From Archangel Metatron, March 20, 2018.

Greetings all,

I am glad to be here with you today.

I am here to speak with you of the upcoming Equinox.

Big shifts are taking place on Earth. It is a time for renewal.

All the seeds that you the Lightworkers currently present in a physical body have been sowing during the past months and years are now about to come to fruition.

What you have seen is the acorn, the kernel of your desire.

There is a Divine design and order that weaves all of your individual desires to serve the Light together.

Your commitment and dedication to your Light Work has taken roots which run deep and are now bringing forth a canopy of Love and Light which spreads around the world.

The Light that you shine touches all those in your vicinity, and also joins with the Light of the other Lightworkers to form a shield of Light that goes around the Earth.

Take strength from the fact that you, through your every mindful breath and loving thought, are contributing to this Light and making it shine brighter.

You are now beginning a new era - The Era of Light.

In this era, you will be the Wayshowers, guiding others back home to Truth; to the Light Being that they are - all are - in essence.

Have faith in the Truth that you feel in your Heart.

Allow it to guide you.

Dedicate your every word and action to the Service and Highest Timeline of All, for this is the way to consolidate the Higher Dimensions within you and expand into more of your Light.

Archangel Metatron