not As Far Ahead As You May Think.

But For Those Of You Who Are Following Your Highest Guidance To The Best That You Are Able - Much Will Be Given In Terms Of Support Coming In - Both Physical & Non-Physical.

It Is Your Time To Revel In The Physical Creation Of The NEW WORLD That You Have Been Visioning.

Much Will Come To Pass That Will Take The Collective By Surprise - Trust In The Divine Plan & The Knowing That All Is Unfolding In Alignment With The Highest Good Of The Whole.

You Are On An Amazing Journey Into More Of The TRUTH Of Who You Are.

Buckle Up.

The Ride Is About To Get Really Exciting & Wild.

It Is We, It Is Us, The The Galactic Councils As Led By The Pleiadians, Arcturians & Andromedans Of Absolute Light.

Galactic Councils Channeled Message

From The Pleiadian High Council Of Absolute Light, April 5, 2020.


This Weekend Has Been a Very Important PORTAL & GATEWAY.

It Is Important That - If You Feel Or Experience Tiredness &/Or Other Ascension Symptoms - You Isolate YourSelf - Even In These Times Of Self- Or Enforced-Isolation - More Than Usual.

This May Sound Like A Strange Request. It Is Because High-Energy DIAMOND LightCodes Are Streaming Into The Planet Now To Support You All In Your Highest Ascension TimeLine As Individuals & As A Collective.

These LightCodes Are VERY Powerful.

It is Important that You Give YourSelf Adequate Time to REST.

Your BODY - Your LIGHT VESSEL IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD - May Experience A Great Deal Of Tiredness In The Upcoming Days.

This Is Okay. It Is Normal Considering the Intensity of The LIGHTCODES Pouring into The Planet at The Time Of This Very SACRED GATEWAY.

Do Not Be Afraid Or Worried Dear Beloved Ones If You Experience Other Physical Symptoms Too - perhaps a Thudding in Your HeartSpace or a Feeling like You Are Experiencing Heart-PALPITATIONS.


We Send You Our LOVE. Know That We Are With YOU, SUPPORTING You On YOUR Highest Path.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pleiadian High Council Of Absolute Light.

The Pleiadian High Council - Channeled Message