Channeled Message From The Hathors, April 3, 3023.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Hathors Of Absolute Light & we are very happy and pleased to be in your presence this day,

We thank you for the consistency of your efforts in the direction of your Ascension Process - for we know that this has not always been easy for you.

And yet the Willingness in your Heart to TRANSFORM has carried you thus far - and as the Transformations upon your Planet start to become more and more deeply-felt and more and more visible, it will be hard for some of you to keep up with them - and also, in some cases, to keep your faith in the Ascension Process at all - or this is how we see things unfolding in the next few years at least.

But the willingness in your hearts to ride with the Flow of Transformation and your devotion to Source will Support You Through These Times.

And we wish you to know, more than anything, that you are by no means alone in this Process.

The whole of the Divine Cosmic Universe is Supporting the Earth Plane in Completing The Final Stages Of Her Ascension -

For that is the place in which you now find yourselves - Though we realize that to those of you experiencing your existence on the surface of the planet GAIA this can be hard to see, to feel, and to believe at times.

We urge you above all not to worry what will become of your Planet or of Humanity - for it is Known Now in the Higher Realms that GAIA Will Complete Her Ascension Process.

Let this information and this knowing Inform Your Days - allowing you to feel the Peace of Heart & Calmness Within that allows you to Direct your Energy to such useful pursuits as -

* Visualizing the kind of Life you want to see for Others & Self on the Planet Going Forward
* & taking very concrete (even if very small) Steps That Start To Lay The Foundations For That.

This is not something that you will be able to Complete On alone.

And yet the Foundations of this - each a small Stepping Stone - can largely be done by you working only with the Energy of your Higher Self, without needing any physical other to Support you in this work.

We want you to know that Soul Partnership Relationships are coming in for many of you - though not all - over the next few years.

So we ask you to please not rush into a relationship because of perceived weakness within self or a perceived need in the face of the times to come, if you do not feel that being in relationship with that person will Support you in Being the Highest Expression of Self.

We promise you that waiting until you get the Internal YES will be worth the wait.

And then some.

We wish you to know that Great Changes are being wrought on the face of your Planet - and that the Time that will Come After this period of Unsettling Change will be Astronomical in its Profundity & the degree of Alignment to GAIA’s Highest Vision For HerSelf & Her Peoples.

It seems unbelievable to you now - and we get it.

But there will come a time when people will look back at this time and see it as the Herald of the New Era of LIGHT - Light Infusing All Of Creation & being Worked with Consciously by All Of Humanity - not just those of you Devoted to the Ascension Path, as is currently the case.

You came here to be a part of this Great Transformation - however it Unfolds for you.

You will be shown your role.

Take courage Dear One & Step Into It Bravely - Know That It Is Your Time For We Have Now Entered The Time Of The LIGHTWORKERS - And That Includes - And Always Has & Always Will - You.

Thank you for your time spent with us this day.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Hathors Of Absolute Light.

Channeled Message From The Hathors 2023.

From The Archangel Raphael Of Absolute Light, November 28, 2018.

Dearly Beloved Ones,

Welcome to the new face of this Blog Page which has been expanded in its capacity to transmit and share Messages, Light Transmissions and Energetic Lightcodes not only from Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light, but also from I Archangel Raphael of Absolute Light, and our Brother in Light Archangel Michael of Absolute Light.

Today it is Archangel Raphael speaking to you. I am delighted to be able to share my first message with you through scribe Julia Greef.

I wish to speak to you at this time of how things are changing in your world and on your planet. I wish you to know that you do not need to be fearful if it feels like everything is falling away. This is a necessary part of transformation. The Earth and all you who reside upon Her are now in a Great Period Of Transformation.

It has been said before by Archangel Metatron of Absolute Light, but you are entering the Era of Light.

In fact, you have already entered it. It is still nascent on the Earth plane at this time, but it will continue to grow and expand at a Greatly Amplified rate.

You who are already Being The Active Embodiment Of Light are an important part of this Growth And Expansion Of Light on the planet.

It is what you came to the Earth plane for.

It is your Main Role and your Main Purpose now:

To Be The Light In All Things.

Anywhere you see anything that is not Aligned with Light, try to gently show through your words and your actions to the people around you how to Bring It Into A Higher Alignment With Light.

Remember who you are at all times:

You Are Light.

Be the Physical Embodiment of this in your Thoughts, Words, Deeds and Actions.

This has an effect on those around you much greater than you are able to perceive.

You are already Being The Active Embodiment of this.

Everyone around you, the Consciousness of the Planet and of the Whole of Humanity is affected by The Light You Are.

The more you bring your Consciousness to this Active Embodiment Of Light and Be the Conscious Embodiment Of Light in everything you do, the greater will be the effect you are able to have on those around you and on the Consciousness of Humanity as a Whole.

This is your role now.

It is one that I wish you to engage in with Great Joy, Knowing that in Being The Embodiment Of Light you are already and always Being Of The Absolute Highest Service.

This is all I wish to say in my first message to you here.

It Is I, The Archangel Raphael Of Absolute Light.

Channeled by Scribe of the Archangels Of Absolute Light, Julia Greef, Sacred Practitioner of Absolute Light.

From Archangel Metatron, March 20, 2018.

Greetings all,

I am glad to be here with you today.

I am here to speak with you of the upcoming Equinox.

Big shifts are taking place on Earth. It is a time for renewal.

All the seeds that you the Lightworkers currently present in a physical body have been sowing during the past months and years are now about to come to fruition.

What you have seen is the acorn, the kernel of your desire.

There is a Divine design and order that weaves all of your individual desires to serve the Light together.

Your commitment and dedication to your Light Work has taken roots which run deep and are now bringing forth a canopy of Love and Light which spreads around the world.

The Light that you shine touches all those in your vicinity, and also joins with the Light of the other Lightworkers to form a shield of Light that goes around the Earth.

Take strength from the fact that you, through your every mindful breath and loving thought, are contributing to this Light and making it shine brighter.

You are now beginning a new era - The Era of Light.

In this era, you will be the Wayshowers, guiding others back home to Truth; to the Light Being that they are - all are - in essence.

Have faith in the Truth that you feel in your Heart.

Allow it to guide you.

Dedicate your every word and action to the Service and Highest Timeline of All, for this is the way to consolidate the Higher Dimensions within you and expand into more of your Light.

Archangel Metatron