Channeled Message From The Galactics, July 16, 2024.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pleiadians And We Are Greatly Pleased To Connect With You This Day,

There Are Many Among Us Who Are Pleased To Observe The Changes In Your Realms.

We See That, Day By Day, More Are Coming Into A Higher Embodiment Of The Truth Of Who You Are Even As You Continue To Exist & Reside In The Physical World.

This Is Natural As Such, For It Is What Has Been Decreed For These Times Since The Beginning Of Time And The Conception Of The Idea Of This Experiment In The Earth Plane That You Are Undergoing.

And Yet, Much Commendation Is Also Due To You For We Know It Has Not Always Been Easy To Maintain Hope & Faith & To Maintain A Sense Of Your True Identity In The Face Of What The World Would Tell You & Have You Believe About Human Potential, Your Own Self.

The Light Would Be Hidden Within You If You Were To Have Listened To What The World Has Told You - And Yet It Shines, It Shines, Brighter & Brighter Each Day, And For That Effort Of Belief & Will & Alignment We Greatly Commend You.

There Are Two Things We Wish You To Put Your Focus On & Effort Into At This Time.

The First Being, The Frequency Of Vibration You Hold Within YourSelf. As Much As You Can Move Into Gratitude For All Things.

Second, We Wish You To Actively Seek Out Both Those Who Can Assist You On Your Path & Those With Whom You Find A High Resonance So That You May Support Each Other In Maintaining Your Heart-Centered Beliefs & Heart-Centered Ways Of Being In The World As Well As In Maintaining The Higher Light Frequency We Speak Of Within.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pleiadians And We Are Glad To Speak With You This Day.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Sirians Of Absolute Light And We Are Honored To Speak With You This Day.

We Agree With Much That The Pleiadian Brothers & Sisters Have Said Above, And Only Wish To Reaffirm How Happy We Are That You Are Taking Your Place Within The Galactic LineUp Of Planets Undergoing The Full Ascension Into A Higher Frequency Of LoveLight Frequencies.

This Message Is Light-Encoded To Support Your Physical Bodies In This On A Deep Cellular Level.

We Add To What Our Pleiadian Brothers & Sisters Have Already Shared Only That It Is Important For You To Take Care Of YourSelves Well; Taking Adequate-And-Above Rest And Consuming That Which Is Healthy For Your Physical Vessel.

 It Is We, It Is Us, The Sirians & We Send You Our Energetic Infusions & Our Highest Regards At This Time.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturians & We Salute You In Your Progression Into The Higher Dimensional Ascended New Earth,

How Beautiful It Is To See The Light As It Extends Into More & More Of Your Planet & Your Peoples.

Soon There Will Be None Who Are Untouched By This - Whether They Know That To Be The Reason For Their Shift Into A Higher Vibrational Being Or Not.

More & More Will Be Searching Out The Information That You - The LightHolders - Are The Keepers Of.

Be Generous In Sharing Both The Processes & The Energetic Resources That Have Served You At Various Stages Of Your Journey, So That Others May Quickly Find The Videos, The Books, The Sessions, The Community Hubs & So Forth That Will Best Serve Them On Their Journey.

It Is Your Time, The Time You All Incarnated For.

We Are So Proud Of You & Look On You With So Much Joy.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturians.

GALACTICS - Channeled Message

Channeled Message From The Andromedans, June 9, 2024.

We Are The Andromedans And We Are Here To Speak With You This Day,

The Ascension TimeLine Is Progressing At An Accelerated Rate In Your Realms And Many Galactic Beings Eagerly Await Your Fuller Participation In The Cosmos’s Evolution Towards A Greater Embodiment Of LoveLight Energy.

The Things That Are Taking Place In Your Earth Realm Are Important To The Progression Of This TimeLine In The Entire Cosmos At This Time.

That Is Why There Is So Much Support For You Now.

We Want You To Know This - & To Feel How Much Love There Is For You Pouring In From Many Galactic Races - As All Look Upon This Unfoldment Into A Greater Maturity Of Your Being As A Very Important Step For You To Be Able To Take The Place Within The Galactic Races That Is Your Divine Inheritance - As One Of Those Amongst The Galactic Races Considered To Be Making Progress In The Direction Of Greater LoveLight For The Unified Whole That The Cosmos Is.

This Is A Great Honor And One Which You Now Rightfully Deserve, For Many Among Your Collective Of WayShowers & LightWorkers Have Been Holding The Frequencies Of Light & Of Love On Your Planet For Many Decades Now Eagerly Awaiting The ’Tipping Point’ As It Is Called - And We Wish To Tell You That Now It Is Here And That This Is The TimeLine That Is To Take Precedence In Your Realms From This Point Forward.

We Greatly Honor Your Embodiment Of Greater Truth Of The Love That You Are and Your Desire To Know YourSelves As MORE OF THIS.

In Each Moment Simply Ask YourSelf, How Can I Express The Love That I Am In Essence In This Situation?

This Will Help To Bring Still Greater Acceleration To The Grounding Of This Energy In Your Realms.

We Are The Andromedans And We Are Greatly Honored To Speak With You This Day.


Channeled Messages From Ascended GAIA & The ARCTURIAN COUNCIL, May 29, 2023.

Beloveds Who Are More The Energy Of GAIA Than I Am MySelf,

The LOVE You EmBody For HuManity Makes You The Beautiful LIGHT Of My LOVE FOR ALL HUMANITY Upon The Earth.

How Beautifully & Radiantly You Are Shining.

The LOVE You Hold & EmBody IS Transforming The World - For Each Person You Interact With Is Touched By The Purity Of The LIGHT Of Your RADIANCE.

You Are The PURE LIGHT OF LOVE That Enables Others To Come Into A Higher Resonance With The TRUTH Of Who They Are.

This Is One Of Your Highest Functions Here At This Time.

I Also Wish To Ask You To Put Your Focus On MANIFESTING The NEW EARTH Into BEing At This Time.

The Energetic Template For The 9th Dimensional Earth Is Already In Place - This Is Ahead Of Schedule And As An Ascending Planet We Are Doing So Well.

As This Template Already Exists As An Energetic Structure, it is so much Easier to place Your Highest Aligned Intentions For GAIA & All Her Peoples Into This Structure And To Receive Its Energetic Support In Having Them Come Forth.

Hold The Highest Vision For Not Only YourSelf, But All Humanity - Beginning With The Other LIGHTWORKERS & WAYSHOWERS Who Support You And Are Leading This Ascension Process; Holding The Intention That Each Of These Will Be Fully Supported At This Time In Embodying All That They Are Here To Embody & Fulfil - that they may continue to lead us in the Ascension Process.

Then Spread This Intention For The Highest Aligned Soul Path To Open For All Of Humanity At This Time, That Each May Find The Perfect Teachers & The Perfect Experiences To Bring Them Into More Of The LIGHT Of Their Own Being & Higher Resonance With The SOUL.

The SOUL OF HUMANITY Is Expanding, Evolving, Transforming Now - TRANSMUTING So Much; Releasing So Much Density As All That Is Not Aligned Must Be Transmuted Into The Higher Energy Of LOVE.

I Thank You For Doing These Things To Support The Ascension Process & Making Them A Part Of Your Daily Process.

It Is I, GAIA, The Ascended Earth.

Dear Beloveds In The Earth Realm,

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturian Council Of Absolute Light.

How Resplendently Bright Is The Light Shining Forth From Your Planet At This Time As All That Is Not Aligned Is Falling Away, Leaving Only The Pure LIGHT Of SOURCE-SELF BEing That Is The Next Evolution That You, Hu-Manity, Are Growing Into At This Time.

We Are Here To Help You With This. We Share With You This Light-Encoded Message & Image To Support You In Aligning With Your Highst Ascension TimeLine Throughout The Rest Of This Year.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturian Council Of Absolute Light.


Channeled Message From The Hathors, April 3, 3023.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Hathors Of Absolute Light & we are very happy and pleased to be in your presence this day,

We thank you for the consistency of your efforts in the direction of your Ascension Process - for we know that this has not always been easy for you.

And yet the Willingness in your Heart to TRANSFORM has carried you thus far - and as the Transformations upon your Planet start to become more and more deeply-felt and more and more visible, it will be hard for some of you to keep up with them - and also, in some cases, to keep your faith in the Ascension Process at all - or this is how we see things unfolding in the next few years at least.

But the willingness in your hearts to ride with the Flow of Transformation and your devotion to Source will Support You Through These Times.

And we wish you to know, more than anything, that you are by no means alone in this Process.

The whole of the Divine Cosmic Universe is Supporting the Earth Plane in Completing The Final Stages Of Her Ascension -

For that is the place in which you now find yourselves - Though we realize that to those of you experiencing your existence on the surface of the planet GAIA this can be hard to see, to feel, and to believe at times.

We urge you above all not to worry what will become of your Planet or of Humanity - for it is Known Now in the Higher Realms that GAIA Will Complete Her Ascension Process.

Let this information and this knowing Inform Your Days - allowing you to feel the Peace of Heart & Calmness Within that allows you to Direct your Energy to such useful pursuits as -

* Visualizing the kind of Life you want to see for Others & Self on the Planet Going Forward
* & taking very concrete (even if very small) Steps That Start To Lay The Foundations For That.

This is not something that you will be able to Complete On alone.

And yet the Foundations of this - each a small Stepping Stone - can largely be done by you working only with the Energy of your Higher Self, without needing any physical other to Support you in this work.

We want you to know that Soul Partnership Relationships are coming in for many of you - though not all - over the next few years.

So we ask you to please not rush into a relationship because of perceived weakness within self or a perceived need in the face of the times to come, if you do not feel that being in relationship with that person will Support you in Being the Highest Expression of Self.

We promise you that waiting until you get the Internal YES will be worth the wait.

And then some.

We wish you to know that Great Changes are being wrought on the face of your Planet - and that the Time that will Come After this period of Unsettling Change will be Astronomical in its Profundity & the degree of Alignment to GAIA’s Highest Vision For HerSelf & Her Peoples.

It seems unbelievable to you now - and we get it.

But there will come a time when people will look back at this time and see it as the Herald of the New Era of LIGHT - Light Infusing All Of Creation & being Worked with Consciously by All Of Humanity - not just those of you Devoted to the Ascension Path, as is currently the case.

You came here to be a part of this Great Transformation - however it Unfolds for you.

You will be shown your role.

Take courage Dear One & Step Into It Bravely - Know That It Is Your Time For We Have Now Entered The Time Of The LIGHTWORKERS - And That Includes - And Always Has & Always Will - You.

Thank you for your time spent with us this day.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Hathors Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From The Hathors 2023.

From The Sirians & Arcturians Of Absolute Light, May 14, 2021.

Dear Beloved Ones,

We wish to speak to you at this very important time in your Earth Plane to remind You that - You Are Not Alone.


We know that for some it feels like we are far-off and distant and that the Higher TimeLine does not seem to be Unfolding in your Earth Plane as you have been promised.

We Assure You It Is.

Much is coming up for Release. This is only natural.

It requires you to stand strong in your faith and to TRUST.

It is time for You to practice being RESILIENT.

The Planet Needs YOU At This Time.


Call on your Galactic Families To Support You At This Time.









It Is We, It Is Us, The Sirians , The Arcturians & The Rest Of Your GALACTIC FAMILIES.

Sirian High Council Channeled Message
Arcturian High Council Channeled Message

Channeled Transmission Boxing Day 2020 + Commander ASHTAR Message Relating To 2021.


Commander Ashtar Of The GALACTIC STARFLEET shares this Message relating to the Year 2021:

The Following Year Will Be Extremely Hard For Those Of You Whose Focus Is Purely On Events In The Earth Plane To Understand.

Look Beyond What Is Directly In Front Of You.


So Much Support Is Being Mobilized To Help Those Of You Who Are The WayShowers & New Earth Leaders In Coming Into A Higher Embodiment Of Your LIGHT.

You Need To Set Aside Enough Time To Be In Private Meditation & To Join Those Programs That Can Support You In Embodying Your Highest Light - This Will Help These Energies To Be Integrated In The HIGHEST POSSIBLE WAY.

We Wish You GODSPEED On Your PATH - & Wish To Remind You Of How Much That Path Is Being CLEARED For You.

We Love You Dear Ones - You Awe + Inspire Us With The Accelerated Rate Of Your EXPANSION + TRANSFORMATION.

With RESPECT - With AWE - With GRATITUDE - For What You Are COMPLETING NOW In The EARTH REALM Impacts The Entire MultiDimensional Uni-Verse.



From The Pleiadian High Council Of Absolute Light, April 5, 2020.


This Weekend Has Been a Very Important PORTAL & GATEWAY.

It Is Important That - If You Feel Or Experience Tiredness &/Or Other Ascension Symptoms - You Isolate YourSelf - Even In These Times Of Self- Or Enforced-Isolation - More Than Usual.

This May Sound Like A Strange Request. It Is Because High-Energy DIAMOND LightCodes Are Streaming Into The Planet Now To Support You All In Your Highest Ascension TimeLine As Individuals & As A Collective.

These LightCodes Are VERY Powerful.

It is Important that You Give YourSelf Adequate Time to REST.

Your BODY - Your LIGHT VESSEL IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD - May Experience A Great Deal Of Tiredness In The Upcoming Days.

This Is Okay. It Is Normal Considering the Intensity of The LIGHTCODES Pouring into The Planet at The Time Of This Very SACRED GATEWAY.

Do Not Be Afraid Or Worried Dear Beloved Ones If You Experience Other Physical Symptoms Too - perhaps a Thudding in Your HeartSpace or a Feeling like You Are Experiencing Heart-PALPITATIONS.


We Send You Our LOVE. Know That We Are With YOU, SUPPORTING You On YOUR Highest Path.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pleiadian High Council Of Absolute Light.

The Pleiadian High Council - Channeled Message

From The Andromedans Of Absolute Light, December 25, 2019.

Beloved Ones,

Here we are to Greet You today. It Is We, It Is Us The Andromedans Of Absolute Light.

We are overjoyed to greet you in this Sacred Space today at this very important time on your Collective Timeline in the Physical Time And Space Continium. The day on which the one whom you as a Collective call ‘The Christ’ is said to have been born. And while we do not care about the trivial physical details of such things as dates and times being the Infinite Embodiments of Divine Light That We Are and Expressing only as Energetic Beings, we wish to Assure you that this is a Very Important Gateway for the Christed Consciousness that is now being Birthed Forth in such Richness and Abundance on your Planet in the Hearts of YOU as Individuals and on the Planet as a Whole.

It is time for you as a Collective to Move Into A Higher Embodiment Of This The Christed Energy.

We cannot underline enough to you how important this is. It is important not just to you as a Planet, but to The Whole.

The Whole Cosmos is at a pivotal point in the Evolution of our Consciousness.

By humanity making the choice to Step Up At This Time into the Embodiment of the Christ consciousness and the Embodiment of the Love That You Are for One Another, and also the Sacred Knowing of yourSelf as The Infinite Love and The Infinite Light That You Are, you are in fact Supporting the Evolution of the Whole of the Infinite Oneness of All That Is into a Higher Evolution of Consciousness.

This is how important your Sacred Role on the EarthShip is now.

This is how Important the role of the LightWorkers and the WayShowers and the Ascension Guides is. And many of you Chose to Incarnate into this Lifetime in order to take on these Sacred Roles.

Know YourSelf In Your Truth. You are here to be a LightWorker and a WayShower if you are reading this now.

You are Incarnated on the planet at this time to lead Humanity in this Evolution into the next Phase of Her Consciousness.

You are leading Humanity Forth into a Higher Embodiment of her Light. This is not just for your own benefit - though the benefits that are being and will be seen Planetwide are largescale and inescapably apparent to those who have the eyes to see - but so that by the Higher Embodiment of her Light the Humanity may Contribute to a Higher Embodiment of Light on a Universal Scale.

While we understand that this may be difficult for you to comprehend or have any kind of concept of at this time, we assure you that this is Very True and that the Increase of Souls Embodying the Christ Consciousness on the Planet is very necessary and very important at this time as understood from a Universal Perspective as well as a Planetary one.

We wish to Commend you for how far you have come. We wish to Ask that Going Forward you continue to Choose Love; you Continue to Choose that which Serves and Supports you in being the Embodiment of your Higher Self and also at the same time Serves the Whole Knowing that these are one and the same thing:

whatsoever brings you into Alignment with Your Higher Self and Supports you in Embodying this Energy as you Walk on the Earth is that which is of the Most Absolute Highest Service to The Whole. Know This And Make Decisions That Serve And Support You In Embodying This Energy Of The Higher Self.

It Is We It Is Us The Andromedans Of Absolute Light.


From The Pleiadians Of Absolute Light, July 18, 2019.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

It gives us great pleasure to be here in this Sacred Space with you this day.

You know us to be The Pleiadians Of Absolute Light but we are actually also your Star Families and the Beings from which you are descended.

We want you to know that we hold so much love in our hearts for those of you - those of us - who were brave enough to Descend into the Earth Plane.

You are bright and brilliant Lights in the Earth Plane, every one.

It Is Us, The Pleiadians Of Absolute Light.

From The Pleiadians Of Absolute Light, June 11, 2019.

Beloved Ones those of You who live in the Earth Plane,

It Is Us, The Pleiadians Of Absolute Light Contacting You This Day.

We are delighted to be Greeting you in this Sacred Space.

There is so much we want to say to you.

First, we wish to congratulate you for you have Grown and Expanded so much during the past few months.

We want you to know that there is nothing to fear from us, or any of those like us. By “us” we mean those of us who live in our Embodied Form in what you would term “outer space” and are Supporting you at this time as the Earth Evolves into her next Greatest Evolution and Embodiment of Light.

You are here to Support the Earth in this by your very presence on her back. You hold such a High Vibration of Light within you already, and it is now time for you to access Still More Of This - The Light That You Are. We are going to Support you in this.

It Is Us, The Pleiadians Of Absolute Light sending you Love This Day.