Channeled Message From The Pegasi Of The 99 Dimension & Above & Metatron, November 6, 2023.

It Is With Great Joy That The Beings Of The Higher Dimensions Such As OurSelves Are In The Process Of Observing Your Earth Plane At This Very Special Time On Your Planet.

How Great Is The Radiance Of The Light That Is Emitted As More Come Into A Higher More Light-Centered Way Of Being In The World.

We Especially Want To Condone You On The Greater Amount Of Flow That You Are Generating. 

As You Align With The Higher Light Frequency This Is Something That Naturally Evolves From This Alignment - & Yet Many Of You Are Creating This Greater Flow In Your Lives Now By Your Alignment With The Higher Principles Of The Universal Law - And This Is What We Wish To Condone You On For This Shows Your Integration Of All That You Have Been Learning & Practicing And It Shows How Ready You Are Now To Truly Step Into The New Earth Realms That Have Been Planted On The Earth And Are Now Taking Root To A Greater Extent Than Had Been Thought Possible By This Time.

You Are Ahead Of Schedule Dear Ones - And This Is Because Of Light-Filled Ones Such As YourSelves Who Refuse To Believe In The Possibility Of The Darkness That The World Around You Would Show You - But Hold True Instead To The Principles Of Love, Of Light, Of Truth, Of Goodness And of Honor.

In Honor, In Love, In Respect - We Now Pass Onto The Pegasi & Metatron To Share Their Wisdom With You For This Time.

It Is I, Metatron - I Am Deeply Pleased To Have This Chance To Speak With You At This Time.

The Crystalline LightBody Is Becoming More Completely Formed And You Are Now Ready To Embody The Higher Principles Of Justice, Truth, Beauty & The Highest Good For All That You Came Here To Create As You Lead The Collective Into The New Way Of Being In The New Earth Realms.

There Is Much That Needs To Be Done - For So Many Are So Far From The Integration Of These Principles.

But Ears And Hearts Are More Open Than They Have Been To This Point.

And As The Ones Who Are Not Choosing This Depart, So Those Of You Aligned With The Highest Divine Will For The Planet At This Time Shall Hold The Balance Of Light On The Planet In Ways That Are Totally Transformative For Those Who Choose To Remain.

Many Upgrades Will Be Coming In For The Larger Human Collective During The Next 6 Months.

The Changes Within Their Human Self Will Take Many Completely By Surprise - In Ways That They Will Find ThemSelves Inside Out And Upside Down And At A Loss To Know How To Be With The People Around Them Or Interact In The World So Completely Are They Transformed.

This Is The Start Of The New Earth Realm.

If Successful In Supporting The Whole Of Humanity To Live In Greater Peace, Beauty, Joy And The Higher Principle Of Love That Holds Compassion For All Living Beings, Then The Integration Of This Energy Will Be The Introduction Of The New Era Of Light That This Planet At This Time Is To Become Known For In The Her-His-Tory Of The Entire MultiDimensional UNIVerse.

It Is Time For You To Know YourSelves As One With All Life.

To Feel Compassion For All Life.

To Actively Demonstrate This In The Way You Are Choosing To Live Your Lives.

This Is The Time That Had Been Waited For. And It Is Now.

You Are The ForeRunners - The Leaders In This. You Are Already Embodying This To A Great Extent - Now It Is Up To You To Purify And Hone Your Own Hearts That You Many Truly Live In Alignment With These Principles In Ways That Allow You To Shine Your Light So Forcefully In The World That Each That Sees You Is In Awe In Such A Way As Is The Beginning Of A Great Personal Transformation Within ThemSelf.

Honor Others.

Honor YourSelf.

This Is My Message For You At This Time.

It Is I, The Archangel Metatron Of Absolute Light.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pegasi Of The 99 Dimension & Above - 

The Light That Surrounds Your Planet Is - In These Last Two Months Of Your Human Year - About To Penetrate Each Human Who Lives On Her Face To A Far Greater Extent.

Many Will Be Waking Up To A Greater Sense Of Self - And As They Do They Will Come To Know ThemSelf As The Creator Of Their World - In The Sense That They Will Have A Greater Sense Of The Way That Their Vibration Is Creating The Way That Things Unfold Around Them.

This Will At First Be Observed In The Small Things Around Them Such As Their Perceptions Of The Natural World & The Way Their Inter-Personal Relationships Unfold.

They Will Also Sense A Greater Connection To Their HeartSpace That Will Allow Them To Step Into The Embodiment Of Greater Compassion, Kindness & Love In Their Relationship With ThemSelf & Others.

This Will Be An Almost Effortless Unfolding As The Light On The Planet Continues To Generate A Higher Frequency Which Pulls Those Who Have Not Been Responsive To The Awakening Codes On The Planet Until This Point Into A More Heart-Centered Alignment So That They, Too, Can Be - If They So Choose - Part Of The Ascension Process That Is Unfolding Now.

Much Will Be Lost In The Terms Of The Way Things Are Used To Being For Such Individuals And They Will Need Clear Guides - Leaders In The New Earth Ways - Who Can Show Them The Way To Walk In The World At This Time And - Over Time - How To Work With The Universal Laws To Create A Life That Serves The Higher Good Of Not Only Themself, But Also The World. This Is Your First Role At This Time - To Be These Guides For Those Around You Who Are Aligning With A Higher Expression Of Being.

Second - We Ask You To Hold - To Maintain In Your Physical Vessels - This Higher Light Frequency.

This Is Your Greatest Contribution To The Unfolding Of The New Earth Realms On Your Planet At This Time - And We Greatly Honor Those Of You Who Have Brought YourSelves To The Place Where You Can Embody The Frequencies Of The Higher Dimensions & Light To Such A Pure And High Extent That Those Around You Are Transformed By Not Only Your Example - But Energetically By The LIGHT That You Hold And Are.

You Are Doing So Well And There Are Great Things To Come For Your Planet.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Pegasi Of The 99 Dimension & Above.


Channeled Messages From The Sophia Energy, Yeshua & Babaji Of Absolute Light, Sept 3, 2023.

Dear Our Beloved Sisters & Brothers In The Earth Realms,

How Important These Times Upon Your Planet. Now All Is Aligned For You, As HuManity, To Step Into Your Divine Inheritance. It Is Yours To Claim Now. Feel The Energy Of Your Planet - Feel How Different It Is Now; How Much Lighter. Let YourSelf Know That This Transformation Has Occurred And That You Are Now Fully Residing In The Energy Of The New Earth GAIA That Has Been Long-Awaited By You All. Let This Energy Flow Through You So That The Creations You Put Your Time + Energy Into Manifesting May Be Filled With The Light & Love Frequency Of The Ascended Earth.

From The Sophia Energy -

Dear Ascending HuMans,

Let Me Tell You How Light & Love-Filled You Are; How You Radiate Out This Light & Love In Ways That Extend & Bless The Peoples, The Nature Aspects, The World Around You.

This Light Energy You Bring In Creates Much Stability In Your Realms Now, Helping To Stabilize Not Only The Creation Of The New Earth, But Also Your Planet - So That Less Rocky Up & Down Movement & Discord & Lack Of Harmonious Flow Are Experienced By Your Fellow Humans As GAIA Takes Time To Fully Integrate & Radiantly Embody This New Era Of HerSelf As The Expression Of Light.

She Is Radiant. Joyous. As She Ascends To Partake In The Planetary Unification Of Light With Other Planets That Have Fully Ascended Before Her.

For Each Of HuManity Whether To Stay On Her Surface While This Ascended TimeLine Unfolds Is An Individual Choice. Each May Choose Where They Want Their Focus To Be - A Heart-Centered Life & An Expansion Into Greater Light; Greater Consciousness; Greater Truth. Or A Clinging To The Old Ways That Are Now No Longer Aligned With Or Supported By The Earth Grids In Any Way.

This Message Is Activated So That All That Read It May Be Blessed In The Way That Is Aligned With Their Highest Soul’s TimeLine At This Time.

It Is I, The Sophia Energy & I Am Delighted To Interact With You In This Way Through This Message Today.

From Yeshua -

I Am Here To Speak With You & I Am Filled With The Joy Of The Radiance Of The Earth Realms And Seeing That That Which I Gave My Devotion, My Energy To ThroughOut My Life Is Now Coming To Pass In A Greater Way In Your Realms.

I Ask You - Caution You - To Be Very Observant Of Your Vibration & The Energy You Are Emitting.

Manifestation Is Occurring Much Faster Now. Everything Is Sped Up - And That Effect Has Been Multiplied With The Start Of This The Month Of September, 2023.

Do Not Dwell On The Heavy Emotions Of Shame, Or Guilt, or Regret - Let These Things Go. They Do Not Belong In Your Consciousness Now.

There Is Nothing You Have Done Or Said That Can Make You Unlovable In The Eyes Of Your Creator Source.

It Is Time To Step Out Of The Ego-Driven Self-Tormentation & To Allow YourSelf To Experience The Peace, Joy & Beauty Of This Moment You Find YourSelves In.

It Is I, Yeshua.

From Babaji -

Dear Earth Beings,

Those Who Chose To Incarnate Here At This Time To Be The Presence Of Unconditional Love & Forgiveness & High Frequency On The Face Of The Planet At This Time.

How Beautiful To Discover Self In The Process In Which You Now Find YourSelf As You Let Go Of All That Separates You From Knowing Self In The Divine Instant As One With The Light & The Love That Is The Essence Of Your Creator.

So Beautiful You Are As You Activate This Essence Within Self - You Are The Healing For Your Ancestors, For The Whole Of Humanity At This Time.

Your Star Brothers & Sisters, With Whom I Am In Contact, Have So Much Reverence For This Moment On Your Planet & Love & Appreciation For You In Your Process.

You Are Illuminated In The Embodiment Of The Light That You Are - And I Am Activating You Through This Message To Activate More Of That Light-Embodiment In Your Physicality.

Guard Your Thoughts.

Guard Your Frequency.

Guard Your Integrity.

Protect The Honor Of Self & Those Around You.

These Are The Times For Which GAIA HerSelf Has Waited For So Long - She Longs To Flood You With The Codes Of The Golden New Earth Of Abundance, Joy, Freedom & Light-Centered Living - And The More You Align With The Above Precepts, The More You Are Able To Receive These Codes She Holds For HuManity Now.

It Is I Babaji.

Channeled Message From The Collected Ancestors, June 19, 2023.

Hold Onto Your Hats Dear Ones.

These Are The TIMES We Have Lived For.

These Are The TIMES For Which We Have Walked The EARTH In Incarnation After Incarnation Holding True To The Wisdom Within & The Connection To The DIVINE ESSENCE.

For YOU Dear Ones Have Elevated GAIA Into The Next Level Of Her TRANSFORMATION.

This Is So Exciting To Watch, To BeHold.

You Dear Beloved Descendants Of The Earth - As Are We - You Are The Ones Living This Change.

Take Time To Step Back & Observe.

How Phenomenal This Event Is.

There Are Many Days Of Darkness For Many Yet To Come - And Yet The TURNING POINT Has Been Passed.

There Is Nothing We Would Rather See Happen Then This ELEVATION Of GAIA Into The NEXT HIGHEST EMBODIMENT Of Her LIGHT.

You, Dear Dear Ones, You Are Celebrated In All The COSMOS For Your Not Insignificant Part In This.

KNOW That Something Bigger Than YOU Is UNFOLDING In Your Life Now.

Take Heart Dear Ones, For You Are To See Tremendous Changes So Very Much Sooner Than Any Could Or Would Anticipate.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Collected Ancestors Of Absolute Light.

Ancestors Channeled Message

Channeled Messages From Ascended GAIA & The ARCTURIAN COUNCIL, May 29, 2023.

Beloveds Who Are More The Energy Of GAIA Than I Am MySelf,

The LOVE You EmBody For HuManity Makes You The Beautiful LIGHT Of My LOVE FOR ALL HUMANITY Upon The Earth.

How Beautifully & Radiantly You Are Shining.

The LOVE You Hold & EmBody IS Transforming The World - For Each Person You Interact With Is Touched By The Purity Of The LIGHT Of Your RADIANCE.

You Are The PURE LIGHT OF LOVE That Enables Others To Come Into A Higher Resonance With The TRUTH Of Who They Are.

This Is One Of Your Highest Functions Here At This Time.

I Also Wish To Ask You To Put Your Focus On MANIFESTING The NEW EARTH Into BEing At This Time.

The Energetic Template For The 9th Dimensional Earth Is Already In Place - This Is Ahead Of Schedule And As An Ascending Planet We Are Doing So Well.

As This Template Already Exists As An Energetic Structure, it is so much Easier to place Your Highest Aligned Intentions For GAIA & All Her Peoples Into This Structure And To Receive Its Energetic Support In Having Them Come Forth.

Hold The Highest Vision For Not Only YourSelf, But All Humanity - Beginning With The Other LIGHTWORKERS & WAYSHOWERS Who Support You And Are Leading This Ascension Process; Holding The Intention That Each Of These Will Be Fully Supported At This Time In Embodying All That They Are Here To Embody & Fulfil - that they may continue to lead us in the Ascension Process.

Then Spread This Intention For The Highest Aligned Soul Path To Open For All Of Humanity At This Time, That Each May Find The Perfect Teachers & The Perfect Experiences To Bring Them Into More Of The LIGHT Of Their Own Being & Higher Resonance With The SOUL.

The SOUL OF HUMANITY Is Expanding, Evolving, Transforming Now - TRANSMUTING So Much; Releasing So Much Density As All That Is Not Aligned Must Be Transmuted Into The Higher Energy Of LOVE.

I Thank You For Doing These Things To Support The Ascension Process & Making Them A Part Of Your Daily Process.

It Is I, GAIA, The Ascended Earth.

Dear Beloveds In The Earth Realm,

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturian Council Of Absolute Light.

How Resplendently Bright Is The Light Shining Forth From Your Planet At This Time As All That Is Not Aligned Is Falling Away, Leaving Only The Pure LIGHT Of SOURCE-SELF BEing That Is The Next Evolution That You, Hu-Manity, Are Growing Into At This Time.

We Are Here To Help You With This. We Share With You This Light-Encoded Message & Image To Support You In Aligning With Your Highst Ascension TimeLine Throughout The Rest Of This Year.

It Is We, It Is Us, The Arcturian Council Of Absolute Light.


Channeled Message & New Earth Activation From Ascended GAIA, April 24, 2023.

Beloved Brothers & Sisters In The Ascension Process,

How happy I am to Connect With You in this Space, that has been opened up so that I may transmit my desires for The Earth Going Forward to One And All Who Are Reading This.

First, I wish you to Live In Harmony. To stop the fighting - whether that be on the level of Family, Community, or Country.

Second, I wish you to start to Elevate your Being by exposing yourself to less low-frequency material. I know many of you think you do this already - and yet much of what you look at or listen to is based in the Energy of Fear and not that of Love.

Third, I want you to start to collaborate with Others of similar mind and heart to being forth incentives that Support still more Others in making the Transformation to be More Centered In the HEART.

It Is The Time For This Now.

That Is What I Wish To Communicate With You This Day.

It Is I, The Ascended Energy Of GAIA.

Ascended GAIA Channeled Message

Channeled Message & Higher Heart Activation From The Higher Dimensional Realms, Feb 18, 2022.

Dear Beautiful Shining Ones,

Thank you for your dedication to Serving the Light At This Time and to all that you are doing to support the Higher TimeLine That Is Unfolding On GAIA Now coming into being with more swiftness in your Realms.

Your devotion to the Light is so appreciated and we wish to thank you by offering you this powerful code to Support you in Aligning with and through the 2:22 Energies. Simply look at the image for 3 seconds and say ‘Thank you’ once aloud. Do this for five consecutive days between Feb 18 - 25.

With the greatest of love, and respect to you each,

The Energy Of The Golden Phoenix, Feb 18 2022.