Channeled Messages From Ascended GAIA & The ARCTURIAN COUNCIL, May 29, 2023.

Beloveds Who Are More The Energy Of GAIA Than I Am MySelf,

The LOVE You EmBody For HuManity Makes You The Beautiful LIGHT Of My LOVE FOR ALL HUMANITY Upon The Earth.

How Beautifully & Radiantly You Are Shining.

The LOVE You Hold & EmBody IS Transforming The World - For Each Person You Interact With Is Touched By The Purity Of The LIGHT Of Your RADIANCE.

You Are The PURE LIGHT OF LOVE That Enables Others To Come Into A Higher Resonance With The TRUTH Of Who They Are.

This Is One Of Your Highest Functions Here At This Time.

I Also Wish To Ask You To Put Your Focus On MANIFESTING The NEW EARTH Into BEing At This Time.

The Energetic Template For The 9th Dimensional Earth Is Already In Place - This Is Ahead Of Schedule And As An Ascending Planet We Are Doing So Well.

As This Template Already Exists As An Energetic Structure, it is so much Easier to place Your Highest Aligned Intentions For GAIA & All Her Peoples Into This Structure And To Receive Its Energetic Support In Having Them Come Forth.

Hold The Highest Vision For Not Only YourSelf, But All Humanity - Beginning With The Other LIGHTWORKERS & WAYSHOWERS Who Support You And Are Leading This Ascension Process; Holding The Intention That Each Of These Will Be Fully Supported At This Time In Embodying All That They Are Here To Embody & Fulfil - that they may continue to lead us in the Ascension Process.

Then Spread This Intention For The Highest Aligned Soul Path To Open For All Of Humanity At This Time, That Each May Find The Perfect Teachers & The Perfect Experiences To Bring Them Into More Of The LIGHT Of Their Own Being & Higher Resonance With The SOUL.

The SOUL OF HUMANITY Is Expanding, Evolving, Transforming Now - TRANSMUTING So Much; Releasing So Much Density As All That Is Not Aligned Must Be Transmuted Into The Higher Energy Of LOVE.

I Thank You For Doing These Things To Support The Ascension Process & Making Them A Part Of Your Daily Process.

It Is I, GAIA, The Ascended Earth.

Dear Beloveds In The Earth Realm,

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturian Council Of Absolute Light.

How Resplendently Bright Is The Light Shining Forth From Your Planet At This Time As All That Is Not Aligned Is Falling Away, Leaving Only The Pure LIGHT Of SOURCE-SELF BEing That Is The Next Evolution That You, Hu-Manity, Are Growing Into At This Time.

We Are Here To Help You With This. We Share With You This Light-Encoded Message & Image To Support You In Aligning With Your Highst Ascension TimeLine Throughout The Rest Of This Year.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturian Council Of Absolute Light.


The Energy Of December - From The Beings Of Absolute Light


It Is Time For Us To Align With The Divine Essence Of Who We Are.

Much Support Is Being Given At This Time, But It Is Also True That We Are Expected To Step Up And Embody That Higher Frequency Of SELF.

The Divine Plan Has Decreed That This Is The Time For Humanity To Awaken To Our TRUTH And ASCEND Into A New Frequency Of Consciousness.

It Is Up To Us To Do Our Part To Purify Our Bodies, Hearts And Minds And To Align With The Purest Frequency Of Who We Are At Soul Level.


From Archangel Metatron, September 16, 2018.

Beloved ones,

Congratulations on how much work you have done to integrate the Lightcodes that are flooding into your planet.

I want you to know that you are not to be alarmed if you feel more weary than usual or are experiencing some other physical symptoms - such as headaches, pain or a fluttering in the heart space, itchiness on the scalp, tired eyes, or blurred vision.

These are all symptoms of the Ascension that your bodies are now undertaking. As ones who are more sensitive to the energies around you, it is only natural that you feel these things more strongly than others who are in the same physical reality as you, but operate in a very different paradigm.

Do not let anyone talk down the significance of your symptoms.

Do not let any of those around you talk you out of the Truth of what you are experiencing.

Do not let any talk you out of the Truth of what you Know to be true:

You are Ascending.

You came here to be an Ascended Being.

To guide those who come after you into a greater expression of Love; a greater embodiment of Light - more compassion; more kindness; more integrity; more Truth.

Into a greater embodiment of Soul’s Truth; as you have come into a greater embodiment of your own Soul’s Truth.

Do not be fearful.

It is true that the task that lies before you is monumental.

But rest in Trust and in the Knowing that great support is being given to you, the Lightbearers on Earth, by the Higher Realms.

Great support will continue to be given to you, for this is why you have come to the planet at this time; to integrate and anchor Light.

Turn to us in the Higher Realms and ask for our intervention and support when you need it.

We are here to serve and support you at this the time of the Earth’s Awakening, and going forward into the experience of Fourth and Fifth Dimensional Earth.

Trust in the Light in your own heart.

It is there to guide you.

It is what will guide the ones who come after you. For they will be transformed as much and more by the Light that radiates from your heart space as they will by anything you say or do.

It is I, the Archangel Metatron of the Highest Light